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Posts posted by QuickFlash727

  1. On 3/12/2023 at 1:16 AM, KingShob said:


    + Fantastic Leader

    + Extremely Active within IC

    + Puts his heart and soul into IC

    + Dedicated

    + Level-Headed and Honest

    + Perfect fit for Vice Commander


    Snow is the best Officer and leader I have seen in my experience, he is always doing his best to ensure the people in IC are having an enjoyable time, he hosts countless sims and training so that there is always something to do, and is laid-back when being serious is not called for. Snow is also a perfect leaderhe knows how to deal with any situation as an unbiased, levelheaded third party, and, even when someone is clearly in the wrong, will hear their side of the story before making any decisions. He is the perfect fit to be Vice Commander, he has all the traits needed and is eager to help the existing command team improve and expand the Imperial Commandos


    Really hope you get Vice Commander!


  2. What is your name?:


    What is your rank?:


    How long have you been a NCO?:


    What rank are you applying for?:


    How many strikes do you have? If yes, for what?:


    Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?:

    I have been an officer within SF before, and in other battalions.  I have been active on the server, with hosting

    tryouts, and helping out enlisted when needed.  I have been trying to help out enlisted as best as I can,

    and helping guide them within events.  I used to be a moderator in Gaminglight, and understand the rules

    every well.  I always like to get multiple sides to the story, and not quick to take sides.

    What can you do to assist command with this rank?:

      I can assist NCOs with their tryouts.  I will gladly host sims to help our enlisted and recommend those who do well. 

    I have helped and hope to help anyone that needs assistance to the best of my ability.  Encourage NCO's to be more

    involved with enlisted and other NCO's as well as encouraging more tryouts.  Helping guide enlisted/NCO's within events

    and recommend/or promote those who did well.   To deal with SF breaking the rules, when in game, and to lead

    when needed. 

    What is the point of been a officer?:

    Officers are being held at a higher standard and expectations then before. A officer is supposed to help out the

    enlisted and NCOs, they are supposed to enforce rules and help command out.  They are expected to host tryouts, sims,

    help certify everyone who needs it.  They are encouraged to set a better example for the enlisted/NCO's.  They also

    should be looking out for those who are doing very well within their duties, and recommend/or promote them.

    They are expected to deal with situations that happen within game when enlisted/NCO's break rules, as

    they are the first person in CoC to talk too.

    What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?:

    First, I would tell them what they are doing wrong, and see if it was a misunderstanding.  If they continue,

    I would gather video evidence of the officer abusing their position & power.   I would then follow CoC,

    and report the fellow officer. 

    Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last NCO rank?:


  3. On 8/12/2021 at 10:58 PM, Vertigo334 said:

    Big + Support

    Super active on ST

    Great App

    Excellent officer

    Would be an excellent VCMDR

    Easy to get along with

    Overall nice guy

    I've had the pleasure of working with Abumi on multiple occasions, he is a very experienced and smart officer and would be a great fit for the position.

    Good Luck!




  4. 15 hours ago, ShafowKnight said:

    +Knows what's bests for the battalion, a good officer and knows what he's doin
    +Good lead, easy to work with
    +Easy to approach

    Whenever I've seen him on he's doing his best to keep troopers in line, he's great at taking charge and leading troopers throughout events even if some are a bit rough to deal with, I haven't seen anything bad about 'em- he's easy to talk to. So I think he'd be a good fit for the role.

    You'd make a great VCMDR Grim, obviously you deserve it.


  5. On 8/14/2021 at 6:47 PM, SSphere Gulleboi3010 said:

    + Support 
    -  Active 
    -  Understands the role of a Vice Commander
    - Kind and Helpful
    - Would Make a very good Vice Commander

    - As a 501st Officer and previously NCO/Enlisted i have experienced that Miyo has much more leader potential that she/anyone might realize. She has always been good and very useful towards everyone. Even though there might be other candidates for the Vice Commander position i decide to go with Miyo, she is the highest rank among officers and got what it takes to lead a battalion.

    Would say good luck but you dont need luck, because you have everything it takes to become a 501st Vice Commander.

    -Takes charge

    -defiantly deserves it

    -Very respectful, and great to hang out with

    Good luck

    • Like 1
  6. -Support

    -Overall I had a bad experience with you abusing your cuffs by hanging people which honestly isn't acceptable (I mean come on your an officer and may soon be a VCMDR, just leaving people to hang in the pits and laughing at them isn't really what the cuffs are for)

    -Doesn't take lead much

    -Can be mingy

    -Doesn't take charge over troops and lets enlisted get out of line



    Good Luck I hope my experience with you was only a one time thing

  7. On 8/14/2021 at 3:44 PM, Crowww said:

    - Active
    - Does so many SIMs, and Trainings

    - Extremely dedicated to IQ

    - Good Leadership

    Although Billie has quite a few warnings I feel he is ready for the position, and would do good as the next Ninth Sister.


    • Thanks 1
  8. On 8/12/2021 at 8:05 PM, Evan? said:

    - Does amazing events 
    - knows what he's doing
    - been on the GM team for a good amount of time
    - Active
    - I think your fit for this position 

    Good Luck!!

    always willing to help out with sims and events always on top of things

  9. In-Game Name: Quicky

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:559862717

    Rank: Senior Mod

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified):  2 weeks

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Private

  10. On 7/23/2021 at 5:34 AM, Flanbro said:

    - Support

    + Good Guy

    + Active

    + Great Application


    - You're VERY new to VCMDR (only a week at the time of writing) and I think you should spend some more time in the position to get a better feel for things, etc. and spend more time with the regiment as a command member.


