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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. 2 hours ago, FusionThunder said:

    If this man gets banned for this im fucking out of the server

    I entirely agree, I'm archiving this post as an image just for future reference.

    If the server doesn't get at least something, literally anything more than a new weapon each month (I love the guitar, but still.) then I really don't get how we're supposed to keep players. Thinking from a business perspective here: You could make a cashgrab, many servers could be that. Or you could be better, keep servers high, run respectable practices and not this shit, and maybe even expand. Cause way more people would stay on with all these changes.

    But even if it's funny, doing shit like this just cause you own it isn't exactly establishing a fun environment. If I really thought hard and long about it, I could make some comparisons to a book George Orwell wrote once, I can't recall the name at the moment, but freedom of speech (Non hateful speech, mind you, just criticism) along with everything else would just really be a nice thing.

    Even if people don't get as much profits from this, you still owe the community who plays your servers, that gives you all of this for atleast something, it's just the right thing to do.


    Finally, completely personally here, thank you Peterson, for actually having the balls to make the post.


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  2. So here we are.

    Name: Jummy W. Parvati

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:199425262

    Current Rank: Lead Researcher

    Time in Research (Estimate): I joined on 4/23/22 so… around a month and ¼ at this point?

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): 

    Where to even start?

    Well, I guess the obvious answer would be my previous experience in commanding branches. Don’t know how many of you were there, or how many remember, but back in 2020-2021 I was a commander of both the Research and R&D branches. Both branches revolve around the same general concept, so thus I have much skill when it comes to managing stuff like Mass Tests and SCP events, all basic stuff when it comes to a Research branch’s command.

    I can think on the fly and very quickly, if something were to go wrong in any way, for example, an event team member that was supposed to help with a PT suddenly could not make it, I could think of a way to modify the PT to accommodate the sudden change. (If it was something akin to a TDM, I could change it to a Free-For-All in 432. It would not be as good, but what can you do.)

    I know my damn limits.  Having had around 8 months to reflect since leaving the branch, I have gotten a greater understanding of when I simply cannot handle a situation. I believe knowing your weaknesses and limits is key to being in command, as overworking yourself is the worst thing you can do on the job. Cause really, it’s Garry's Mod. If you stress yourself over Gmod so much that it feels like work, you’re doing it wrong.

    I am a very creative person. (It is really hard to write about myself without saying “I” a lot, isn’t it?)

    As you can see in my writing, along with general interactions on the server (if you have ever met me) you will know that I can think up of a solution to damn near anything, (as long as it’s not with mathematics, or something.) Writing and planning is more of my specialty, looking back and thinking of what went wrong, and trying to prevent future incidents relating to it, along with just… well just being a pretty good writer.


    I won’t say I am absolutely perfect, cause that’s a lie. But I have consistently been shown to improve and learn from mistakes. I know I can do this.

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):

    I feel that I can connect very well with other researchers, without them having to worry about my rank at all. Now don’t get me wrong, if someone’s breaking rules and messing around I WILL slam down the hammer of justice (give them a strike or something) But outside of minges and the sort, I definitely try to be open and less imposing, as I know certain command members can feel scary to confront, just from experience. I just think I’m a very approachable person.

    Gonna say this again, just cause it permits to the question but: CREATIVITY. I can think up fun ideas for things like PTs and all similar things rather quickly, all while having enough improv skills to make sure everything goes decently at least.  My primary way of doing so is through applying knowledge to the surrounding world. Rather than just asking the question of “What if” or “Why”, I cross reference previous experience and can show it in refined and (Most importantly) WAY more interesting ways. The only way I am not creative is through my humor, I cannot recall a single time I have been funny.

    I can’t really think of a better word for this last one, but: I can be stubborn in some good ways.

    If I am set on something I will try as hard as I can to accomplish it, be it testing, a potential PT idea, or just trying to better myself. 

    So, TL;DR, I’m generally good with being approachable, I’m creative as shit, and I am dead set on my goals.

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

    PTs, I am not seeing too many PTs aside from mass tests currently, and that’s honestly a bit of a bummer. Yes, mass testing is one of this branch’s main selling points, I am aware. But I think a more balanced mix would be better, as enlisted will get less worn out from the testing all the time. I want to specifically focus more on actual training PTs, as there are still confusions and misconceptions in research to this day about what to do in certain situations, along with the fact that sometimes you just need a refresher. Of course there would still be fun ones and all, but practical field learning would also be great for the branch in my opinion.

