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Posts posted by DumpTruck

  1. So where do i start for the past 2 years or so I've been here grown to meet awesome people  and the journey I've been on in this community is great to look at from a minge to a socially awkward British man  to having responsibility's of a branch i will be quiet frank I've lost my drive to play gmod and to play anymore due to work complications and other stuff too here's a list of a few legends i met and will never forgot
    @stonksman  the man the myth the man who helped me get to where i am i will miss you mate 
    @BOx Living meme 
    @Cecil Stedmena man with being too much of a badass syndrome and one of the best HCMD i've worked with too i hope you become 05 one day. 
    @Rangiatea enjoyed the chats we had  and a good manager 
    @Luxxy  [Redacted]
    @Noah Leelove hate relationship i wish you well on Police Rp 
    @Pikachu hopefully i pinged the right dude. Welcome to high command right pick from the start i think you'll do just aswell as cecil
    @Soul ;-;Tremendous Nu7 ex HCMD  i hope you go above and beyond as Site admin
    @Sixx Funny dude remember this i beat you at discord poker Awsome Ex Gensec HCMD and site admin 
    @WeissWEISS Supremecy! anyway chill dude trained me for staff for the very first time 
    @ToastyGigachad Bomber
    @EyelanderAnother gigachad 
    @Vanny Soundpad enthusiast great everything
    @Aussie GL Shrimpson
    @NeoIDDoctor phill 
    @HoovyThe joker of GL i'll miss you man 
    @Django *Hoover noises intensifies*
    @Skela TeamspeakUser  has entered you're channel
    @Alexxxxi love ud umptruck - Alexx 2022 i will to  

    If i did miss anyone I'll miss yall well then ✌ British man signing off 












    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Right Twix Bar said:

    I mean, the difference between a cloaker sitting outside and killing you and a normal MTF doing the same isn't that large. 

    And, you didn't even propose a rule to put in place.



    • Dislike 1
  3. On 7/4/2022 at 11:44 PM, Loaff said:


    0 disadvantages is far from correct.

    There is a reason it's only command that can transfer, and why it's a minimum 2 rank demotion to the transfer branch. Prior to the creation of these transfer rules, branch hopping was a common issue on the server. 

    Speaking of 2 rank demotions: this segment of the transfer rules are specifically suited to command, as a 2 rank demotion is far greater in scope in command than it is in enlisted. An E11 SM could transfer to Nu7 and only be demoted to SSGT, a *far* less impactful demotion than something like a Maintenance Manager transferring to Research and being demoted to a Research Supervisor. The former would take you 2-3 weeks to get back to your original rank, the latter would take 2 months at the minimum.

    If you're being burned out trying to get command, you're either pushing yourself far too hard or just burn out exceedingly easily. 

    Transferring is not a light transaction, certainly not light enough to be accessible to NCO's. Transferring should take effort. It should stay with command.


  4. 9 hours ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:

    Use snicker next time. 

    Also provide full context. What was the sentence you used it for? (Can anyone provide logs?)

    -Support (logs provided)



  5. 1 hour ago, K I W I said:

    Literally move in a pack of more than just yourself (Which you should be doing on the regular) and 8286 is useless and garbage. Atop of that 8286 get's meta gamed all the way to the grave and has a literal 50/50 of getting found out just by checking ID. As for the 6 Minute NLR it to allow 8286 to move about and do their SCP thing without the duplicate coming out of spawn in 2-3 minutes and instantly getting called out. Also it's an SCP, it's supposed to be unfair like every other SCP


  6. 9 hours ago, Cuz L0g1c said:

     + SUPPORT 

    They would most likely have to create their own custom SCP breaching system that has internal timers and restrictions to the point where staff is no longer needed. The way self breaching is done right now is kinda crappy, honestly it would be nice to see a complete overhaul on how SCPs are played and this would also make it more of an SCP server rather than a TDM.

    - Integrated section inside of the F4 menu that displayed self breaching timers. This will show the current time on SCPs NLR and current self breach time if they have started the self breaching sequence. Self breaching can be activated in this menu as well.
    - Automated notifications in chat. This will automatically display the status of SCPs containment by the system saying prewritten lines in the chat for site personnel to see. For example "SCP-682 has started scraping on the containment walls!" and "Please be advised, SCP-682 has broken containment!"
    - XP per time out of containment and kill streak. SCPs that do not require containment will have altered XP rewards.
    - System automatically opens containment and secured doors when timers are over. The doors should be able to be closed by staff in the F4 menu system or some other system (only the staff jobs can use this). Once the doors are closed the timer recycles and the process repeats. 


  7. 1 hour ago, K I W W I said:

    Not knowing the rules or being naïve to certain rules doesn't allow you to not be warned, it's really up to the discretion of the staff taking the sit if they wish to give you a verbal or formal, however D5's SOP specifically states each and every re-containment procedure for all SCP's so you should of known better Scotched.


  8. 20 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    Alternate suggestion. You are given a trial with R&D jobs ONLY. Once that has held for a significant period of time, then progression to the remaining jobs can appealed. I think this is a easy compromise to at least allow you a chance to grow. Also in consideration your last appeal was a week ago, way too short to try again.

    If you can accept that (and if it's possible to do SMT side), you have my +Support


  9. On 6/20/2022 at 1:21 AM, Nydekore said:


    6 warns for exploiting in total. 3 prior bans. You've got to learn at some point, maybe this month will be a wake up call.


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