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[GL] Locus

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Posts posted by [GL] Locus

  1. -Support. 

    Being real they a cool little gimmicky thing but honestly I would prefer instead of doing this just adding better stuff high quality models and vehicles overall and helping performance in general. 
    They have added more stuff for RP and seem to be trying to get us away from just being a PVP server with a Cops & Robbers Skin basically. 
    I feel like just adding more of the raids as they don't really award that much and what I've seen causes issues for both Gov and Criminals in the chat this seems like a generally really bad idea. 
    2 hours is in all honesty the prefect time I mean I would actually suggest moving it to be 3 or more hours apart as it doesn't really enhance RP and its not the best way to get money. If we make robbing Gen Stores and Banks actually a good way to make money and make basing a good way to make money and generally make a reason to do them instead of just doing PVP. I remember back in for example 2019-2020 that general area where gen stores and pursuits would happen fairly often and yes they did most times end in shooting but they had some RP that led up to it not just oh hey lets have an all out basically action that would get the national guard deployed every two hours as you can't tell me a bunch of criminals with LMGs attacking and killing multiple federal agents and local law enforcement wouldn't led to a national guard deployment.  

  2. Just curious of what your earliest & Best policerp memories be. 

    Tbh my earliest one is watching people get mad about BSI and SRT when it was under the Sheriff's Department. 

    My best memory/memories were honestly back when we had 70-80 people doing stuff and not just hiding or afking. 

  3. @Matilda

    I mean I kinda wanta hear Matilda's and snappy's side before actually giving an opinion that is fully fleshed out but the base is odd but that's more of a player report thing. I don't really see any proof directly of her being biased as well the convo between snappy and Matilda didn't happen Infront of you or you just didn't clip it. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Aaron Faustin said:

    Can you fill me in on how Imperial armor works?

    So I haven't been on imperial in a while but basically you have a few slots of armor such as Leggings, Chest, I believe helmets they don't show up on the player but they add stats to you such as speed, Jump power, armor, hp amounts. 

    You tend to get the armor from just playing at-least that's been my experience. 

  5. What you want to see? - I wish to see a custom weather addon. 

    Why should we add it? - This can enhance the RP by adding stuff such as rain or snow or other types of weather maybe wind? 

    What are the advantages of having this? - This will allow us to have different types of events going on such as rain and snow which can make the server not feel like the same. Currently we seem to live in a world within this server that has no type of weather at all.  I feel like a custom weather mod one without the bloat that the current steam weather mods have would be interesting and as the servers get better and able to handle more such as Police RP now not lagging really at all I believe that if this is done correct this can be a great mod to add more to the RP.  

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - (Just some mods that do what I'm suggesting but I think custom would be better) 


  6. -Support The whole point of the Gov and Crim switching is to add a mix and to make it more interesting. 

    Considering that the defending team having NLR makes sense. 

    This suggestion is more just a suggestion to get rid of the crime defending tbh and this hasn't been a problem at all in the last few months really. 

    I would suggest the organized criminals faction who have issues defending it just get there before gov sets up to raid. 

  7. What you want to see? -  I would like to see us maybe take some type of armor system like Imperial RP. 

    Why should we add it? -  It would give more of a reason to play as you can earn equipment over time. May give it as loot for gov/crime raids. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - It would give people more reason to get on and would add something interesting to eventually get and earn through out the time. Maybe having certain types of equipment be awarded to different units if you rank up in them or by level. (I'm not suggesting get rid of the current armor amount but adding this on top of them as it could be interesting if done right)

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content -  N/A (Fairly sure its a GL Addon or something like that)

  8. The first video from what I've noticed seems like a pretty normal basing thing. I feel like that is more of a player report being honest tho and that I think is more of a mega base which has always been a thing even if it hasn't always been official. 

    The second video you know just as well as I know you need to warn them about 3 times before shooting them with 3 /advert warnings in the chat. 

    The Third Video I am still failing to see the bias with matilda. Russtime is the only one that could even have a chance of being called biased due to being in the same family. 

    -Support over all being honest this report seems to be a nothing burger. 

    I am just curious of where exactly is the rule on the buying other buildens?


  9. -Support I don't really think that you can make a car stall with vcmod and they removed gas because it got annoying so I only see this becoming the same thing. 

    I would find it interesting if they brough back fuel or something to counter pursuits buts that unlikely due to how it was removed last time. 

    • Like 2
  10. +Support 

    Clearly will is in the wrong in this case as you assisted and both happen to be in SL with your name even showing that. 

    I find this a bit disturbing that a member of staff at this rank gave a false warn that is clear as day false. 

    I believe that this goes to show why its important that even if you can take a sit for something involving you that you shouldn't as no matter how good you are you can be biased because it effected you. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  11. What you want to see? - Dispatch being brough back but as a global sub-division that anyone can join who holds a certain rank. 

    Why should we add it? - I've noticed that the radio is generally fairly bad at this time and I also think that this could add some RP. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - Would allow for us to have better communication if we can get people who can actually dispatch and not just power trip over the radio instead. I believe that this can also make it less of having minges screaming over the radio or help clear the radio when tac or command in general need to talk. We could maybe add a way for command and dispatch to make it so that certain users can't transmit  over the radio when others are or make it so that if Command or Dispatch key up it blocks others from using it just like irl two people can't talk at the same time. you'll just hear a beep.

    Who is it mainly for? - Gov/Everyone 

    Links to any content - N/A

  12. -Support 

    Being honest I don't think we need another thing that could tank performance and you didn't follow the format. 

    If you need to or want to listen to music discord has some good music bots if you wanta do it as a group or just open up Spotify or youtube to listen to it solo or even with Spotify you can have multiple people listen to a play list.  

  13. -Support 

    Listen you might be active but I've seen you take bribes at times and I believe that if your being corrupt in that regard I don't think we should trust you in a position of power. 

    I also have heard that you try to act like due to you being an SM your over everyone in PD. I generally feel like you should also just re-learn the rules and not take bribes to get out of cuffs. 

    I also do not remember you ever serving in PD Command before and I went to fact check with your forums activity and couldn't find any type of application. 

    I do hope that you eventually meet the standards that many of us have placed in the LC teams of any department of being non-corrupt and not taken bribes to give people only one year in jail after they mass murder someone. 

  14. -Support 

    I am sorry I don't think your ready for PD Command atm maybe get some experience in a sub-department as a command member. 

    Your activity has been spotty some of it has to do with things out of your control but still its been spotty non of the less. 

    The why you should get this rank seems very short for an LT Application and the reason you want to join PD Low Command is due to Attention Special. 

    In the last week you got 1 hr on Sergeant Major. 

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