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Everything posted by Dr.█████

  1. Lore Name: Dr. Munch Steam ID: 76561198288953420 Rank: AR Activity Level: 4/10 (School/Personal)
  2. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: Dr.Munch/Gensec Guard Level D personnel involved: 2 SCP: 999 Errors and/or safety hazards: Possible escape attempt of D-Class. Question: What will SCP-999 Do when two people have a argument? + What do drugs do to SCP-999? Background Research: Previous testing with SCP-999 Hypothesis: SCP-999 Will try to stop the fight. + The drugs will have no effect on SCP-999. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-999 showed signs of discomfort well they fought but other wise no effect. + SCP-999 took marijuana and the drug seemed to calm SCP-999. SCP-999 took cocaine and that resulted in SCP-999 moving erratically. SCP-999 took LSD and seemed to be looking around confused at what just transpired but no other effects of the drugs. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No not at all.
  3. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: 3 (Dr. Munch/Dr. Hunts/ GENSEC Guard) Level D personnel involved: 2 SCP: 1048 Errors and/or safety hazards: Possible screech from SCP-1048 Question: What will SCP-1048 do when two D-Class fist fight? Background Research: Previous tests on SCP-1048. Hypothesis: SCP-1048 will screech after seeing the aggrasive nature of D-1000 D-1001 Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): https://www.gmod-fan.ru/uploads/posts/2018-10/1540114001_ssp9.jpg Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-1048 retreated in fright of the violence in front of it. After I ordered the test to stop D-1001 comforted SCP-1048 but when D-1001 was remove SCP-1048 when approached screeched. (GENSEC Guard KIA-SCP-1048's Screech) Conclusion SCP-1048 was just afraid of the physical conflict. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No not very close to what I had in mind.
  4. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: 3 (Dr.Hunts/Dr.Munch/GENSEC Guard) Level D personnel involved: 4 SCP: 999 Errors and/or safety hazards: Possible D-Class Death. Question: What will SCP-999 do when two D-Class fight? Background Research: Testing on SCP-999 Before. Hypothesis: SCP-999 With try to restrain one or both of the attackers. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/48beef18d26bec1e3cab71c7a05eec8e/5D982DFE/t51.2885-15/e35/c9.0.302.302a/62448844_144580463380737_7521878857585435847_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com Analysis and Conclusion: When D-1000 the psychopathic D-Class attack D-1001 a stable D-Class, SCP-999 coward in fear. Same with D-1002, and D-1003. SCP-999 Is afraid of any kind of conflict that being lethal or non-lethal in purpose. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Not much. No
  5. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: 2(Dr.Munch/Dr.Mike) Level D personnel involved: 2 SCP: 1048 Errors and/or safety hazards: Possibility of a screeching response from SCP-1048. Question: Is SCP-1048 Higher-Pitched secondary screech strong enough to destroy bullet proof glass? Background Research: Testing on SCP-1048 before. Hypothesis: It will brake the bullet-proof glasses but kill the subject as well. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): https://www.gmod-fan.ru/uploads/posts/2018-10/1540114001_ssp9.jpg Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-1048's secondary screech was unhearable maybe because the hearing protection that me, Mike, and the guard wore. But non the less the D-Class weren't affected by it. The screech broke the bullet-proof glasses and he also did his normal screech because D-1001 attack him. D-1000 was also KIA only because he tryed to escape.(D-1000 Terminated Va GENSEC Guard) (D-1001 Terminated Va SCP-1048's Screech) Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Yes but did not directly kill the personal.
  6. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 3 List of Personnel involved in testing: 2 Level D personnel involved: 2 SCP: 999 Errors and/or safety hazards: M1911 Placed in D Class's hand. Question: Will SCP-999 attack a person if necessary? Background Research: SCP-999's Document. Hypothesis: SCP-999 Will try to defend the D Class and not attack, similar to pacifists. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/924795650018014256/8D23E86B47BA0CD394DF1C075B77A77A1C542EAD/?imw=637&imh=358&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true Analysis and Conclusion: SCP-999 defended D-1001 when D-1000 fired a bullet at him from a M1911 Colt. But what I didn't aspect is SCP-999 encased D-1000 in a orange slop that we didn't know SCP-999 could even produce. So SCP-999 Saved D-1001 and subdued D-1000. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Not really align but it was close so I would say yes.
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