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Posts posted by MexicanGuy

  1. Hello im the owner of guts 

    I think my model was corrupted or something like that, due to the hitbox looks like a   error , but I'm not sure.

    https://medal.tv/clips/44951510/d1337qD1Arjn (clip hitbox test)

    Also I do not know if it has to do with the hitbox, but when I try to change something with ! Wardrobe (the cape that is seen in the PM) it is not removed when I leave the wardrobe

    https://medal.tv/clips/44951635/d1337QrhKHAg (clip cape test)

    And if by chance you ask me, it's not that the model has always been like that, the model I've had from guts was always good. I'm not sure about this but I think it was the last update when the problem started.

    this is the pm i use for guts


    and this the path 



    Note: I wasn't sure if I would put this post in cc or in bugs, but I decided more on bugs, which I think it is.


    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Jameshi34 said:

    Complaining about Security holding D-Block for the majority of the day doesn't make much sense as it is quite literally our job to do so. Losing D-Block is a loss, a major loss, as you guys scurry throughout LCZ and HCZ and end up causing mass breaches. In my opinion, as a Gensec main, Security should never lose D-Block. Ever. I understand this isn't possible and won't ever be possible, but it's my ideal. D-Class are prisoners and nothing more - we should be able to regularly frisk you guys, kill on suspicion, and have access to the entirety of lower D-Block.

    Rioting is meant to be insanely hard. You chose the route of the D-Class when you bought your CC, and SMT have given you guys a blue line, purple line, and a huge black barricade that makes Partial Lockdown look like a little kid's birthday party. If you want to be able to riot against Gensec you need to plan out an attack, strike when we're weak, and strike with great force. I know there's the Union discord and I also know they barely use it for scheduled riots which seems like a pretty big loss considering there's like 150 people in there, some with CCs. I do hear word that riots are hard to plan out since D-Class are mainly the newest people in the server, but I'm certain that if you coerced them with the benefits of a large-scale riot, you'd have a following.

    Now onto the taking D-Block thing. Yes, in my opinion, D-Class take D-Block FAR MORE than they should. At this point, with Riot Control being the only thing between 3 CCs and 10 normal D-Class at a time, there is absolutely no need for a nerf, or "rework" as you like to call it. Yes, there are times where far less D-Class are on than Gensec and rioting seems impossible, and in these times you should either 1: Flag onto another job, or 2: Carefully plan something with the D-Class that are there. If there's not enough to take D-Block, then oh well. Again, D-Block isn't supposed to be like cutting warm butter. Don't try and make it as such by nerfing Security. Work with your peers and maybe you'll see results.

    It seems to me you don't understand that D-Class are supposed to be weak as you are legit making a suggestion to give you guys an edge. The most unbalanced thing on the server is also the only thing stopping 15 D-Class from breaching every SCP and causing nukes daily. Before, when RC had the Ithaca, it was an abysmal job to play on. I despise the Ithaca with a burning passion. The XM is far better for us and I don't see a reason to change it other than "Gensec are holding D-Block!??!?!?!?!? WOAH That can't happen!!!"

    TL;DR - Don't complain about the difficulty of riots; plan riots; deal with the XM

    P.S.: If you want your opinion heard, go to Security HCMD before making a suggestion that nerfs one of their classes. I'm aware it's not required, but for formality's sake (and our HCMD's sanity), come to us first.

    Okay, if you want to put things on that side, let's say that dblock should never lose or that it should not fall so often and in addition to being able to go upper Dblock to be able to kill every dclass that has a weapon or that you don't have their hands up. That would be unfair, that is why SMT implemented rules to prevent things from becoming too unfair, an easy example would be that scps cannot be in a team, that would simply be almost impossible to contain.

    In my opinion, the biggest problems of the RC are the shotgun he has right now and the number of slots he has which are currently 5. Having at each corner of the elevator 2 riot control and even 3 waiting for you to show yourself, and them having a shotgun that can kill you with 1 shot (if you don't have armor) or 3 shots (if you have armor, which being honest the armor ends in the 2nd shot) in addition to having with you a scp that can be considered a tank and that can use both the riot shield and a staff that with just two hits immobilizes you and catches you with the cuff. But you will say because they simply move or withdraw their weapon so that 912 does not hit them and immobilize them, if it were that easy we would certainly do it, but the elevator space is not very large and if we leave the elevator we are an easy prey for gensec. But let's say that 5 dclass and 3 dclass cc plan to kill the 3 RC that are in dblock and that we kill them, wait they are not the only ones in GENSEC, they are also missing the enlisted, NCOs, Heavies, Sniper and Security cc.

    Finally, I understand that they want the job to continue to be used because it is very useful to control the riots, but I just hope we can come up with a solution that is good for both of us.

  3. +Support

    For the change of weapon, to the weapon that the riot control can kill a dclass with one shot, in addition to being a fast weapon.


    I do not think it is necessary to lower the life and the armor, it is supposed that riot control should be a little more tank than a nco, to be able to deal with the dclass that it has in front

  4. the only complaint you might have is about the 6 SF slots, but if the ci high command doesn't bother with that's fine.

    I really like what you want to do with the scout, but I think the job should only have only the vector, but I don't know, lately I haven't seen scouts, maybe with this it will become a little more used.

    Finally, EWU may be a bit op with the new weapon (I'm not sure if it is similar to a microhid or a little more nerfed) and being equal to or stronger than an SF, but seeing the restrictions it has I do not think that this bad, although I think with only one slot would be fine.



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