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Posts posted by Abu


    On 1/31/2021 at 12:40 AM, Parry said:

    + Support

    - Active In-Game and on Forums

    - Can be mature when needed

    - Knows the MOTD

    - Good app

    - Is very nice and understanding person

    - Responsible

    tEDDY has shown time and time again to be a reliable staff member and that he deserves to be more!

    Good Luck tEDDY! 


  2. 12 hours ago, tEDDY34 said:


    This is obviously a false warn, sometimes people are invisible to ems so calling a sit would be appropriate in situations like these so that they don't stay dead for an extended amount of time. He also mentioned that he was rushed due to training and I can understand that, I don't know why hammy pushed for a warn and even disobeyed an admins order to not warn him.

    He was warned for "evading a staff shit" which is an obvious typo (happens) but he was the one who made the report and once revived wanted to get back to roleplay so it isn't evading. I honestly think that the warning was issued maliciously because I know that Prada and hammy don't get along.


  3. 1 minute ago, MiniEpic said:


    From all -Supports he did say Lying to staff to so you did lie to staff and you still broke that rule.

    Also i do not know but this does not look like staff rule breaking looks more like a Player Report...


    How did he lie to staff? Will said if we fixed the base to the requirements he approves of it, and we fixed it, so saying that Will approved the base is not a lie, and Zerg did approve of the base, he just didn't notice the roof. 

  4. -support

    Will reviewed it and declared that it wasn't a failbase, the night before Will reviewed a different base we had, and he told us to remove it or change it because it was too high, he said it would be ok if we changed it to under the tube1x1x8, so Will approved of it as long as we fixed it, which we did.

    We asked Zerg if the base was fail, and he said it was ok. When Zerg came there was a ramp there, but that was only for building so I removed it after, just a simple misunderstanding, so no one lied.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, [GL] pizza said:
    25 minutes ago, [GL] pizza said:


    “oH aDmiN hE cAlLeD mE a CloWn, tHatS dIsS!!1!!!!!!!11!!!!1! You just proved that you’re a hypocrite and bias, the fact that you would support a warn against me for diss, but not someone else for the same reason, and then do it yourself, lmao.

  6. 2 hours ago, Pvp_Savage6767 said:

    Makes sense. I would have warned you too for staff diss

    It seems serious to me. -support. Your warn is valid. You should be lucky that king didn’t get an admin+ to warn and ban you for staff diss | “Calling a staff member racist”


    Let’s say maybe a week or so in the future, and I report someone for disrespect (no matter how minor it is or even if its a joke) Assuming your not bias you would still take my side, you would still agree with me? Somehow I don’t believe that.

  7. As I said multiple times, I said "come on mans that's racist" didn't even direct it at him, like look, if your seriously offended by that, I'm sorry? but you were there and you know it was not serious, it wasn't an insult, you just warned me because you wanted to, and even if it was serious, you can't handle criticism? By that logic literally saying anything is disrespect, giving criticism, calling someone out, and even calling them a poopy head are all forms of "Disrespect" by your logic.

    shit... the next time I get called stinky, I will say it's disrespect and be sure to report for player diss 🙂.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, [PoliceRP]King said:

    I responded to a staff call he asked me if he could base at this place I said no it was on a roof I took him down and he said you a racist and it kinda offended me and I warned him for staff Diss and he went in chat saying how I warned him

    To be honest it hurt when he called me a racist


    I meant no disrespect man, sorry if I offended you, I thought by the tone of my voice it was clear that I was not at all serious about it.

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  9. Your In-game: Abu bin Qassim Assad

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85489413


    The admin's name in-game: King


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): King


    What warning did you receive: Staff dis


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): image.png.f5a5660028cba98673b17e30a1e3bdaa.png


    Why do you think this warn was false: I called staff to ask a simple question (I asked if I was allowed to base in that location) and without answering my question King throws me to the ground and I said something along the lines of "man... that's racist", how is this disrespectful at all, I did not even say it in a disrespectful tone of voice, it wasn't even directed at the staff, I was calling his actions racist, even if I did direct it at him, still wouldn't be disrespect, 100% percent of the time, if you criticize the job the staff is doing, they don't warn you, they tell you to make a report,  so why am I warned for calling a staff's actions racist? 

