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Posts posted by MexicanGuy


    I don't think that's a good idea, but the fact of having that weapon that is somewhat weaker than the negev but easier to handle, I don't think it's good.

    I would rather the job had the negev, it is more fair in my opinion, besides that you can get that weapon in the armory. CI has a mecha with the same or similar weapon, but they have only one slot which is mostly delta + (like maynard, which not all members of ci have wl).

    The fairest thing in that case is that there is a job similar to the mecha, that has stats and weapons similar to the mecha.

  2. 2 hours ago, Coltable said:

    How about CI removes Trap expert and Mtf Removes Explosive Specialist........................................ Sounds like a better plan to me. (Leave demo-expert as its a donator job, cant remove that sadly)

    Rather go back to guns only combat than the shit we have now, Explosives have only caused the server/staff issues and while they can be fun to use from time to time those classes are heavily situational.

    CI Command Would be good with removing Trap Expert but i doubt foundation/mtf will.

    +Support since Omi9 got their explosive job back now CI has to put up with 2 new job slots with explosive weaponry, CI HCMD was fine with Nu7 buffing their explosive job as they had just lost e11/omi9 explosive jobs but now it feels like CI just got a good old slap to the face with the return of the omi9 explosive job. (The argument that Nu7's new load out on explosive specialist inst a buff is ridiculous, having multiple shots on a grenade launcher is better than 1, end of story)

    I like the idea of coltable, the explosives such as the grenade launcher or the c4 are too many broken, but in such a case that they cannot be removed, I consider that the job should serve more defense than for offense, using more slam to defend the base , in case of ci or defend a certain sector of the foundation. In addition to having more grenades (around 4 or 5) and smokes, flash, etc..

  3. Hi guys, I think it's time to say goodbye, it was a very good time to be with you, but lately I have been somewhat inactive, both because I lost a little interest in playing gmod and also that the server is lagging me. Here are some people who made my stay at Ci amazing.

    Gamma command: Keep up the great work, keep getting 50+ CI members.

    Funkmasterjack: One of the first people i met, a great ci member, hope to see you in Major soon. Pelon.

    Zero: An example of a CI member. keep it up.

    M8VP: I don't have the words to thank you, the opportunity you gave me, it was an honor to have been at your command for a short time.

    Fizzy: When enuz left the command and you took it, it was very successful on his part, you are doing an equal or better job. keep it up

    Tackie: Great command member.

    Jolt: One of the best people I have ever met and i hope to see you on high command. i would have liked to talk more with you. ill miss you

    Hope: It can be said that if it weren't for you I would not have been in ci, you trained me and even though the test failed ..... you gave me the opportunity. A great person. Great member and in my opinion  one of the next commander / general of CI. it was an honor to have been with you.

    I will continue playing in my cc of guts, heavy and infil. I hope to see you soon I will miss you.

    Note: If for some reason, I didn't answer them when they spoke to me through team speak, it's not that I ignored them, it's that I really didn't understand them, so please don't take it personally. I still do not know English 100%.


    • Sad 2
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    • Gaminglight Love 4
  4. Name: MexicanGuy

    Rank: 1LT

    Callsign: MXCN

    Date of LOA Leave/Return:       12/11/2020        -      12/18/2020

    Reason (if private write N/A): I have a  emergency, I have to leave my city, I hope to return sooner.

  5. 1 hour ago, vSquishyv said:


    -The point of the blue line is to make it fair for D-Class, allowing jugs to cross it will be way too OP as there is little to no cover in D-Block.

    -Killing a CI infiltrator isn't that hard, if you got a lot of people in D-Block they won't be able to do much as they are pretty weak.

    -When activating thermals, it activates it for the whole branch so even if most security don't have it, the infiltrator still has to uncloak therefore security can shoot him.

    -Security is pretty good at defending D-Block at the moment, I have seen many cooardinated attempts to take back D-Block and most of them were sucessful, also they already got a Class that has 175 hp 125 armor (is it?) which just makes it really good against D-Class and even CI.

    There would literally be no point into getting on Class D again unless it is for testing because riots will be just impossible with Juggernauts past the blue line

    -You have a jobs for that (riot control) which has if I remember correctly 175 | 100, which is not easy to kill, they also have a job as a sniper which can kill the dclass with two shots, as for the infiltrators, they do not have much life or armor, being very easy to kill when the thermals are activated.


  6. 22 hours ago, The CI Zero said:


    When I host raids as CI I always try to go easy on the lights and at least wait one full raid before turning off lights but this would help with Maynard just messing with lights. So I would just like to see this mainly be a change for Maynard and less of CI as a whole.  But from what I can tell it's just one Maynard doing it so I don't think it's a huge problem for CI military. But still this would be a addition that will better help with Maynard trolling. 

    how to nerf comrade

  7. Pros:

    3 hours ago, Dakota said:

    + Support

    - Good at combat and RP

    -Very dedicated to CI and Server as a whole

    -Has pretty good experience

    -Man is a straight CI MAIN, good to see some of them bois come over and side with the Foundation for once 


    -i dont want fight against him lol



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