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The CI Zero

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Posts posted by The CI Zero

  1. 18 minutes ago, Loaff said:

    Tbh, +support

    The whole controversy on how 912 should work, who it can cuff, why it can cuff, the mechanics of its swep, the mechanics of its cuffs etc is just so tiring.

    I think we'd just be better off without it. 912 doesn't even do a good job of assisting security, the vast majority of times 912 tries to help just ends up with 912 running into gensec's fire and making what should be just a few shots into trying to aim around 912, then what to do with the cuffed d class, meanwhile 2 other d class have taken advantage of the bickering to come up and stab both of them to death.

    Then there's the part of it I'm quite passionate about and if you'll forgive my language: The dickheads who use 912's rules to just harass non-combatants and non-combatant branch's combat classes are just such a nuisance.

    Huge +Support

  2. 2 hours ago, LilThinMints said:

    literally everything but the cloak is fine wtf yall cloaking for

    -support for the Cloaking wardens. The D class already got a nerf from the d block change and cloaking wardens will be the nail on the coffin making D class borderline unplayable with medium - high security numbers on.

    +support for the rest

  3. 4 hours ago, Ya Boi Sawrunner said:

    Admittedly, I have heard worse from smt lmao. Hes just fucking around. Its gmod. 

    Yes, he totally has a bomb and the mans address. Thin is chill as fuck, I know he doesn't mean this shit literally or to be hurtful, hes just giving another player shit and that tone is clear in the way he is typing. Hes insulting an SCPs jordans and haircut when it wears swat armor and has no head. Its a joke. 

    I agree with this 100%^



    mate this is an online game with a lot of competitive elements and everyone is always a hothead with combat. I really doubt he actually meant a legitimate death threat. Thin has always been satire and ironic and I really don’t think he would actually send a legitimate death threat to someone. 

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  4. +/- Support (leaning a lil bit more towards - )

    Ashe you seem like a chill dude and good in security but I've honestly heard some contradicting things about the way you act. I don't know you personally but from what I hear it isn't the best.

    GL tho 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Igneous said:

    Okay so let me get something straight. You are complaining that your F R I E N D didnt get reserves. Now this is something I havent seen in my 3 years of running this server...

    This rather is a complaint about the system and the structure of CI HCMD with a problem that is rather unjust that I feel should be addressed. 🤷‍♂️

    But take it that way if you wanna view it that simplistic.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Coltable said:

    @The CI ZeroI would rather you not speak on behalf of @Benslaki_IIand have Jolt himself speak for himself. If Jolt feels that he truly was mistreated by CI HCMD he is 100% welcome to speak with Site Admin on team-speak or make a post on the forum here, However I don't see the need for you to "represent" him and his opinions id rather hear it straight from jolt himself and how he feels on the matter.

    I would have taken it down that road but proved again and again before one person never seems to be enough for yall. Seeking community support to show I ain't one person complaining about this broken system this server runs on but rather allowing the topic to be in discussion and debated among the community that makes up the server seems more of a Democratic approach. I don't see people going directly to you for suggestions why should it be the same when it comes to things that need to be addressed by the community as a whole like this post.

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