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Posts posted by DumpTruck

  1. 29 minutes ago, Cosmic The Italian said:

    +Support (only for a knockback nerf)

    As much as the damage reduction might be op I feel like it makes up for having to legit rush in at someone. What I do think is kinda busted is the knockback, can't tell in the clip since you were in the corner but that thing has busted knockback.

    So to end it off it's a good weapon but it should not have that much knockback

    Edit: I was just told the sword Heals you everytime you hit someone so nvm, it's either DMG reduction or the Healing, having both is kinda busted.


  2. 17 hours ago, JDWhatever said:


    Adams = cringe lord

    JK JK 

    + Support

    Adam's has always put amazing effort into research whether that be with command, RRA, or just helping run PT's on the server. He's a great guy and would be a solid SCMD

    He's still a Cringe Lord tho


  3. 26 minutes ago, Some Weeb said:

    I feel actual rp in general is viewed as "Time wasteful". GenSec purposely avoid research alot. Nobody want to bring SCPs back to their cells unless it's 682 so they can brag and try to suck up for promotions. Nobody wants to actually engage safe scps. 


    The whole server is basically combat and combat only at this point and it's getting fucking ridiculous.



    A minor change with hopefully a more immersable outcome 


  4. - support 300/100  yall got medkits you don't need more health 

    - support  on D4  voice changer not needed at all you could use Voicemod  

    -/+ support on D4 models  reason being confliction with a CI CC but the model looks pretty cool it's about time D4 get new models  

    Everything else looks solid  

  5. 16 minutes ago, Chombos said:

    Honestly, everyone deserves a second chance and the ban reason isn't as bad compared to others
    He didn't do anything that bad, pining Zeeptin may be bad but its not worse then Ruining the game for others

    He didn't spam, or Grief the server in anyway unless you count pinging Zeeptin and because it was from a long time ago,
    I believe his ban needs to be reevaluated due to the reason Stated. I doubt Zeeptin even remembers that he was pinged



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