    Besides that, good luck.


  11. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    SF WCMDR SRW HTO Quicky 0072


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? :

    Imperial Starfighter Vice Marshal


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?  :

     I have been in SF for a long time, and ever since I joined I wished to do the most I can, I have always viewed SF very highly, as they are one of the best regiments in my point of view.  From the first day I wished I could do more, and more.  I have done my best to help where I can as SF is my family, they have welcomed me with open arms.  I have tried my best to be active, and help anyone I can.  As a mute it’s been hard to lead but in the end I have learned around the challenges and found ways to lead. (I'm trying more and more to talk more)  I have always wished to help command more as it’s hard being everywhere at once.  I wish to help with documents, roster, and any problems.  I wish to help make the struggling squadrons.  As I’ve been in SF through the struggling times, and thriving times, I wish to keep SF in thriving times as long as possible.  I'm on a lot of late nights when there is few active people trying my best to recruit people into SF, and keep those who are on SF not bored.  I have done 88 tryouts, and a bunch of sims.  During sims I try to do some passive RP, and sometimes do sims with other battalions to keep up the bond.  I wish to do more with naval as they are are brother battalion.  I want to implement some more passive RP for all SF to keep up, as most of the times it gets boring just sitting around.  


    4. How much game time do you have on the server? :

    7 weeks



    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? :

    A commander is there to help everyone's time in the regiment.  A commander is responsible to keep the documents up to date, and keep the roster up to date.  They are meant to help their branch in any way possible.  Help enlisted feel welcomed, and know what to do.  They are there to help NCO’s do their first sim’s, and tryouts.  Also to make sure their officers are doing their duty as they should be.  They need to make sure their branch is running smoothly, and CoC is being followed.  They should also resolve issues when need be.  To make sure the right punishments are handed out when need be.  They are there to make decisions for their branch, and take suggestions from everyone who has one.  Bring things up with other command members of their regiment.  They need to make sure that all of command are on the same page.  If there is a problem or a suggestion, they need to make sure to work with everyone, and not jump to conclusions.  As the commander is the last go to in their branch.  They are the ones who go and report to naval about the weekly report.  They are there to host sims from time to time, and keep passive RP going in there battalion.  They are also there for those who do good and deserve a promotion, and hand them out.  They are there to run/host meetings, and there to make sure that they are good with all battalions.


     6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : 

    I have been playing on this server for over a year, I have been active, and tried my best to help where I can.  I’ve been a shock MAJ, and am now a starfighter Wingcommander/COL.  I am also a senior moderator for gaminglight.  I have been in SF since 12/2/20. As I have been a AHTO since the beginning of NCO, I learned a lot, and did more than officers at NCO.  I was also a Vice Lead at the beginning of officer, I climbed up, and earned some respect.  I wish to treat everyone how I would like to be treated.  As of now I am now a lead, and the HTO.  I have been in SF for a long time and showed dedication, and stayed with SF in struggling times.  I have update a lot of the documents for sentry and tryouts.  I have lead to the best of my abilty, and sometimes even talked to lead.  I'm always checking discord, and always very easy to get ahold of.  I also believe a I should be trusted as of now I'm the oldest SF, and have proved that I mean good and, I can do good.  I have taken the role of one of the highest officers, and proved that I can lead, and do much for the battalion.  


    7. How often can you be Online? : 

    < 3:30 - 10 PM PST >  Weekdays when school is in

    < 8 - 11 PM PST >  Weekends - Any other day without school


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :




    I just came off LOA, today so will be picking up activity, my acitivty as I just came off.

    • Like 1
  12. -Support 

    -Farley new to VCMDR still have a lot to learn

    -Can be immature

    -I still think you have a lot to learn before you become CMDR

    On 7/3/2021 at 6:31 PM, Subway said:


    +good medical

    +only person i see fit for the position

    +actually has being in medical for a while

    +can be active

    +good app

    +shows dedication

  13. 20 hours ago, Flanbro said:


    + Active

    + Cares about members of medical

    + Been in medical for 4 months

    + Known well by many officers and has befriended a lot of us

    + This guy has seen me through thick and thin. Calvin is one of the best people I've met on the server and is incredibly devoted to the Medical Corps. I see him as the most fit to be VCMDR right now. He is a great friend and I've known him throughout my entire time in MC. As an enlisted he was helpful to me in learning about the new map and MC, and as an NCO/Officer he was a great comrade and mentor.

    -Don’t see you on much myself

  14. On 6/27/2021 at 5:12 AM, Loneeee said:

    + Support!
    + Cool person, easy to talk to
    + Trusted due to rank and time

    - Not enough Activity 
    - Personally I haven't seen you command NCO's or Enlisted at all. 

    Though, I know you can overcome these challenges.

    Good Luck Blaze!


  15. On 6/27/2021 at 5:23 AM, Loneeee said:

    + Support
    Great Guy
    + very sincere App
    + Great understanding of a Vice Commander

    - Activity 
    - Not doing SIM's or anything an officer should be doing

    I Love you to death Klepto and i believe in you to get more active and do more for Medical 🙂

    Good Luck!

    -Never seen you on much myself

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