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MrSato last won the day on January 8

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About MrSato

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  1. Well, it’s been quite a journey over these many years. I began here as a teenager, playing on the server, and those days now feel like a distant memory. Throughout my time here, I've had countless experiences that I will cherish forever. I've made genuine friendships, and now it's time for me to move on. Regrettably, I won't be pinging everyone individually, as the list would be pages long due to the many strong connections I've formed. Every encounter has been valuable and has helped shape me into the person I am today. This resignation marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I've graduated from college and have transitioned into a full-time position. The demands of this job have been immense, and the stress of managing an entire department has made it difficult for me to give my best to SRT. I felt I was letting the team down by not being able to contribute more. It has truly been a pleasure working with all of you, even those who have long since resigned and may not see this post. Though I initially said I wouldn't do any pings, I want to give a special shoutout to some particularly meaningful people from the past and present: Yobo, Hooplah, Tigersden, Corky, Matthew, Kitty, Elapin, Mockingbird, Herrman, Ganta, Masterson, Tactical, Andre, Scout, Russtime, and all current SRT members. Thank you all. -SRT Commander Sato 1K95 (Joined SRT 4/26/22)
  2. +Support Honorable man fit for the job, no other has risen to the level that this man has.
  3. Well, it’s been quite a journey over these many years. I began here as a teenager, playing on the server, and those days now feel like a distant memory. Throughout my time here, I've had countless experiences that I will cherish forever. I've made genuine friendships, and now it's time for me to move on. Regrettably, I won't be pinging everyone individually, as the list would be pages long due to the many strong connections I've formed. Every encounter has been valuable and has helped shape me into the person I am today. This resignation marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I've graduated from college and have transitioned into a full-time position. The demands of this job have been immense, and the stress of managing an entire department has made it difficult for me to give my best. It has truly been a pleasure working with all of you, even those who have long since resigned and may not see this post. -Trooper CPT Sato 1H03 (Joined State 4/27/22)
  4. Well, it’s been quite a journey over these many years. I began here as a teenager, playing on the server, and those days now feel like a distant memory. Throughout my time here, I've had countless experiences that I will cherish forever. I've made genuine friendships, and now it's time for me to move on. Regrettably, I won't be pinging everyone individually, as the list would be pages long due to the many strong connections I've formed. Every encounter has been valuable and has helped shape me into the person I am today. This resignation marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I've graduated from college and have transitioned into a full-time position. It has truly been a pleasure working with all of you, even those who have long since resigned and may not see this post. -PD COL Sato 1L95 (Joined PD 8/22/18)
  5. Sad to see you go buddy o7
  6. Oh man, sad to see you go. Keep in touch.
  7. SRT Accepted / Denied Applications If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command! Jammer: Great application, looking forward to having you aboard. If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (3/28/24) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people! Please wait until 3/21/2024 to apply for S.R.T again!  If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to High Command regarding the issue. - SRT Commander Sato 1K95 - SRT Major Russtime 1X33
  8. +Support Very helpful with SRT Great mindset Charismatic and capable leader
  9. Steam Name: MrSato Ingame Name: Sato SteamID: 76561198272622898 Ban Length: 1 Week Admin that Banned you: Console Reason for Ban: Racism Dispute: Console automatically banned me for referring to a "pachinko board", which has the slur in it. The context is EHC was having a discussion in gmod about what to do while people are waiting. Pachinko is a known japanese arcade game. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachinko
  10. o7 Much respect to you, you're always welcomed back.
  11. Rank You are Applying For: Assistant Chief of Police In-Game Name: Sato SteamID: 76561198272622898 Current Rank: PD Colonel How long have you been in your current rank?: 1 year, 4 months and 3 days. (70 Weeks) What timezone are you in?: CST How many Warns do you have?: 2 https://prnt.sc/SqvPBF0OR2MA Permission: Commissioner MiniEpic Why should you be promoted (251 words Minimum): I am applying for the position of Assistant Chief of Police because I have a strong passion and commitment for the server and the community. I have been a part of the PD for a few years, and have worked my way up in command in other departments.. I have been entrusted with leading SRT and I have been working hard to improve the department and the morale of the members. I have seen positive results in terms of numbers and engagement from my team and I want to continue this progress as Assistant Chief of Police. I understand that being in PD High Command requires a lot of time and dedication, and I am ready to take on this challenge. Even though I am a full-time college student and I have a part-time job, I still manage to spend a lot of my free time on the server, having fun and creating memorable moments with you guys. One of the qualities that I possess that makes me suitable for this position is professionalism and maturity. I always try to maintain a calm and neutral tone when interacting with other players, whether they are friendly or hostile. I respect everyone's right to have fun on the server and I enforce that by being courteous and fair. I have handled many difficult situations and individuals in my time as Command and I have learned a lot from those experiences. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  12. SRT Accepted / Denied Applications If your name is provided on the list below, congratulations! Your application was reviewed and approved by S.R.T Command! @TakotheChiefMedic: Really enjoyed your application, happy to see you onboard. @pizzalex1021: Looking forward to working with you! If you have been accepted and your name is on the list above, please contact an S.R.T Field Training Officer (FTO) for proper S.R.T training! You have 14 days (2/10/24) to be trained properly! If you do not receive training within that time frame, you will be denied and removed from S.R.T. If your name is NOT on this list, this means you, unfortunately, did not seem fit for S.R.T and your application has been denied. All applications are carefully reviewed by S.R.T Command and we will only choose the best-fit people! Please wait until 2/10/2024 to apply for S.R.T again!  If you have any further questions as to why you are denied, you may come speak to High Command regarding the issue. - SRT Commander Sato 1K95 - SRT Major Russtime 1X33
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