    Player diss and staff diss are the same thing, except one is for staff and one isn't, if I call a player's actions racist or them racist, I would not be warned, I would be told to make a report


    Any extra information: Typically people get warned for player diss and staff diss for harassing/bullying people or constantly disrespecting after verbal warnings, I have never seen someone get warned (verbal or formal) for something like this

    I feel like certain staff have been finding any reason to get me warned lately, this is getting ridiculous, I have been getting warned for the stupidest reasons, like this makes zero sense, even if it is disrespect (which it isn't) I should have at least received a verbal warning first. I been trying to carefully follow the rules and not get warned lately, but it's impossible when I get warned for stuff like this

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  10. 6 minutes ago, Lime King said:

    Because i disagree with what he is saying? I'm only downvoting his replies to his warn appeals. I don't see the issue 

    idk why you gotta lie about the situation, spewing your nonsense about how I "constantly steal gov cars all the time", you want to accuse me of something? You better have proof to back it up.

  11. 13 minutes ago, DarkN said:

    The point is that you where warned for failRP. According to what you have admitted to, you have done FailRP. No matter what you say, the warn clearly only says FailRP.

    Don't try to change the reason for the warn, I am appealing a specific warning,  I am appealing the warning  I received for switching jobs, and nothing else, I was not warned for the kidnapping situation, for that I was given a verbal warning, don't lie and say I was warned for a different reason, you can't just change the warn reason after I make an appeal to make it worse for me.

    And quit trying to make the warn sound so vague "the warn clearly only says FailRP." You know why you warned me for and you can't change it now, that is not how warns work on this server, when you get warned it is for a specific thing.

  12. 18 hours ago, Chip&Dail said:

     After that I proceeded to tell him to not do that as it is FailRP. Moving on Police released him even though he did break FailRP and he switched jobs to not walk to spawn even though I wanted to cuff him again to continue the situatuation. As he broke FailRP again after being told not to, he got  warned.

    You said it yourself I wasn't warned for calling 911, for that I received a verbal warning, the reason I was warned was for switching jobs, during that time I was uncuffed, nowhere near you, not involved in any rp, you had already had me kidnapped for  20+ minutes, and you couldn't kidnap me again because there is a 30 minute cooldown for same person. So the RP was over, you couldn't "continue the situation" so I went on my way. 

    I just thought I should clarify the warn I am appealing and the reason I actually got warned, the warning was for switching jobs.

  13. "Use Common Sense! Act like it is real life. If you wouldn't do something in real life, don't do it here!" 4th line of the rules, in real life doing what I did would be the best option, it's common sense that if my comms are taken, I could regain comms at a store.


  14. 1 minute ago, SupremeChow said:


    don't use comms if they are smashed 

    for future reference, how am  I suppose to rp that situation, I escaped my captor, and I find my way to a gen store, am I suppose to just walk back to spawn from cafe when restrained? irl if I escaped to a store I could just get the cashier to call 911 or just dial 911 myself, what other options would I have to get help, click "rob store" to get the cops to come? that too would be failrp, I did what I thought was the best option

  15. 11 hours ago, Lime King said:


    You are restrained and when you are kidnapped you cannot do anything that the hostage taker did not otherwise say. There is nothing you can do in game while restrained, Per the MOTD you cannot call 911 while kidnapped under any situation

    true, but to be fair it had been like 20 minutes restrained (dont remember the exact time of the kidnap because i was afk) so instead of just calling a staff to be free, I thought I would rp it, in an rp situation the rule you are referring to does not apply, It would apply if I was under fearrp and had no comms, but i was alone and had comms.

  16. 7 minutes ago, DarkN said:

    You cant appeal every warn you get and accuse people in the comments . We have had problems with you before and i have seen you take a marked unit when I was off staff.

    that is just simply not true, the last time i stole a marked police car was when i firsted played the server, i dont appeal every warn, i appealed 2, which were false and many people agree with me, and keep disliking my comments if it makes you feel better, i dont care about my rep. If people want to accuse me of stealing gov cars "all the time" they better have evidence to back it up if people are going to take them seriously. 

  17. I have the same issue on my other warn appeal with you, you keep changing the reason for warning me, first its this, then its that, then its something else, this just shows that you should have taken more time with the situation and actually figured out what happened, instead of just warning my instantly, I would have appreciated if you brought me into a sit.

  18. 1 hour ago, Chip&Dail said:

    Alright, Just Was the Warn appeal. I was doing RP with a Hostage as UMC and DD are in war. He was not complying with orders and the I fell down the raveene, and once I came back he decided to call 911 Even though he was cuffed and everything was stripped. After that I proceeded to tell him to not do that as it is FailRP. Moving on Police released him even though he did break FailRP and he switched jobs to not walk to spawn even though I wanted to cuff him again to continue the situatuation. As he broke FailRP again after being told not to, he got  warned. (Sorry For my Spelling) 

    This Is all I am going to Say. I am not here to agrue in this disscusion. Now it is not up to me to decide.
    Love all ChipDail ❤️ 

    I walked into a gen store and called 911, this is not a failrp, yes my comms were stripped, however, in real life a store would have a phone that I could call the cops, in addition to a person inside, if you wanted to continue the rp that would have been fine, but you didn't say anything, you ran away, and after like 1 minute of being nowhere near you in outskirts i switched jobs, also it was well over 20 minutes by the time when the police came so you couldn't continue the kidnap anyways, and you would have to wait another 30 minutes, I don't even remember when u kidnaped me because you did it when I was afk, which I think is against the rules.

