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  1. -Support Already warned in game Sure he is being toxic, but what he did doesn't warrant a ban, much less a perm ban this is irrelevant, he was banned for playing music, which was apparently racist on scp, but is fine on police rp Not sure what the players time on the server has to do with anything, there is a 40 warn limit for a reason Just seems like you want him banned because you dislike him, not because of what he did
  2. +Support Just because someone breaks a rule, doesn't mean they should always be warned for it, especially a new player He clearly didn't mean anything by it, it was just a greeting to a friend It's not like it was in OOC, it was in pms, I don't know why some staff gotta be browsing through people's pms
  3. +support lmao how he get that far without being banned
  4. +support active and low warns
  5. -support The car was not on the CC and you did not pay for it, so you can't spawn it, that is a good reason matthew was not manager at the time (or maybe he was if this is old) so he cant give you permission to use it, even if he was, how was raze supposed to know that still could of been handled differently
  6. +support dissing someone (especially in character) should not result in a perm ban if dissing resulted in a perm ban then half the server would be gone and for those acting like dissing a player and smt is the same thing, they're not give the man a chance
  7. -support, idk why me and zero are being reported we were inside the bank the entire time, I was inside the bank and someone says gov is outside, so I advert for them to leave here is proof that i was inside the bank and was not relaying information from the outside
  8. True, but the warning admin (Vice) said the warn should be removed and the rule should be added to motd
  9. even if it was failrp, its not like i had a bunch of printers, I spawned one, then deleted it to check the rules to make sure its allowed. also the warning admin (Vice) said my warn should be removed the way I see it, I took the initiative to delete my printer and go read the MOTD to see if it's allowed, instead of just leaving it there, I don't see how I get warned for that
  10. I still shouldn't be warned for it, i spawned it, then had second thoughts so i deleted it to check the rules, it is just a misunderstanding because it used to be a written rule, but its not there anymore
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