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Posts posted by MexicanGuy

  1. Name: MexicanGuy

    Rank: 2LT

    Callsign: idk, GUTS ??, maybe

    Date of LOA Leave/Return: 10/24/2020 -  10/28/2020

    Reason: I'm a little sick rn and I think sick + school is not a good combination. So i ll take a little break.

    Note: I hope to heal soon to get into the server and make some raids.

  2. 14 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    Heres why

    • You have a dedicated medic job and Commander and Officer Jobs do not need to spawn in medical supplies considering the fact that you already have a medic. Branches like E11 have done perfectly fine without even 1 medical class being able to spawn in meds for so long and they spawn outside the facility. This is not needed at all and is just unbalanced.
    • Experimental does not need 350 HP, all other SF cap at 250 and you can heal back upto 350 making it ridiculously OP and with the Remington that's just overkill
    • I would be more inclined to make Juggernaut HP like 300 and make its AP 100 as it was supposed to nerfed from what I heard and the PKM is better than the M60.
    • The Vector is extremely broken and shouldn't be on a Sniper class as its main purpose it to snipe and MP5 is perfectly adequate.


  3. Name: MexicanGuy 

    Rank: SM

    Callsign: XB3

    Date of LOA Leave/Return: 10/11/2020 - 10/14/2020

    Reason (if private write N/A): i need fix my computer and i need a little break


    • Like 1
  4. Name: MexicanGuy
    Rank: MSGT
    Discord: Miguel Angel#9478
    Activity:  7/10
    Ideas for CI: 

    I think we should have a job like maintenance that can give you armor on the raids and that can put up barricades in on site tests and Reset area in CI Base  like previus base.

  5. In-game Name: MexicanGuy




    DiscordID: Miguel Angel#9478


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 6/10

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)

    I would like to enter the insurgency to be able to help this whenever I need it, I can follow the orders of my superiors blindly and do a team work so that the operation of entering the facility and ensuring SCP is a success. After working the different jobs of site 05 such as security, researcher and other I have an interest in performing this job to use my skills to infiltrate and annihilate every member against the insurgency.



    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?

    I am different from others because I can follow orders blindly, I only speak if necessary and I can be very active.


    How active can you be? 

    I can be active whenever required


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Only discord

  6. Name (What it is on the Roster): MexicanGuy
    Rank? CPL


    What server is your activity majority based on (EU or US)?

    How is your activity in Gensec (Good, poor, ect) Good

    Why should you retain your current Rank?

    Most of the day I like to make a guard for about 3 or 4 hours is the minimum. When I am on my guard I try not to speak unless it is necessary, trying not to disturb others and in such a case that a researcher needs my help I provide it as long as my superior affirms it.

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