    Like I said earlier, I asked multiple staff about this (up to senior admin) and they didn't know what was failrp and what wasn't, so If staff don't know then a player shouldn't be warned for it

    also, why does the story keep changing, first i was warned for switching jobs, then for not complying with fearrp when told to kill myself, then its for calling 911 in a gen store, make up your mind, if you dont know what i am being warned for than i shouldn't be warned in the first place

  19. 35 minutes ago, Chip&Dail said:

    I agree that he got out of it instantly. I warned him because he had multiple problems for the exact same issue before. If the warns do get appeald I fully understand why. The Reason I warned him is he only jumped out the police car when he was getting shot at. He then proceeded to fearRP from 2 Armed Government officials. After that he sat is his friends car and proceeded to drive away, still fearRPing. By server rules nothing states that u dont have to advert carjack even if you are in the same family. 

    About your  Comment on "Player Targeting" I have not issue with you in RP, I only do what is told in the staff handbook and you getting warned does not mean I am targeting you in any shape of form. 

    In my overall view of the situation the warn should have been (FearRP | Faliure to Advert Carjack), but he still did atempt to steal a government vehicle, and this is not the first time I have witnessed him do it. 

    That fact that you said "Lets say I was typing the carjack, I would have been dead before I finished, yet I would not have gotten warned for that." this does not excuse you to not typing it, by server rule you must and I quote "You must /advert carjack"

    As I said in that moment it did not look to me that you were doing a mistake, you ran from 2 Armed officers and proceeded to steal 2 vehicles, and when you got into the police car, even if you thought it was a civillian car you still did not type /advert Carjack

    This is all I am going to say. I am not going to argue in this disscusion so now it is not up to me.
    Love all ChipDail ❤️ 

    I still would of liked if I was brought to a sit after the incident so we could talk it over, usually that is what staff do, they don't just warn you. And to be fair, I am kos regardless when I escape the prison so in a real life scenario I would do whatever it takes to get away, and "he still did atempt to steal a government vehicle, and this is not the first time I have witnessed him do it." I never steal gov cars, not since the first days of playing the server, you are probably mistaken because i carjack cars all the time, just not gov cars, all in all, its clearly accidental and I shouldn't be warned for it.

    33 minutes ago, Lime King said:

    -you constantly steal gov cars all the time

    It would be great if you didn't slander my name, I never steal gov cars, much less "all the time", perhaps you are mistaken because i carjack non gov cars all the time.

  20. Your In-game: Abu bin Qassim Assad

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:85489413


    The admin's name in-game: Chip


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): chip


    What warning did you receive:  image.png.2f8f85ad785fb0a25dc339837e6b4751.png


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):image.png.126f0334bfdbe68cbc5f943cd9e31fbf.png


    Why do you think this warn was false: I was running from cops, got into a car that was unmarked, realized it was a cop car, got out instantly without even driving, then got into another car, which was my family members car, (accidentally hit my assist bind and carjack bind at the same time, and due to the anti spam only the assist bind went in chat), but I didn't even need to advert carjack, because it was my family members car who was in a discord call with me, and as soon as I adverted assist, the car got blown up and I got shot, not adverting is not a problem if I get killed right away. Lets say I was typing the carjack, I would have been dead before I finished, yet I would not have gotten warned for that.

    evidence of the car being my family members car (in doc parking lot): image.thumb.png.29dfa0c4fb5bbd8c79cdb518fd471bf2.png


    a picture of the car i stole, as you can see at first glance it doesn't look like a cop car, and it doesn't matter because as soon as i got in and saw the menu thing, i got out: image.thumb.png.8062f602dae564830980d822c1a12aae.png


    Any extra information: I have had a real issue with chip recently, it's obvious that he is targeting me, yesterday he warned me for switching jobs (not even during rp) a normal staff would not warn for stuff like this, regardless of previous warns. I have been trying to not get warned but it's impossible when you are getting targeted and getting warned for stuff like this.

    edit: i should also mention that this was after escaping as an inmate

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