    I really like reading test logs, along with writing critique. I believe it helps build more observational skills and generally can help a lot in general, (Along with being a basic requirement of research command) So I would of course try and grade tests assigned for me to grade as fast as possible. Hell if I could I would want to grade more tests, I would actively sign up for more tests to be assigned for me. You think I’m over exaggerating this to make me look good on this application, but I’m dead serious here. Analysis and critique is my jam, and I’ll always make sure it’s done fast.

    I’d try and assign Group Tests (that new thing in the SOP, remember?) often, along with answering as many questions as I could about testing. As a veteran of THE SCIENCE TEAM (you have to always say that with bold text) I know the best way to help with someone’s ability to think of better ideas and imagine new creative ideas is observation. Just seeing the thought process inside someone and studying that is how we develop such skills, after all. So practicing these frequently would definitely help out newer researchers, in my humble opinion.

    This one’s shorter, and a bit out of left field. But I’ve had an idea for an OOC Movie/Game night for the Research branch, not scheduled in any way, just for fun every once in a while to simply have a blast, along with (Depending on the game) strengthening teamwork and cooperation. It’ll also just be really damn fun to play party games with the branch, without worrying about GMOD for a bit.


    And with that, my application comes to a conclusion. I thank you for taking time out of your day to read this entire thing, and I really hope that High Command will accept this. Even if I don’t get it, I’d still like to thank you all for just being cool people all around, and making the server more fun one step at a time.

    -Jummy W. Parvati, professional gaymer.

    If the text is too small to read, please tell me and I'll size it up a bit.

  3. Listen, I am all fucking for this, I think it's weird that it hasn't been implemented before this.

    BUT. As many said it would take longer to do, and would cause some problems with CC.

    What if we just had it so that in future branch updates, all the hitboxes would change to a Single humanoid hitbox? This would divide up time evenly, as branch updates aren't too frequent, which gives time for everything to be looked at and hitboxes to be fixed properly.


    This is the only time and money saving solution I could think of, of course it would take a while to get to that point, but it'll still be a major help in the end.



  4. In-Game Name: Jummy W. Parvati

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19942526

    Current Research Rank: Senior Researcher

    Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only): 




    Your Operations Advisor Overseer, has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words): Okay first off, I don't know if the data is physical or digital, but for now I will assume digital. In this case, I would first attempt to set up a signal blocker, as to prevent further transmission of data via internet. If the CI have saved some of this info on a Drive of some sort, I would have to find a way to destroy it. Preferably, the best option would be to ask an MTF Stealth Operative to sneak in, and steal back the data drive without getting caught.

    No casualties, no risk, and no more expense than needed for the operation.


    There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said, and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words): 

    Apprehension is fairly simple on this front. Lure a D-Class into a sound-proof Containment Chamber, (Or any personnel, for that matter.) and put a microphone inside. Connect the microphone to the site intercom system and have the D-Class say their own name. This would cause The Targeter to teleport into the cell, which reminder, is soundproof. The SCP can not escape out of the CC, and it cannot hear anyone's names. Thus, MTF can then enter the cell whenever and take the SCP back.

    Termination is much, MUCH more simple. Follow the same process, leading the SCP into a sound-proof cell using the Intercom. However this time, just have a firing squad reign hell upon the SCP once it teleports inside of the cell.

    If you want a more fun variation of this, simply put a D-Class above lava with a rope, and make them scream their name over intercom once more. The rest is self explanatory.


    An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react?
    (100+ Words): A
    fter the initial shock of a pound of potentially redacted information just being stumbled upon, I quickly copy the IP and ask either another agent, or MTF unit to go investigate the location. I read through the documents, making sure to highlight important details such as locations and personnel, plus SCP items of course. After that, I take the newspaper scraps and line them up in a timeline that would make some sort of sense, cross reflecting different bits from the articles and scraps on each other to piece together what happened. After I get a general idea, I check to see the files that were being transferred, seeing what time the files were sent to the IP, and use this information to find out the culprit.

    Now what's this information all about?... let's say a planned Site-Command assassination attempt or something... yeah.

    Thank you for reading my application.

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