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Posts posted by QuickFlash727

  1. On 6/6/2021 at 11:50 AM, Mitsubishi said:

    Very active
    Kind to our newer players
    Has been Command for around 2 months

    You look to have done quite a large amount recently but that is really due to you basically being the only Command the STs have, I feel like you have put in effort to keep the branch up but you look better than you actually are since you are the only one we have.
    Can be a bit unprofessional at times, nothing too serious though.
    I feel you leave the Officers and even some NCOs to do more than you even while you are on, from my knowledge I have not seen you host a SIM since I started playing as well as even a simple Patrol.
    I don't think you push your Officer Team enough to improve, just simple Documents are taking way too much time to complete when they are needed which may not be your fault but you should be making your Officers the best they can be to assist you in commanding.
    You are a good Vice Commander but I don't believe you are Commander material as of yet you have a good amount to learn, I've seen that even simple roster updates can be messed up from time to time.


  2. On 6/5/2021 at 12:29 AM, Don Jon said:

    Massive + Support

    -Well known on the server

    -Hosts some of the best events

    -Trains so many GMs

    -Gamemaster of the month last month

    -Great application

    -Hard working

    -A great Staff member in general

    -Good application

    Good Luck Chico! 


  3. 2 hours ago, Dragonrage661 said:

    -Weak application
    -May have staff experience but is still new to the server

    doesnt even have the entire app the last half of the application is missing.


    @TheOriginalRyuk This app is missing the end half, if you would want to make actual application I would suggest editing this one or making a new one with the entire format


  4. On 5/29/2021 at 9:59 PM, Donald Duck said:

    + Well Known as a Major of 501st and Trusted.
    + A Great Leader at Leading his Troops.
    + Dedicated to 501st Legion.
    + Great Application 

    Goodluck Stevie! Hope to see you as a New 501st VCMDR!


  5. 12 hours ago, Donald Duck said:

    - Good Application however it's short.
    - Seems Dedicated To Shock as he wants to Become a VCMDR For Shock again.

    - Was Removed Recently as Shock VCMDR Before.
    Goodluck On Your Application. 



  6. -/+ Support

    -During your TO cert kept telling me to leave and stop telling you what to do

    -Gets mad easily 

    +Good guy




  7. 9 hours ago, Donald Duck said:

    + Active on the Server.
    + Well Known on the Server.
    + Good Application and Good Answer to the Last Question.
    + Shows Dedication to the Server.

    Goodluck Cloudzz! I Hope to see you on the Staff Team!



  8. On 5/27/2021 at 5:38 PM, Flanbro said:


    + Active on the server

    + Understands the role of shock and listens to superiors


    - Application is not detailed

    - I personally do not see you as fit for officer and believe there are better choices.


  9. -/+ Support

    -You have a warning for ktap x 2 in a staff sit

    -Sometimes immature 

    -Minges sometimes

    On 5/27/2021 at 5:41 PM, Flanbro said:

    + Support

    + Lengthy application with multiple detailed segments

    + Very nice guy who handles issues with other battalions better than most shock (which is very important)

    + Understands the role of shock



    2 hours ago, River said:


    Okay so first thing is you are not meant to arrest someone that is cloaked you as a shock trooper can not see anyone that is cloaked. Also the CC should not of been using his force powers to cloak and then walk into brig this can be considered abuse of force powers. However the warn is valid and should stay 


  11. On 5/26/2021 at 8:27 PM, Donald Duck said:

    -/+ Support
    + Well Known on the Server
    + Should be Trusted as he was the Previous ST VCMDR.
    + Knows How GMs Operate and how the Tools Work!
    + He's Dedicated to the Server as he has 900+ Hours on the Server.

    - Short Application and Could Use some Work.
    - Causes some Problems sometimes during some SIMs

    Other then that, Goodluck and I Hope to see you on the GM Team Soon!


  12. On 5/26/2021 at 6:49 PM, Don Jon said:


    -You are fairly inactive in my opinion.

    -You tend to be mingy when you are on.

    -App could use a little more work.

    -Also you do have warnings (3 Actually). So you just blatantly lied and cropped your screen shot to hide it nice one 👍.c277457ffd5e798dc5055b2af932b688.thumb.png.596d029c9c33a4e5ea2955f13c6a0d33.png


  13. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    SF WCMDR SRW HTO Quicky 0072


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Imperial Starfighter Vice Marshall


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? 

