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Posts posted by ZealousTwo386

  1.       Hello, my name is Zealous, although I am sure that many if you know my name and have maybe happened upon me in game or in discord, if you have read the title than you should understand what this is about, I regret having to leave this community, but I will move on and relish the memories I have created with you all. While this entire process started on a bet between me and another player of GamingLight, it was still coming in the long run, while I am sad to be doing this, I sadly have to move on in my life and grow up.

          I want to thank all of the community staff for doing your best to create a livable environment in which we could spend our rare free time, I have formed countless unforgettable memories in my time on GL and formed many close relationships with the people who reside in the playerbase, I especially want to give a shoutout to the SMT/Managers who spend massive amounts of time making the server run well, even occasionally cleaning up Zeeptins spilled coffee or putting out the fires in the server room, I can't much remember how long I have been here for, maybe sometime around a year, which really isn't much compared to others, but it this short time I have done so much, seen so much, heard so much, I don't really believe I will ever truly forget this server in its full capacity.

          Secondly, I want to thank all of the playerbase, yes- you! All of you! Every last one of you! You all have supported the server and allowed it to continue growing and becoming the server it is today, you are the ones who make it possible to even play the server, thank you all...

          Finally... I want to thank my friends, the ones who helped me when I needed it... the ones who threw everything aside to comfort me in my times of need, the ones who saved me from desperation, you changed my life in ways that I cannot explain, you gave me refuge while my life fell apart, you were the lifeboat for the sinking ship, you always cared... Thank you...

          I know that this is rather gushy, but its the only way my mind was able to form the words that I am typing now, I know within a couple of weeks no one will remember my name... I know that people forget things... I know that time runs eternal, swallowing up the forgotten in its wake like rats of plague... I know that everything good has its end... its downfall... I know that people change, the become other people, they leave you behind for the high road, they abandon you for a slight improvement, only to come crawling back when they find it to be a lie... I know that there are people out there who don't care about what you think... And I know that some people can't be alone for long... Please be safe with yourself and the people you pick to know, and make sure to check on your friends every once and a while, because you never know when people need help the most... Just be humble... Be kind... Don't judge a book by its cover... Appreciate the moments you get with the people you enjoy, they won't always be there to give those feelings...


    I have a couple of people here who have changed my time on this server for the better, and I feel like mentioning them here.

    @UncreativeDaniel You were an amazing person to know on this server, even though this entire thing was on a coin toss, we both follow through with it... I honestly can not forget the times we shared and the things we got away with, you will always have a place in my mind, always be there to bring me joy when I am sad, always there to be friendly when I need support, always a great leader, no matter how mingy you be, I know that we may somewhat split paths with our choices, but I hope to be good friends with you until the ends of time. May the road protect you in your travels and take you to your destinations safely.

    @Kipper Well well well... I know you are going to be extremely disappointed in me leaving GL, but trust me in this, we will stay together no matter what comes our way, you have always been a shining star for me to gaze upon and feel happy about myself for once, you are always there for me when I need you, you are always happy to be with me, you are always happy to throw everything out of the way and make sure I am ok, you are always trusting in me throughout my changes in character, please never change from the individual you are, I will never forget you in my ventures of the Earth. You will never fail to surpass my expectations of character, you will always be the one that I know, please never change.

    @Seb You were always the one to bring humor to the conversation with your antics, you always went out of your way to help others, even when you needed more help yourself, I have seen you branch out within this community and gain immense respect, you will always be there in my memories, I will always remember my time in EMS with you, and I miss it today, thank you for the wonderful experiences and the amazing memories. “As long as man is alive, he will always deem himself to be the light of the world, and consider his enemies as the darkness. And they will be thinking like that on both sides of the front.” -Dmitry Glukhovsky

    @Eternity I do apologize for tagging you to this, but, I just want to thank you for the amazing times you allowed me to have, I thank you for your antics that seem to have no stop, I thank you for being able to control your sense of humor and be serious when necessary, I thank you for all of the hard work that you have put into this server to make people come back the next day, I thank you for your determination, you will always have a place in my mind, thank you. "War, War never changes..." - Ron Perlman


    I do apologize if you were not on this list, if you are not, this does not mean I will forget you, I will remember you all, no matter what, you are all amazing people, never let any tell you different, in totality, never forget yourself or become someone different to reach someone else's standards, remain true to yourself...

    “Surrender, Homo sapiens! You are no longer the king of nature! You’ve been dethroned! No, you don’t have to die instantly, nobody will insist on that. Crawl on a little more in agony, choking on your own excrement... But know this, Homo sapiens: you are obsolete!”




