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Posts posted by Mint

  1. +support

    4 hours ago, Da da da said:

    +/- support

    This does nothing but allow people who already have a huge chance at escaping a tiny boost, it should be regular users that this should be aimed towards, the ones who actually cant escape at all without help as they don’t have crackers.

    you gotta pay for it

  2. Bro i cant see you go,I remember you bullied my ass with the fubar during a PT  anyways good luck on O5 researcher you'll make it 🙂


  3. 12 minutes ago, TheCloaker said:

    +/-Support leaning towards +Support

    - Feels bad for thinks he had done in the past that were against rules.

    - Named good reasons he should be staff.

    - you answered Q16 but you could have done better in my opinion.

    - Never really seen you but I am not that much into MTF.


  4. +Support

    I have had experiences where there are A TON of Nu7 on to feed scp's and we are halfway to LCZ when a security cc pulls up and does our job for us. It is Nu7's job to feed scp's not security. Same with CI raids their job is to defend d block not go to HCZ and assist us at all especially when there is a ton of MTF on to deal with it.

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  5. Listen up ive seen you cuss everyone out in game cause of this. To have you know Researchers arent on at 3 am in the morning. Wait till peak hours to get trained.

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