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Posts posted by Crabbo

  1. 1 minute ago, Susel said:

    +- Support

    Sure, i like the idea, but i also believe it might be a bit mingy, also, why make it a part of research specificaly? Hell, i know Sec/MTF/Util can also use some ethics.

    MTF Are the most ethical people in the world, Not a single one has gunned down defenceless people

  2. What you want to see? -  Custom classes with heavy weapons not be able to spawn in security bunks

    Why should we add it? -  D class have no chance versus some custom classes that spawn in security bunks, They have 200 200 a negev and a semi sniper while they have a wrench or fists, plus if multible are in dblock once dboys finally kill one the other one walks out from finishing NLR

    What are the advantages of having this? - Dclass being able to actually enjoy the game while custom classes are in dblock

    Who is it mainly for? -D class and possibly CI

  3. Date:19/12/19

    Interviewee: SCP 527

    Interviewer: Crabbo

    Background Info: SCP 527 is almost completely human, The only thing that is anomalous about him is he has a fish head. Nothing else is different from normal humans.

    ------------------------Begin Log--------------------------------

    Interviewer: Hello SCP 527,  I would like to know more about your past. What type of education did you get?

    527: i was rejected from a lot of schools because how i look *Chuckles* 

    Interviewer: That makes a lot of sense, But back to the question, about your education, how do you know the English language? 

    527: When i was taken into the foundation i was taught "The basics" of most peoples education, Like English and simple Math, Just enough so that i would be able to work things out and answer questions.

    Interviewer: Thank you for your time 527, That should be enough

    A: ------------------------END LOG--------------------------------

    ( Additional Info) : None

  4. Lore Name:Crabbo


    Clearance Level:2

    List of personnel involved in testing: Security LCPL Aero

    Level D personnel involved: 1 Dclass with the name "Corperal ducky"

    SCP: SCP 066

    Errors and/or safety hazards: If Containment cell wasn't shut it could damage foundation personals eardrums

    Question: Background Research: What if you did a large amount of pain to SCP 066, How would it react

    Hypothesis: Observation: SCP 066 would be aggravated at the pain make attack the D class Personal 

    Analysis and Conclusion: The Dclass poured Lemon juice into one of SCP 066s eyes, SCP 066 ran around for roughly 3 seconds then attacked the dclass personal with its loud music, making the Dclass Deaf for several seconds before he recovered, We then took the dclass to medbay for anaesthetics and to let the medic look at his physical shape

    Do Results Align with Hypothesis: The Hypothesis was correct, SCP 066 attacked the dclass

  5. Name:Crabbo


    Will you try to be active through the school year: Im already in the school year

    Do you believe that you deserve your position in A1: Yes, i try to be active whenever i can

    What is your current Activity on the Roster, and if not active will you try to improve it: Im active most days

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