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Posts posted by DumpTruck

  1. 3 minutes ago, Kieran ♡ said:

    -Support ;

    SCP-7598 is a level `100+` Job that only responds to Delta+ Command and in my opinion is heavily underplayed, having these made to have a reasonable flag on requirement would mean that we would need a NEW level 100 job that is free to play. 

    Since that job got introduced, I rarely see a 7598 w/o a certain amount of Chaos anyway. If you have such a issue with the SCP, just kill it, its a big target with a big hitbox that can be micro'd. It isn't that hard. I've not seen anyone complain apart from today. That's all.

    Extra Notes:

    Please consider all options before actually making suggestions about other branches, especially ones you aren't in, Also make sure to speak to their Command/HCMD as well just to get all sides of the spectrum just to go against any possible toxicity, Thanks.



  2. Grade: / 100


    Lore: /75


    Creativity: /75


    Presentation: /  75


    Writing: / 50
    Notes:  great Creativity on 035s blood that what it touches get's destroyed and usefulness that it can break electricals and etc
    writing readable no major grammar errors the lore on 035 was that blood of it decays stuff meets expectations and is great  
    overall it  is really good keep up the good work.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, PryingTree said:




    6 hours ago, Chief_ said:

    This player has been banned a total of 4 times. 

    1 from SCP-RP for the current Ban. 

    1 from Imperial RP for Racisim | NITRP | Homophobia | False Sits 

    1 from CWRP for Racisim | NITRP | Homophobia | False Sits 

    1 from SCP-RP from me for NITRP|RDM in a sit | RDMx2 | ARDMx4 | Adverting as a d-class


    This is this the players first attempt to appeal this ban. After this he will have 2 more chances to appeal the ban. 


  4. 9 minutes ago, MazuzaM said:

    - Coldsilvers cannot be healed by Medical due being Robots, so redacted to L3 Personel
    - All Special Forces can only heal other SF Units or HCMD
    - Healing and giving support is Bio Engineers and E4 Trauma job

    This suggestion will not help to improve medical activity, it will just give CI and MTF disadvantages


  5. Just now, Tydrix Weeb said:


    The feel for snipers is WAY Better than it was before

    Snipers before used to take 7 shots to kill one person even if they are all headshots

    Snipers now take 1-4 shots depending who your fighting and its so much better than it used to be

    I believe right now we wait until the combat update happens where all of the weapons damage gets updated and maybe than we can come back to this topic and look at this


  6. On 3/21/2022 at 7:39 AM, Diz said:

    Massive + Support


    Really damn active

    Likes to help new mods and Admins as well

    Has been a member of the community for a long time

    Fit for JMT

    Would be great to have a JMT member during the off hours


    Legit Piller v.2


    Best of luck!


  7. On 3/17/2022 at 2:06 AM, stitch said:


    Even if it's going to get removed in the future I would like to see this model on the server. The downside would be taking up space -Workshop space- for potentially adding more additions to the server.


  8. 11 hours ago, PryingTree said:


    I have never seen you on before, I am not doubting you are active or not but I have never seen or heard you. 
    Your' scenario questions are lackluster, you were also only suppose to chose 2 questions not all of them.
    Not only that but spelling is not that good no offense, "specifac" "Get them to all stop talking and HERE everybodys story" 
    question three is not that well thought out, why would you give a person who MRDMed a month ban?
    You do seem you have a lot of experience from what you said but in these questions and the way you followed the format it does not look like it.
    You did not even add a poll.


    This post is not suppose to belittle you or offend you, it was just to give my generalized opinion of this post.


  9. 16 hours ago, Piller said:

    Not every MTF job (or even MOST) have 200/200 or the best guns on the server, yet have a 3 minute NLR. Additionally, you guys spawn right next to D-Block, so that's super unfair for d-class.




    Name- Dumptruck
    Steam ID-  STEAM_0:0:581225649
    Discord Name- Dumptruck#5374

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)- CI SM CI RnD Archivist 

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, ect)- No strikes that i can remember nor bans20220317130403_1.thumb.jpg.12ada503137bb7faa247a66839887ca0.jpg

    Why do you want to join Delta-5? I want to join delta 5 is because i really want to try out Delta 5 i feel like i could fit in Delta 5  and i really like the weapons too.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? what sets me apart of others is i have command experience like ex senior command in maintenance CI 2LT  and CI RnD  Archivist i step down from my command spot in cI to focus more of my time in CI RnD. But i  wanna see how far i make it and make new friends in delta 5 

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?  Yes i do promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values 

    If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!

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