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Posts posted by Boesermaster

  1. 11 hours ago, Ein said:

    The issue of lag isn't the server host, it's the 800 unused custom classes that have several hundred dollar "OOC" playermodels such as Eta-10 having a literal fucking anime girl with jiggle physics. And instead of removing unused CC's, because Gaminglight is a business, they auction off these CC's (and yet somehow 80% of these CC's I still have NEVER seen on the server in over a year of playing). Some of these models literally have missing textures.

    Honestly I think they just need to put these unused CC's into some sort of archive and if the owner comes back and complains about it then they can just add the CC back to the server. (Although I have no clue how Gaminglight adds CC's, so maybe this just isn't possible)

    Yeah the problem with all the CCs that at this point, most of them are an anominous blob, Becuse most of them are super similar to each other, and after a few days you can’t tell which CC you saw. And which you didn’t. So when one CC comes online, it’s like 3 or 5 came online. So and when now the wrong CC is removed due to inactivity even when wrongful, the Owner has to pay to get it reactivated and get its stuff back, which cost him money. 

  2. NameOfWhatIsBeingSuggested”

    What are you suggesting? -  Increase the Size on the fields SCP and Maintenance need to aim at to repair doors. 

    How would this change better the server? - Would make breaking and repairing doors a lot easier Becuse as of current it’s an very small part of the keycard pet.  

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No, since the faster repairing would Channel out the faster breaking 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Maint. And SCPs 

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - No 

  3. 5 hours ago, ZeferGaming said:

    + support 

    Please we need some new SCPs to test on 

    Message by the newly made Researcher 

    I agree, but I don’t think this one will be added since it is an OC created SCP by another Gmod community. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Ayaya said:

    Big -Support here. I feel this will just lead to SCP’s being overpowered. Scp’s like 682 or 035 can just walk into group of people. And click one button. I’d much rather the hit reg be fixed rather then just “insta kill zone” in addition. Certain scps have rules on who they can kill. And having an Aoe could make them kill people they didnt mean too

    The aoe can be very small , like just all in front of him. And a bit in front of it. So that it still only hits 1 person but yet no can’t evade it with jumping or crouching where ever you are. 


    What are you suggesting? -  Making all SCPs Sweps deal aoe damage , so you can’t crouch jump to evade them when you are in there face 

    How would this change better the server? - Would make SCPs more of a thread since you no longer can crouch jump spam to evade there hits. 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - SCPs would be harder to contain 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCPs and everyone wanting a challenge fighting them. 

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - None 

  6. 3 hours ago, Rex Velvet said:

    In regards to the issue of dclass rarely being available, many new players become discouraged by the current state of dblock and getting killed on the elevator or in upper when on partial (which is often) (they seem to be the most likely canidates for feedings since they are new and curious to what they can do on the server). To remedy this, I suggest that you look into the current suggestion regarding a revamping of dblock and give your own opinion if you have not already done so. 


    This seems to be an issue with quite a few scps and it is imperative to look into all scps individually to determine what buffs need to be given due to how easily most of them can just get melted by custom weapons such as volks. While these weapons are fun to use, it really diminishes any threat of scps who are breached. SCP breaches should be concerning and not something that can be shrugged off by a hand full of ppl with OP guns (reference link given by Dagger https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/PH4H8fBjXm5Ky/d1337tMW1IOY?invite=cr-MSw4MmgsMTk1MDg4Mjks) In addition to this I would also be AGAINST any form of map changes that makes it harder for scps to breach, as the solution SHOULD be player oriented. I cant speak to necessarily how this could be done, but it should be the foundation with which a solution is presented.


    +Support All SCPs need to be looked at on an individual basis to determine what needs to be done for them to make it viable in pvp against MTF who have access to these exclusive guns that negate any real threat of SCP breaches

    A suggestion to look over all SCPs and buff them, has been accepted, and I hope changes come soon. Becuse recontaining is much easier then maintaining currently. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Ayaya said:

    Don't be discouraged, suggestions are very hit and miss. Sometimes you post some good ones sometimes you post some bad ones. The important thing is to keep at it and not let other people scare you into not posting anything anymore.
    "If you have an idea, that you genuinely think is good. Don't let some idiot talk you out of it"

    Thanks for the words ! I will keep them in mind 🙂 I will definitely throw more suggestiond out 🙂 

  8. 11 hours ago, Some Weeb said:

    +Support (kinda)


    I used to think you were actually brain dead n shit but tbh you ain't that bad. You have values and I don't rlly hear you every breaking them. You are loyal to the staff team and I think a chance to experience levels of Managment within the staff team are warranted.


