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Posts posted by QuickFlash727

  1. -Support

    -Not too active

    -weak app

    -whenever I ask to do a sim asks to just sit out, or go on another battalion  (You never want to do any sims as you say you hate them, but its bonding with the battalion.

    -some parts are weak on your app

    -Just came back not too long ago


  2. Just now, BrandNewName_ said:



    -You put in a LOA for your game not working for 1 week but never updated it.

    -Short App

    I wish you luck Priest King


    -Dont see you around much

    -Dont do too many sims/promotions

    -Rushed app, very short


    -Great guy but has some improvement to make

  3. 4 minutes ago, Orbyan said:


    -I honestly don't see that Manjini possesses the qualities of a strong leader.

    -You are active, but you are not that very active on SF. I have barely seen you on the SF job and have only ever really seen you for meetings.

    -You are a kind person, but I don't see that as a trait of a strong leader.

    -Not trying to sound mean, but I see you as a very power hungry person.

    -I feel that you are not ready for the position of Vice Marshall.

    -You need some improvment always question others, and what they do

    -And jump to conclusions, whenever we say sim you hop right on gm and wont get off


    -you a great guy but you need to improve some

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : SF WCMDR SRW HTO Quicky 0072


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? Imperial Starfighter Vice Marshal


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? 

     I want to help the current command members, where I can.  I have been as active as I can and wish to improve activity , and I wish to help do sims, tryouts, and help with the roster update.  I wish to take everyone’s suggestions into consideration, and make everyone feel included.  I wish to make SF a better community, and overall a fun regiment for everyone who wants to give it a try.  I wish to help the newer people of the community, and help them learn, and do more on the server.  I wish to help the best I can, whether that is tryouts, trainings, sims, or docs/roster.  I have been active to the best of my ability, and wish to be able to help more than I can now.  I wish to help enlisted and NCO’s, feel more comfortable, and able to speak up and voice their ideas.  As everyone's opinion matters.  I wish to help NCO’s with their questions, help with their first sims, and make everyone have more fun.  I wish to bond more with our brother battalion naval, and do more passive rp to happen.  I wish to bond more with every battalion, with passive rp, and sims/trainings.  I wish to help encourage passive rp, as for refueling, fixing up ships, etc.   I ask everyone for suggestions, and always take them into consideration.  I try to never let anyones opinion go to waste, and always make sure everyone feels like their idea gets taken into account.  I have been HTO for sometime now, and a VL, and Lead.  I have learned how to adapt to changes and help everyone in the process.     As of now the command is stressed and I wish to do more then I can now.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server? 6 weeks


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    A commander is there to help everyone's time in the regiment.  A commander is responsible to keep the documents up to date, and keep the roster up to date.  They are meant to help their branch in any way possible.  Help enlisted feel welcomed, and know what to do.  They are there to help NCO’s do their first sim’s, and tryouts.  Also to make sure their officers are doing their duty as they should be.  They need to make sure their branch is running smoothly, and CoC is being followed.  To make sure the right punishments are handed out when need be.  They are there to make decisions for their branch, and take suggestions from everyone who has one.  Bring things up with other command members of their regiment.  They need to make sure that all of command are on the same page.  If there is a problem or a suggestion, they need to make sure to work with everyone, and not jump to conclusions.  As the commander is the last goto in their branch.


     6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : 

    I have been playing on this server for over about a year, I have been active, and tried my best to help where I can.  I’ve been a shock MAJ, and am now a starfighter Wingcommander/COL.  I am also a senior moderator for gaminglight. I do believe I was somewhat a minge, but I have tried to improve, and put that in the past as I wish to continue being able to lead, and help.  Over time I have learned what to do, and what not to do.  I wish to help anyone as much as I can, as I have been a AHTO since the beginning of NCO, I learned a lot, and did more than officers at NCO.  I was also a Vice Lead at the beginning of officer, I climbed up, and earned some respect.  I wish to treat everyone how I would like to be treated.  As of now I am now a lead, and the HTO.      


    7. How often can you be Online? : After school, and whenever I'm free.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : N/A

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  5. -Support

    -Rarely see you on Sf

    -Hasn’t done a sim in a while

    -Activty needs improvement

    -Also have a warm for homophobia, and got warned in sf

    -Hasn’t promoted anyone or been on in sometime 

     -Your a great person but you really need to improve you activity 

  6. On 5/3/2021 at 1:39 PM, jensonbarnes said:

    Honestly LC5 You are really good at your job in DT
    Your active friendly Respectful and just genuinely a chill person to talk to
    Honestly it would be great to have you as DT Vice Commander!!
    Also Your App Is much better then last time!

    Good Luck!!


  7. 1 hour ago, Don Jon said:


    -I don't know of anyone better for this position

    -One of the most active DT on the server

    -Extremely professional

    -Is my go to person for anything DT related

    -Ready for this position

    SB3 is the absolute perfect fit for this and it's well deserved. Just give it to him you won't regret it

    Good Luck


  8. 13 hours ago, Stinker said:


    - Extremely Active
    - Very Dedicated
    - Hardworking
    - Courageous 
    - Very nice, understanding, and chill dude overall.
    - Deserving of the position 100%

    On a serious note joker, you've been a COL for longer then I've been in the server, and regardless of the joking and occasional minging sometimes, you're not only a good fit for the position, but seriously deserving of the position man, best of luck bro!! 🙂

    Over all easy to get along with, but step down the minging alittle 

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