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Ajax K.

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Posts posted by Ajax K.

  1. On 11/9/2021 at 8:28 PM, Beelzebub said:

    - Support

    This has been suggested countless times over the past 2ish years and always been denied for reasons such as lag and not being a serious RP server. It does add a lot of RP things but it can possibly slow down EMS response times and causing issues with people. I do believe that EMS does need more RP but I don't think this is it. 

    Looks great on Paper, however not so much when implemented. 

  2. On 10/29/2021 at 3:50 PM, Yobo said:

    - Support

    1) 23 Warns
    2) Previous Bans x 2: Racism & Mass RDM
    3) 2 Fairly Recent warns (You Said 1 But you have 2): Main Issue with these warns is one of them is Lying to Staff..

    Regarding last question what would the correct punishment be you were fairly vague.


  3. Name: Ajax 

    Rank and Callsign: Deputy 8702

    Would you consider yourself Active,Semi Active,Inactive? Active

    Why would you like to stay in the department? Too Further my Career within EMS and staying with an amazing Command team.

    Is there anything EMS Command or the department can improve on? N/A

  4. In-Game Name: EMS CPT Ajax 8702

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:71324076

    Current Rank: Captain 

    Rank you are applying for: Deputy

    How long have you been at your current rank?  2 Months

    How long have you been in EMS (rough estimate if you aren’t fully sure): 1 year

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How many warns do you have? (Show Proof): 0  

    Why do you think you should be promoted to Deputy? (200 Word Minimum): Why I think I should be promoted to Deputy can be one of many reasons. Over my time, within EMS I have had the pleasure of having wonderful fellow Command, and High Command Teach me from the ground up; coming from being an EMR to CPT throughout my career within EMS. I have been taught and taught others the rules and regulations that EMS is built on. As well as being able to take my experiences to help further develop fellow EMS command,  EMS supervisors and Enlisted. This, however, is just one of many reasons; another reason why I should be promoted to Deputy, I would say, is my maturity and understanding of the responsibilities of being a deputy as well as just being a command member in general. To Further Continue why I should be promoted to Deputy is I would like to become a large part of EMS helping High Command if ever needed, as well as wanting to bring that old RP aspect back into EMS. Allowing for more medical RP and RP in general instead of just reviving people and calling it a day. As well as coming up with ideas and thoughts that would be beneficial to EMS as a whole.

    Are you in any command Jobs? If so write which ones:  Yes,  EMS CPT and RRU LRRM

    How many people have you trained and what is your FTO rank?:  EMS FTO with 2 Trainings and RRU FTO with 3 Trainings

    Permission (1 EMS/FR HC Required):  Medical Chief MiniEpic

    Do you agree to be Professional and Mature?: Yes

    Do you agree that you will stay active and help the department in any way?: Yes

    Do you agree that High Command can strike, demote, or remove you for any reason following a rule break? (SOP or Server Rules): Yes

  5. Sadly I'm having to put my 48 hours in because of irl reasons and my schedule having very little free time. I'd like to thank kitty as well all of SRT's command team and everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting in SRT I know I wasn't here long (sadly) but again thank you for the opportunity within SRT. 

    -  Ajax 1S21

  6. 5 minutes ago, MiniEpic said:

    Now im going to -Support this for now heres reasons:

    This seems a bit of a petty report as you can either block him or even just ingore him.

    Second off there is not a enough proof for "Harrasment" 

    Third off this is a case of just blocking him and don't talk to him if you think hes harrasing you, be the bigger man in this. 

    Yea - Support For Reasons stated above 

    As well Harassments of fellow GL members is one thing but not true evidence was given, however this sounds like child banter and it seems to be extremely petty.

  7. Hey Guys so this is my official 48 hours for EMS at this point i'm just too busy and I dont want to be the person who keep others from exceling within the department thank you to everyone who has been there with me in my career with EMS . - EMS CPT Ajax 8702

    I guess I can do some mentions as well 

    - @Seb my first EMS chief and a friend was there till the day he retired great chief, great dedication thanks.

    - @Beelzebub My Second EMS chief mad cool , Great deputy chief and chief thank you for all you did.

    - @MiniEpic Good Luck as chief you'll do fine no worries, mad cool 

    - @MJTHEOG Plays too much EMS but chill 

    - @[GL] Dark when you were in EMS it was fun cool dude 

    - @Ecott Mad respect 

    and to any I forgot who was in EMS during my time thank you as well 

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