    However as much as I think words don't matter as much as action... this application is exceedingly short.  I ain't saying you need a Ted talk but I mean bare minimum don't look too good.


    Good luck dummy fix your app! 

    Thanks for the feedback ! I improved my application accordingly, I taught making it shorth would make it cool.

    • Like 1
  9. What is your in-game name?: Spray

    What is your steam name?: [GL] Bösermaster

    What is your steam ID?:  76561198023654751

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): Bösermaster#9156

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I was a staff Member for a bit over 2 years in another Community

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 01.12.2021

    What date did you make your forums account? 27.11.2020

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? 1

    (I am somehow unable to put here a screenshot

    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) Platinum

    Are you a staff member in another community? No

    Have you read the staff handbook? Yes

    Timezone: CEST

    What rank are you applying for? Semior Admin

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I think I deserve this Rank, since I have been a staff Member for now over 9 Months, and have been since becoming an Admin, helped many Staff Members, with learning how to become a Good Staff Members, and have come online Many Times, to help out on the Server when something went wrong with the Server as example, the Time all Spawn Points had to be Reset. I regularly, answer Questions, of Staff Members, on what to do. Both in discord and in game and give my Opinion on them, for the Meetings. I would think, that I am a well-Known Staff Member, and have yet to cause, anyone a Negative experience with me, if it is Staff Related. Also, I have 3 Years, of experience under my Belt in Stuffing, Sits are quickly done, with a satisfying Conclusion for everyone.

    As a Senior Admin, I could be even more Directly involved with Training new Staff Members, something I really love doing. And be on my First Steps, to become even more Involved in the Decision making for the Future of the Server,

    Also, I am very Passionate for the Health of the Server, and want the Absolut best for it. And have regularly, Suggestions to Improve the branches I am in, to Improve the Experience these Players make on our Server, and would like to do it, for as long as I have the time for it, which Hopefully is a good while.

    Scenario questions:

    Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Please note, in the scenario questions we are not expecting perfect answers. We are accessing your critical thinking skills, your ability to use the staff handbook, and come to reasonable conclusions. 


    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?

    -Freeze everyone to a Place in the Sit Room. Where I can’t hear them when I walk away, then I pull one after to me, and ask them, what happened happened, and what evidence they have. After that I put them back and do the same thing to everyone else included in the sit. Till I have asked everyone what happened and for their evidence, after that, I will unfreeze everyone and then tell them the punishment if any which will be given.  And then give it, after that close the sit. 

    Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving?

    Tell, him even if he doesn’t care, he has to follow, our Rules and Regulations, which are there that everyone has and tell him where he can find them, before Banning him, or give him a Verbal warning depending on what seems to be the correct Punishment for the Situation.


  10. 5 hours ago, Chineseman said:

    Same as jolt statement unless they remove the cooldown to get thermals if they do that then they could buff all cloakers job but if they are not gonna do that is always going to be -support to all cloaker job specially for 2191 plus remember to look back on the sugestions to nerf 2191 i highly doubt they are goona buff him again just having months later asking for a nerf 2191 and the history it's just gonna repeat tbh i don't see the point people mention to buff 2191 he is already good in this state

    Yeah, but we got better weapons + 0,25 Damage Multiplier, which is a lot, 2191, can be killed quite easily while he eats someone now.

  11. On 1/11/2023 at 8:55 PM, Ayaya said:

    Personal opinions here

    Strongly against, big no no:

    2191 is already strong enough with a healing and cloaking mechanic.

    076 is fast and speedy, too big of an HP buff in my opinion

    049-2 this can quickly get out of hand with a zombie army.

    Plausible but some adjustments might be needed
    682: 200 health on kill and 9k hp is a bit much. I like the 50 armour idea I just worry about off hours and them becoming unkillable. Maybe an armour cap.

    939: Me likey, but maybe 4.5. Thems quick boys so not too much

    098: These little shits are small and fast. you will not like a 1.3k thing being launched at you. Ditch the armour and maybe switch to 950hp. though preferred would be 800-850

    5208: Strength in numbers is no joke. Maybe 500-150.

    Me like

    354: Insanely big target, one firing line can shred them. Wouldn't mind seeing even more of an HP buff

    You should consider: 2191 regeneration isn’t that good anymore. And he starts at 400 if we adjust with 600 hp. 