                             I wish to help the current command members, where I can.  I have been active, and I wish to help do sims, tryouts, and help with the roster update.  I wish to take everyone’s suggestions into consideration, and make everyone feel included.  I wish to make SF a better community, and overall a fun regiment for everyone who wants to give it a try.  I wish to help the newer people of the community, and help them learn, and do more on the server.  I wish to help the best I can, whether that is tryouts, trainings, sims, or docs/roster.  I have been active to the best of my ability, and wish to be able to help more than I can now, and now that school is out I have a lot more free-time on my hands.  I wish to help enlisted and NCO’s, feel more comfortable, and able to speak up and voice their ideas.  As everyone's opinion matters.  I wish to help NCO’s with their questions, help with their first sims, and make everyone have more fun.  I wish to bond more with our brother battalion naval, and do more passive rp to happen.  I wish to bond more with every battalion, with passive rp, and sims/trainings.  I wish to help encourage passive rp, as for refueling, fixing up ships, etc.   I ask everyone for suggestions, and always take them into consideration.  I try to never let anyone's opinion go to waste, and always make sure everyone feels like their idea gets taken into account.  Everyday I ask anyone if the need help, or for any suggestions to make the battalion better.  In what ever that is in documents, passive rp, or just overall.  I have been HTO for sometime now, and a VL, and Lead.  I have learned how to adapt to changes and help everyone in the process.  I have been pushed hard as in 2 weeks from joining the battalion I got officer, was the AHTO, and VL of sentry, pushing and testing my limits of what I can do and proving I can handle a lot.  As joining a new battalion is hard I wish to make it easier.  As I've been apart of this battalion for a long time I wish to do more then I can now.  I always wished I could help command more then I can now, and hopefully will be able too.  I have tried to lead when I can, and get more involved with all the battalions on the server, in hopes for some more passive RP.  I have been in this battalion for over 4 months now, and have been able to help lead during events and whenever someone is needed.  I have tried to be able to understand where everyone is coming from, and if I make a mistake I wish to fix it, instead of letting it tear the battalion apart.  A lot of the time I'm the highest on, and with that comes challenges, I take charge and make sure my orders get heard, and usually everything goes smoothly.  I always ask new members if I can do anything to help them in the battalion, like getting the a tryout for the squad the wish to join, helping with flying, or just helping understand our rules.  I hope to be able to do a lot more then I can now, and help lead this battalion as its been my home since the very start.  I have had my challenges but I have overcome them and learned from my mistakes, which in all has made me a better leader.   


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    6 weeks

    Battlemetrics - https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/962593055


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

                            A commander is there to help everyone's time in the regiment.  A commander has the responsible to keep the documents up to date, and keep the roster up to date.  They are meant to help their branch in any way possible.  Help enlisted feel welcomed, and know what to do.  They are there to help NCO’s do their first sim’s, and tryouts.  Also to make sure their officers are doing their duty as they should be.  They need to make sure their branch is running smoothly, and CoC is being followed.  To make sure the right punishments are handed out when need be.  They are there to make decisions for their branch, and take suggestions from everyone who has one.  Bring things up with other command members of their regiment.  They need to make sure that all of command are on the same page.  If there is a problem or a suggestion, they need to make sure to work with everyone, and not jump to conclusions.  As the commander is the last go to in their branch.  They are also responsible for including other battalions and bonding with them all as this is always very important.  They are to give there battalion some passive rp to do, sims, and over all just bonding with everyone.


     6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : 

                           I have been playing on this server for over about over year, I have been active, and tried my best to help where I can.  I’ve been a shock MAJ, and am now a starfighter Wingcommander/COL.  I am also a senior moderator for gaminglight. I do believe I was somewhat a minge, but I have tried to improve, and put to the test with becoming COL.  In the past as I wish to continue being able to lead, and help.  Over time I have learned what to do, and what not to do.  I wish to help anyone as much as I can, as I have been a AHTO since the beginning of NCO, I learned a lot, and did more than officers at NCO.  I was also a Vice Lead at the beginning of officer, I climbed up, and earned some respect.  I wish to treat everyone how I would like to be treated.  As of now I am now a lead, and the HTO.  Since two weeks into the battalion I was given officer, and challenged with a lot of responsibility, back then I did tryouts non-stop, and tried helping everyone I could.  As HTO, and Lead it was a big responsibility and I had a lot of learning to do, I was challenged and pushed but I never faulterd.   I have been on this server for over a year now, and have tried to do my best.  I have always tried to fix my mistakes, and if I ever do something wrong I always try to fix it.  I have been in the battalion for sometime now, and have tried to get along with everyone.  As most of the time I'm the highest on I work on my struggles with being mute, but still doesn't stop me from leading, as my orders get through to everyone. 


    7. How often can you be Online? :

    < Monday - Friday - 12 - 8 PM >

    < Weekends differ >


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


    • Heart-Eyes 1
  14. On 5/22/2021 at 10:35 PM, Barrett said:


    Good leader

    FB1 is always seeking out opportunities to organize SIMs or missions with other special forces branches and maintaining relations with each. He is a solid leader and wants to see DT succeed. He has been on the server and in DT for a very long time and definitely knows how things work. I believe he'd make a great pick for DT CMDR.

    Good luck!


  15. In-Game Name: quicky

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:559862717

    Rank: senior mod

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 19/5 - 26/5

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine):  private

  16. 8 hours ago, Seaman 1995 said:

    - Support
    - You were removed and put on a DNT from SF on 05/2/2021 for Insubordination and Flying TIEs into the ISD... 
    - As much as you are a very nice and polite guy, I personally don't think AO is a good position for you as SF is the battalion you will be dealing and working with SF on a regular basis. I also personally don't trust you with an SF Officer WL either.
    - Also mentioned he was "making and going to post an application" in TS with all many other Naval

    -I also agree seems rushed

  17. 3 hours ago, Seaman 1995 said:

    +/- Support (Leaning to plus) 
    + Trustworthy and a good listener
    + Serious and already is Staff 
    + Good intentions with the job

    -Activity is a hit or miss. In the past its been amazing, recently I can't say its been great BUT you have promised to improve it 
    -Application seems very similar to mine. 

    -Very short app

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