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00 š¯““š¯“Ŗš¯“»š¯“´ 00

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Posts posted by 00 š¯““š¯“Ŗš¯“»š¯“´ 00

  1. 3 hours ago, ap3322 said:


    I asked you for aĀ clip after it happened when I was talking to Cammy and you said that your medal wasn't on so you didn't have one. We moved up multiple times per your request before the warn and you continued to tell us to move forward. The other criminals and I were asking you why we still needed to keep moving forward even though we did multiple times and we were not breaking any rules and you did not answer our questions. The situation was very stressful as you were aggressive and yelling at us the whole time while the other criminals were asking you what was wrong while I was also trying to communicate with the hostage when to move up and to you asking what was going on so it was very difficult to hear what everybody was saying.Ā Regardless, it is still taking your own sit which is not allowed.

    Edit: I forgot to mention something very important, Dark is only Admin not a Senior admin and as stated in the rule is, "Required to be on the Administration job to use any staffing powers or administrate a sit, with the exception of warning for obvious rule infractions that do not require a sit (Intentional LTAP/RDA, NLR)." It is up to whoever accepts or denies this post to interpret this but in my opinion not being close enough to the vault door during a robbery when the motd does not state a specific distance and I was within clear voice and text chat range does not fall under the off duty exception of "Obvious rule infractions that do not require a sit (Intentional LTAP/RDA, NLR)."

    Very possible that my medal wasn't on i don't remember that well this was weeks ago. And for your edit I can warn offduty as I clearly said in VC and Chat as staff come to the front or i will warn you. When the VC is going in and out that means your too far. For context, i've given 79 warns since this one I cant remember warns at 100% from 2-3 weeks ago.

  2. 10 minutes ago, [GL] Dark said:


    The Hostage taker was behind the stairs in the bank vault and I asked you multiple times to come to the door or i'll warn you and I even said "As and Admin, Out of RP, Come to the door so we can do negotiations" after you refusing to comply multiple times I warned you. After the warn was completed you came up about 2 squares from the door. If you would of moved up so we could do negotiations I wouldn't have warned you. Next time just listen to what an admin tell you when they specifically tells you that they are going to warn you if you don't.

    Also, I had a clip but I deleted it as this is a few weeksĀ old


  3. -Support

    The Hostage taker was behind the stairs in the bank vault and I asked you multiple times to come to the door or i'll warn you and I even said "As and Admin, Out of RP, Come to the door so we can do negotiations" after you refusing to comply multiple times I warned you. After the warn was completed you came up about 2 squares from the door. If you would of moved up so we could do negotiations I wouldn't have warned you. Next time just listen to what an admin tell you when they specifically tells you that they are going to warn you if you don't.

  4. On 4/20/2021 at 7:26 PM, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:

    Although it might've been a mistake. A report is a report & without evidence that it was actually a mistake, It won't be taken that way. In the future I would be way more careful with these type of things, as this looks really bad.


    You messed up man just admit it. Also, the fact that you told him that you can give it back does not help you in the slightest. All this does is make the staff team look bad.

  5. 10 hours ago, Beelzebub said:

    - Support

    You already tried to appeal this twice. Said yourself that you understood that advertising was bad. Both times you edited your original post to just say "ok" and "I understand now. Sorry for advertising." I can tell you that third time wont be the charm.

    I agree with Beelzebub. Just be happy itā€™s not a blacklist.

  6. -SupportĀ 

    - Thatā€™s FailRPĀ 

    - Read the MOTD

    - He can physgun you if youā€™re doing that as heā€™s taking the sit and heā€™s on duty

    - Staff did nothing wrong

    - Be happy that you didnā€™t get warned for it

    - Demotion is not required for that a strike is a lot more sensibleĀ 

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