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EpicSealGamer (ESG)

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Posts posted by EpicSealGamer (ESG)

  1. Lore Name: Zack

    Rank: AR

    SCP’s: 999, 294

    Question / Idea: What happens when 999 drinks liquids?

    Background Research: SCP-999 is made up

    Hypothesis: Due to being made of goo, the liquid will mix with him and the effects will be greatly increased

    Observations (What Happened During Test):

    Drink Ordered: Cider
    SCP-999 started to zoom around the room after drinking the Cider.

    Drink Ordered: Cola
    999 started to jump up and down very rapidly.

    Drink Ordered: Lemon Fanta
    999 calmed down after drinking it, possibly due to it being so sour to him.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Cause The Results): 

    When consuming drinks, the effects of the drink seem to be increased. More testing is required to see if other flavors work the same.

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes

    Notes: To avoid queasiness in 999, I first made sure the Drinks were flat. 
    Memos: Next tests should involve 999 not just for the SCPs mental health, but for mine as well.

  2. Lore Name: Zack

    Rank: AR

    SCP: 173

    Question / Idea: How much Pressure can 173 withstand?

    Background Research: Due to being made of concrete and Rebar, he should be able to survive the combined weight of the two.

    Hypothesis: 173 can withstand 20 tons of pressure.

    Observations (What Happened During Test):

    15 Tons of Pressure were applied.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Cracking was shown at the top and bottom of 173.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Cause The Results): The combined mix of Rebar and Concrete make it weaker rather than stronger.

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.

  3. Lore Name: Zack
    Rank: AR
    SCPs: 1424, 049.

    Question / Idea: Do 1424 & 049 get along well
    Background Research: SCP 1424 was given a hazmat suit fitted to his measurements. In addition, 049 was given a small bag of Dog Treats, as well as a squeaky toy.
    Hypothesis: 049 will be passive and play with 1424

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 1424 played a lot with 049, generally having a good time with him.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 1424 lied on 049s feet, as well as licking his robe. 049 gave 1424 an unknown piece of meat. 1048 proceeded to eat the meat. 1424 then proceeded to pick up a ball and play with 049. Test Concluded

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 1424 being a dog seems to enjoy spending time with the other SCPs. Further testing with more SCPs required.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Yes

    Note: At the End of the Test, 049 gave a 15th century dog toy. Further Analysis of the toy is required.

  4. Lore Name: Zack
    Rank: Associate Researcher
    SCP: 049

    Interview Log

    Q: What is your Favorite Drink?
           A: I haven't had anything besides water in a long time, but I suppose Sherry Wine.

    Q: What are your robes made of?
           A: My robes are of course made out of the finest linen cloth.

    Q: What is your opinion of the Foundation's Research Division?
    A: I have the utmost respect for the Research Team. Especially in a time like this (referring to the pandemic) the Researchers focus on saving the world while also making time to do science.

    Note: I forgot to specify initially about which specific division during the interview. His did share his opinion of the MTF stating that they are forceful and normally would be admirable but they are a tad brutish. Perhaps I may see if I can grab some wine for another interview.  Actually, nevermind. The higher ups would never allow it.

    Conclusion: SCP-049 is a SCP with class but also speaks his mind.


  5. 9/26/20
    SCP-1048 x SCP-294 Cross-Testing Log

    Drink: Cider
    SCP-1048 experienced a small sugar rush when drinking the cider.

    Drink: Cola
    SCP-1048 drew a picture of the ocean after drinking the unmarked Cola

    Drink: Chocolate

    SCP-1048 drew a smiley face after drinking the melted chocolate

    Drink: Carrot Juice
    SCP-1048 started jumping up and down, possibly another sugar rush

    Drink: Beer
    SCP-1048 drew an ugly rat after drinking the unmarked Beer

    Drink: Blood
    SCP-1048 drew a sad face and sat in the corner of the room.

    Note: SCP-1048 requested an ear in trade for cross-testing, which was given at the end of cross-testing
    Addendum: SCP-1048 seems to have a sugar rush when drinking produce based drinks, should be investigated further.

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