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Posts posted by QuickFlash727

  1. In-Game Name: Quicky

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:559862717

    Rank: Senior Mod

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified):  Week

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Fair

  2. On 6/15/2021 at 8:38 AM, Keegan said:


    • Neo is amazing to work with
    • Very detailed app, shows understanding of position
    • Great and consistent activity
    • Wants to solve the problem of more active officers than NCO, I have noticed this as well. Neo, if you receive VCMDR, I also think part of the problem is that we lose too many enlisted before they become NCO.
    • Takes responsibility and I believe would handle things with grace


    • None. Good luck!


  3. On 6/13/2021 at 9:47 PM, Loneeee said:

    +/- Support
    + Experience, Gray has been in Medical for a Long time.
    + Trusted. With how long you've been in Medical and your dedication you are well trusted
    + Great Fit for Vice Commander.

    - Activity. Unfortunately you aren't very active and often go on LOA.

    Best of Luck!!

    -Don’t see you on myself

  4. On 6/13/2021 at 3:55 PM, robertomanjini said:


    -no effort to the app itself

    -not active a single bit

    Over all you show no dedication when i was a MO,CMO,and also now a PVT never seen you on a single time.

    Also you have your app legit put wrong, no public vote,not the right name bro it seems you legit not even look what it tells you to do.

    ANDDD to add to all of this you edited your app because i just told you all this, this does not look good.


    -Now a NCO and haven’t seen you on

  5. 11 hours ago, Polarity said:


    I mean no hate cause you are a great guy but this app is extremely rushed and your answers for the "on-ship event" and "why you should be trusted" questions are wrong in so many ways. I understand that you already being a moderator does help with trust but that should not be the only reason why. As for the on-ship event, a soccer minigame is more of a side thing and not something your would announce to the whole server, hence it being a minigame. For that question we are looking for a more serious reply of what an event would be on ship, maybe with rebels infiltrating the ISD and trying to take it down. If you decide to reply or change your app please put more effort and maybe reread it a few times.


  6. 3 hours ago, Seaman said:

    Few is an understatement. Lots of Red Flags within this application, ranging from grammar to inexperience to negligence..
    Low effort applications = Low effort events


    11 hours ago, Polarity said:


    This app seems very rushed and you could've put a lot more thought and effort into it. There is also a few red flags in your answers to the questions. You do not have a poll and the below SteamID is not valid.



  7. 3 hours ago, Seaman said:

    + Large Support
    + Good detailed application (although the 15th answer is a bit short I know for a fact he understands what is expected and should be done in terms of handling the situation based on the past titles and staffing experience already in GL)
    + Dedicated player on server and forums!
    + As an ST SGT he is very likely familiar with minges and knows how to handle difficult players



  8. 3 minutes ago, Seaman said:

    + Huge Support
    + Sentry has always been on the lacking side in terms of activity and interaction/roles. With the addition of the new jobs Sentry can now have more tasks compared to their standard and original guarding/defending only outline. This was also solidify and create new RP for both the entire battalion and sentry members
    + Although these classes only directly affect Sentry, they will have positive affects on the entire battalion as any pilots will have Sentry Technicians waiting on standby for resupplies and repairs as well as have an increased over all security within SHB and will decrease any stolen ships, interrupted tryouts etc. 

    If there are any questions you have please, don't hesitate to ask!


  9. On 6/4/2021 at 2:51 PM, LucifersHoly said:


    - I have never seen you before considering im on every day

    - No idea of sense of leadership position

    Commented on own app

    Ill be willing to change my opinion if I see alot more activity

    Wish you the best of luck!


  10. 15 hours ago, Seaman said:

    + Support 
    + Understands role and wants to help
    + Active on the server
    + Clear communication and takes it seriously

    - A shorter application
    - I'd disagree with the butting heads of SF and Naval. Personally being on everyday I think the interaction is a decent positions HOWEVER that more interaction and clarity between the two would be amazing


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