    Remain Human...











    Tails means we lost, I guess...




    Dreaming of the day you're gonna pack your bags
    Put the miles away
    Oh, just grab your girl and go where no one knows you
    What will all the old folks say?



    Das Ende...


    • Sad 1
  2. 1 hour ago, ~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ said:


    You Hit our car then turn around then proceed to do it again it is so obvious.

    All day you were copbaiting shooting in your base and having a printer on the top of your base 

    When you got brought to the sit you fake afked while we were tlaking you moved a little which daniel pointed out.

    Soon as daniel did !warns you magically came back and said your side of the story.

    You had no way of knowing what we were talking about then magically responded like you were listening the whole way.

    The lying to staff was you acting like it was lag and the fact that you fake afked.


  3. On 4/10/2021 at 1:03 PM, yh said:


    - Active 

    - Friendly 

    - Mature

    - Knows all of the PD rules

    - Good LC member 

    Best of luck! 

    Great Person, Good luck man!!!

  4. I know I shouldn't much reply to my post, but what I am trying to get at would be that the current "plate checker" could be used as a Speed Radar, if training was used in the correct way, I do apologize for not including content, I just didn't exactly understand what could be added, I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

  5. What you want to see? - I would like to see the CAD ID Vehicle tool be implemented as a Speed Radar for Government when enforcing speed limits, or have it as an active ANPR which checks the suspect if they are wanted constantly.

    Why should we add it? - We currently have no real way of judging the speed of a suspects vehicle without using cruise control to judge speed, at which that point its probably going to be different.

    What are the advantages of having this? - We would be able to more accurately judge speed and how much we would give the suspects for tickets.

    Who is it mainly for? - Government/RCPD

  6. Name: Zealous
    Rank: Staff Sergeant
    Steam ID:
    Reason for leaving: I have a few reasons for leaving the branch, some personal, but the few that aren't will be listed here, first of all, I haven't been able to get the same joy out of the branch since the merge of OmniCorn-9 with Nu7, It just lost the fun feeling for me. Secondly, I haven't been able to get on for a while and want to focus on other more important things in my life such as school and family, Third and finally, essentially all of my mentors/role models have since moved on from the branch, and I don't believe it will ever be the same for me, Sorry.



    Southpaw, You made my time in the MTF Branch enjoyable through the ups and downs, I trusted you, you trusted me, I will have an ache in my heart remembering the times we spent together, farewell

    Blackbeard, You were the best damned Omi9 Commander that ever existed, you always took time to have fun and were serious when it was required, Thank you, I will miss you dearly.

    WantedIdeas, I can't say we had too many experiences with eachother, but I saw how much you cared for the branch, I will miss ya

    Donny, I don't know if you are still there, but you were a good friend in the branch, will miss you too

    Guana, Guam, Guinea, You always brought a smile to my face with your antics, bringing humor the the most serious situations

    Zerk, I can't believe some of the stuff you got away with man, I love ya, you were always there to vibe with us, thank you.

    Pixel, Been a while, but you were a great person, thanks

    Benito (Father) You were one of the most serious no shit taker people I ever knew, you were very disciplined and taught me many good lessons, will be a shame to leave you, thanks for the time

    Greg, You were a great person for the branch in my time, I will miss you as well

    If your name is not on this list, it is not because I do not like you, I just have relatively terrible memory, thank you for being there for me MTF.

    Remember, Never say O5 in public

    Go Get Em'

    With Regards,



    Oh yeah. Rang, I forgot to add ya, thanks for the great times dude!!!!

  7. In-game Name: Zealous
    Rank: MS/Medic

    Idea: 294 Drinks Chemical Makeup
    Basic Description of what you will do: Attempt to separate the chemical binding of different 294 Drinks
    Hypothesis: The Chemical Makeup of 294's Drinks may have an anomalous makeup on the atomic level

    Observations (can be a video or audio): {Audio Log 12/19/2020 2:10 PM, Location [DATA LOST]}:{LOG ONE BEGIN}: "Rank: Medical Scientist, Clearance Level: 2, Name: Zealous, Authorization Number: X151-718D-1L82-97W1-0002." "Begin Audio Log~ Today, I will be testing the chemical makeup of several drinks from the entity, SCP-294, Those drinks as follows, Pain, Hoovy, Sadness, Death, Strange Matter, and Painkill. My theory is that said drinks have an anomalous chemical makeup on an atomic level, and my goal is to isolate said anomalous molecule, I for the duration of the test will be using, a Bunsen burner, a medical grade beaker, and a Foundation issued electron microscope." {END AUDIO LOG}