    Nu7 average weapon,   deals over 2000 damage in a single Magazin. With plenty of space to run away from him and cut him of with Doors. 

    These SCPs aren’t adjusted to that, they are still in a time where the average of a gun was around 570 in a single Magazin (if I didn’t do the math wrong ) 

  12. 13 hours ago, Ayaya said:

    Personal opinions here

    Strongly against, big no no:

    2191 is already strong enough with a healing and cloaking mechanic.

    076 is fast and speedy, too big of an HP buff in my opinion

    049-2 this can quickly get out of hand with a zombie army.

    Plausible but some adjustments might be needed
    682: 200 health on kill and 9k hp is a bit much. I like the 50 armour idea I just worry about off hours and them becoming unkillable. Maybe an armour cap.

    939: Me likey, but maybe 4.5. Thems quick boys so not too much

    098: These little shits are small and fast. you will not like a 1.3k thing being launched at you. Ditch the armour and maybe switch to 950hp. though preferred would be 800-850

    5208: Strength in numbers is no joke. Maybe 500-150.

    Me like

    354: Insanely big target, one firing line can shred them. Wouldn't mind seeing even more of an HP buff

    682 isn’t to crazy, considering even if he rubs towards you, and you shoot everything into him, you will have at least dealt around 500 damage into him, that is not considering all the other people shooting him when he is being engaged by a group. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Ardo said:

    the vampire scp is actually that weak once you got thermals and i only played him for two times and immediately died cause MTFs have thermals 24/7. and he starts off with 400 hp not 600. guns have knockback so you can easily escape the vampire

    +support on some scps like 682, 939
    Note on 682: you are not guaranteed to heal because its janky
    Note on 939: 939 suffers bad hitbox reg very very bad you cannot kill anyone so I recommend buffing its attack speed. I'm never touching scp 939 ever again because of it.

    but on some make it
    2191 >> 800 hp (trust me he is extremely weak at the start. only gets strong over time)
    076 >> 5000 hp
    098 >> 800 hp
    5208-GL >> 500 HP or 400 hp with better gun (A D-class with honey badger is enough to kill one soldier)
    049-2 possibly range buffs. 1000 hp is too much
    354-4 already have hp buffed
    I wanna add additional buff on
    1265-A range buff cause you literally have to kiss people to hit them (extremely short range). the speed doesn't compensate in anyway.

    Here is my opinion why all scps are weak. they are only strong during dead hours.

    - Guns have knockbacks. strong against melee SCPs
    - MTFs comes in groups, you will suffer a significant damage
    - MTFs have Speed, HP and Armor boost they can pay
    - MTFs have CCs
    - It doesn't matter if an scp can instakill. the bad hitbox reg will save you
    - I like how MTFs doesn't even realize how easy they can RCed scps and most people just want CIs vs MTFs and MTFs vs D class rp.
    - E-11 just lowers your health and then tranqs you and then finishes you off at 4000 hp or 2000 hp with etherial. since you cant kill them anymore once you are tranq. also softlocks your game if you died while tranq
    - Crouch jump will cheese most scps cause the hitbox reg will not register most of the time
    - Doors. strong enough to stop most scps. people leave every single door open always.
    - Scps cannot team anyway so they have to deal with 3 branches of MTFs all at once (4 if Gensecs is in lcz). I swear there's not a single day they would not complain
    - Etherial one shots most scps so. there was once foundation called a ragnarok but E-11 already RCed them lol so it was a pointless ragnarok
    - Mass breach event except MTFs speedrun it

    I just wanna say you can cheese scp 106 by doing cl_showpos 1 on console and going to 177y. please change that.

    You literally cannot play scp without try harding. its not fun but hey at least you last for another minute before dying

    I agree with you there, i went with the Bigger Hp Buffs, becuse the Avergage Damage from a MTF is currently 1000 with one Mag, if he hits all of them, which is why i think they need the Bigger Health Pools to compensate for all the Damge they get hit with once they get out of there CCs. And all the exploits MTF have to there Disposal to evade get hit by the SCPs.

  14. What are you suggesting? - Changing the Way SCP adverts work, instead of adverting every 5 minutes, adverting should be changed to every 10 Minutes or only 1 when the SCP starts needing his Maintainment

    How would this change better the server? - Would it make harder to Predict when and where an SCP Breaches. And would make them more Scarwyw

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Might lead to more Breaches and more Player Deaths on the Server ? If this is even an Disadvantage

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCPS

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -


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