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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. In Game Name: 


    Steam ID:


    Job applying for:

    MTF A-1 “Red Right Hand”

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard:


    How many Warns do you have?:

    7 (I’ve Been with the community for almost 2 years now in my defense)

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: 

    I want to join the O5 staff team for 2 main reasons: I enjoy providing an escort detail and I enjoy the smaller community.

    One of my favorite parts of SCP-RP has always been escorting a VIP. With the inevitable chaos around every corner, I find the task of keeping someone else alive instead of myself to be a challenging and entertaining experience. I also enjoy the group effort put into maintaining a professional demeanor (formations required while escorting), as the constant communication put forth to hold formations and to understand where your VIP is going leads to a lot of bonding with your team.

    I also look forward to joining the small RRH family. Before with A1, the team you were working with was about 5x larger than the current RRH roster, meaning that you weren’t as likely to get to know anyone, or get any sort of connection with these people who you needed to work very well with to work efficiently (which is probably a good part of why A1 failed now that I look back at it). With a much smaller group of people it’ll be much easier to make that bond, and to work so much better together.

    Why should we accept you: 

    There are 3 main reasons as to why I should be accepted: My past experience with spec ops divisions, my past experience in general, and my availability.

    I think the best quality I can bring to this team which is the most relevant to RRH is my previous experience with spec ops divisions. I’ve been involved in multiple spec ops divisions on Gaminglight, such as E-11’s [REDACTED], IMP-RP’s Clan Imperium, Nu7's HSU, RRH when it was first made, and also by founding E-11’s Rangers. My involvement in all of these divisions proves that I’d be able to maintain a serious attitude in RRH, as well as bring plenty of skill to the table.

    Not only have I been involved in all of these highly sought after divisions, I’ve also been in plenty of higher up positions, such as Grand General on IMP-RP, General on CWLRP, and Jan Exec on SCP-RP. While these all definitely show that I’m mature, skilled, and a great leader, I think the most relevant to RRH is my time spend in A-1. I resigned from A-1 as a 2LT, which shows clearly that I’m competent in every duty that would be required of me in RRH, since I spent a lot of time in that position helping out newer members with their duties, as well as delivering orders during more stressful situations (DEFCON 3-1 and CI raids). All of these positions, especially my position in A-1 should all be outstanding attributes that make me suitable for RRH.
    Another point I’d like to touch up on is my availability. I don’t mainly play Gaminglight anymore, so I'm not on near the middle of the day when everyone else usually is, however I do spend time later in the day to make up for not being on at high-pop. One thing I usually notice is that there’s almost always some sort of O5-R, O5-L, O5, or some other sort of VIP online, however nobody is on RRH to guard them. I think that if I were to be accepted into RRH I’d be able to help fill in for that time and be able to provide VIPs online with an escort.

    Thank you for your consideration and I hope to be working with the O5 team soon! 😄

    • Like 1
  2. What are you suggesting? -

    The addition of one of the following things to the riot shield:
    - A 3 second delay in between unequipping a riot shield and pulling out a weapon

    - Making the riot shields break after taking a certain amount of damage, which would then come back after a cooldown of something like 15-30 seconds

    How would this change better the server? - 

    There is little to no downside to using the riot shield in combat. In a CQC environment as long as your 6 is being covered it is the ultimate get out of jail free card and is impossible to counter without explosives (which are limited to a select amount of players).  Adding a change like this would encourage players to consider their usage of the shield  and would allow players on both sides to be able to combat them much more easily.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - 

    Considerable change to the meta and would also irritate players who purchased the riot shield for its invincible attributes.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - 

    Doesn't benefit a side in particular as both sides use it.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -

    N/A (Didn't see a replacement addon. If this can't be developed then it can't be developed)

  3. 3 hours ago, Skela said:

    +support: if he’s serious about it, yeah lol he’s a good guy 

    the warns shouldn’t really mean none since I believe those are quite old.. I mean I got 8 warns and I’m a dsd.

    He’s on the server multiple times a week.

    Really funny and chill guy, can get serious when needed

    Couldn’t agree with this more. Dempseys a good guy who is capable of being serious when he needs to, and would be a great new member of OMI9.

  4. 3 hours ago, Benslaki_II said:


    Keep it at 1 week for one offence

    Some people are new to the server and its ruleset and may be from a server that allows this type of talk (theres plenty trust me) and i think having them gone forever would be an improper punishment


    Unless its a major offence like adverts and such, in that case they go bye bye


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