    {Date and Time: 12/19/2020, 2:25 PM}~{LOG TWO BEGIN}: "I have begun to observe several changes within the samples, they are becoming less dense and emitting a fume, I will be continuing this experiment with a Fume Hood, the chemical bonds seem to be loosening slightly, but nowhere near enough to be separated by human means, I will continue heating the samples until the makeup separates with ease, I approximate the time to do this will be several more hours from this point on, until then, I will keep monitoring the mixtures for any changes as well as investigate the effects of certain acids on the samples as well as the pH of the solutions on different materials, No further observations for now, update later." {END AUDIO LOG}

    {Date and Time: 12/19/2020, 2:46 PM}~{LOG TWO BEGIN}: "At this point the samples have begun breaking up, with a visible decline of mass within the beaker, under a microscope there seems to be no more outlying substances, the chemical makeup seems the be visible somewhat, I will dye the chain for easier sight now. (5 Minute Pause) I have dyed the chain and have taken multiple photos of the sample, it seems to have some sort of energy holding the chain together, I am observing definite anomalous activity within the samples, some more than others, I will attempt to completely isolate the chains from any outlying substances left within the sample, for now, my hypothesis is correct, I have finished my testing." {END AUDIO LOG}

    Detailed description of what happened during the test: The samples originally showed no effect to the heating until several minutes in, at that time the sample begun fuming profusely, I then moved it to a fume hood, after a few more minutes a majority of the sample had evaporated off, at that point I was able to separate the chain from the mixture, I will make further tests on this chain to see if it can be utilized for medicinal purposes.

    Conclusion: The samples did in fact display anomalous traits after being separated from the solution
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: It was in fact correct
    What did you learn?: Some drinks from 294 carry anomalous traits
    How Can This Benefit Medical?: We can possibly take the anomalous chain from certain healing drinks and attempt to form medical solutions with the new discoveries.

  8. 1.What Is your In-game Name: Zealous

    2.What Is your current rank?: SGT

    3.Who would like to see you as a Experimental?(Two Officer's, if you are a officer you are excused): Omi9 Major Southpaw, Omi9 2LT Guinea

    4.Why should we trust you with being a Experimental?(This Is A Special Force In Omicron-9): I believe there are a few reasons I should be trusted with EXP, one of those would be Combat Capability, I have shown myself worthy of my current position in Omicron-9 in multiple scenarios, (Saving My Commander, hosting a raid on a captured 2LT{Which was successful}, Helping Re contain dangerous SCP’s, etc). Secondly, I know I have the leadership capabilities to fill the role of Omicron-9’s Special Forces Division, I have shown myself more than able in stressful/degrading situations and powered through with the help of my teammates. Finally, I am well known throughout the branch to be a serious person with a tight hold on minging, which for me, will not be tolerated, I will take my job seriously and perform said job to the best of my abilities.

    5.Why do you want to be a Experimental (100 words minimum+): Why do I want to be an Experimental? Well for first, I want to be able to achieve a more respected position in situations where I am thrown in a leadership position, I do not mean this to sound power hungry as I am sure it can, I just want my voice to be heard when I give instructions. Secondly, I believe myself to be ready for the task at hand, as well as others who have recommended me to join EXP, I know myself to be more than worthy to take the current situation and come out on top, if not, I will do everything in my power to make sure my team is safe and not put into a dangerous situation, even if this costs my own life. Third, I want to be able to achieve more intrepid tasks than what I can at my current level, as well, I want to be able to assist the higher ranks with knowledge that they are safe within my guard. Finally, I see the Experimentals as a group of great respect, in which I have multiple role models, of which I strive to follow their own footsteps, again, I just want to further my involvement with the Mobile Task Force: Omicron-9.

    6.What is your Timezone?: EST

    7.How often can you be on?(How many days/hours a week): 40-50 Hours/Week

    8.Are you a well trained & disciplined Soldier?: Yes, I have hosted multiple patrols and a successful raid

    9.How many warns do you have?(Can be checked by !Warns): 0

    10.Do you have any Active strikes?(If you do, then you will be denied): Negative, I have no active strikes.

    11.Are you capable of completing the mission & helping out your team mates any way necessary?: I have faith in myself to be able to have the utmost performance in the event it is needed, as well as helping my fellow teammates.

  9. On 12/3/2020 at 7:29 AM, Lil Walter OBE said:


    -My personal experience with Dano has been nothing but positive

    -He has shown to be able to handle responsibility

    -A kind and helpful person in general

    +Support Always a friendly!

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