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Posts posted by Tactical

  1. 1 hour ago, [GL] Locus said:

    I'm going to be honest DDoS threats aren't something to play around with. I've seen people say that to the wrong people and get arrested when they threaten it to big companies. I honestly believe that your only worried about it because it could affect yourself now but at the time you didn't care. 

    Major - Support. 

    ye not something to mess about with -support

  2. 3 hours ago, Lime King said:

    All players are reportable. Just because no one took your sit doesn't mean staff are above the rules. There have been Managers that have been removed from staff and plenty of other staff as well. And you said yourself you have no evidence so don't bring drama to the forums accusing people of something they allegedly did. Anyone and everyone can and will be held to the rules


  3. -support 

    I came to the sit and u demanded i warned him

    i already spoke with him and told him to put a real reason and that it wasnt abuse of the demotion system as he couldve had a reason to, i asked and he said there were multiple people saying u were breaching SOP and minging, i then told u to just hop back on, i also told hi to either ask a command to watch you or come talk to me if he needs to, if im honest this is a very petty report and there should be really no reason this was posted as i already spoke and dealt with him.

  4. 2 hours ago, Andre Lawrence said:


    - There was 2 people around "Slimothus Jimmothus" (Excluding "POL President iZz" and "POL MBR DarkZz") but only 1 of them had the same family name.

    - The player who had the same family name stayed in a vehicle during the encounter therefore "Slimothus Jimmothus" was under Fear RP.

    - During a kidnapping, you MUST stand still while another player attempting to restrain you. As "Slimothus Jimmothus" did not do so.

    - Clear evidence of "Slimothus Jimmothus" breaking Fear RP.

    reasons above

  5. 8 hours ago, Nao said:


    You know damn well you killed me because you put that KOS sign behind me, it was just a convenient excuse to use your poorly worded KOS sign. 
    If you really did want to kill me for the original "KOS on property" it wouldn't make sense to put up another KOS sign at the fence and then kill me, you would've just killed me for entering the "property" wouldn't you? Your excuse doesn't make sense, just accept the warn.

    Also you missed the part where your KOS signs must be clear and concise. You did not specify what your property was and as Corky said any reasonable person would assume you mean inside your actual base. 

    gonna have to agree here 

  6. 7 hours ago, James_ said:

    +Support  for Chrotix he obviously prop minged.


    but -support for quaked he did nothing wrong

    i will say the same as the other report how is this fair they both prop minged both should be punished the same

    +support from me

  7. 7 hours ago, James_ said:

    +Support  for Chrotix he obviously prop minged.


    but -support for quaked he did nothing wrong

    hows that fair at all they both prop minged so both should be punished the same 

    +support from me

  8. nooooooooooooooo man My brixton brother, i will miss you a lot man, we have had some great times in gaminglight man, but i WILL SEE YOU ON THE FORUMS.

    always free to message me about anything man best of luck to you JORDAN ❤️❤️❤️ 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, MiniEpic said:


    Let me say some things,

    First off you shouldn't even be adverting on Staff for police to have time limit to raid something, they can sit there as long as they want until they are all dead. Also that rule is for criminals not government if you have read that rule.

    Second off, you shouldn't be intervening with something has relations with your family members. This is in the staff handbook as stated, you can read it for yourself if you would like.

    I don't know where you got this from but if this was rule then money silos wouldn't be thing, also i have seen a police raid take 2 hours without staff intervening. 

    Third off,  Just to quote something from SMT that was said "The staff job is used to make sure people are not breaking the rules/taking sits, you shouldn't be interacting with players while on the staff job, lets not interrupt RP."

    You should have just brought him to a roof and explained what was going on expect for adverting and speaking infront of 3 players a raid.


    Thank you for understanding, have great night.

    Also since when was "im gonna report you" player diss i have had people say to me im gonna report you and its defo not player diss, player diss is a direct harmful sentence towards someone to hurt there feelings or to be a generally hostile

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