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Posts posted by BadAim

  1. +Support

    Here’s a pretty common scenario:

    *A group of MTF are on standby waiting for a selfbreach timer to start*

    Randon SEC LCPL on the radio: “Hey guys we’ve lost control of D-b”

    *Comms begin to devolve into a mix of CI thanking him for the information, people screaming to get off open comms, and people micspamming*

    *The group of MTF all pull out there radios and begin to spam click to turn it off*

  2. Hey guys,

    My activity on the server and my lack of influence over RP has probably made this apparent enough, but I’ve suffered from an extreme level of burn out as of recent and I doubt I’ll be able to maintain my position in a way that would be beneficial to the server if I keep up like this, so I’ll be resigning from my position as General.

    My final address as General to the CWLRP community is this: A game mode like this has never been tried before and I think it works excellently, and a lot of people just aren’t giving it a chance yet. However, there are still those of you who are dedicated to this server and I commend you for that continued dedication, and I hope that you keep it and spread it to others, because you are the people who will shape the server into what it will become.

    Thank you Beckett and Spice for the opportunity as high command, I wish you the best with the server, and I truly hope it prospers.


  3. 4 hours ago, Scoot said:


    +/- Support

    + Clearly dedicated to the server

    + Has experience leading the event team

    + Almost a year in community

    - Not sure how the command experience of running a branch will translate to running the RP on the entire server


    No hard feelings, it’s just too big of a leap IMO.

  4. 21 minutes ago, _Alpha_ said:

    But at the same time as a long time member he would know better, if this was someone new it would probably be a different story, but Jack has played on the server for a while and probably should understand the rules by now.

    Not only that apparently he has done something like this before? I don't the context behind that warn but from the sound of it he's a repeat offender.

    Also why in the world would you do that Jack? Was it for a stupid meaningless meme? 


    Personally I'm probably going to have to -1 for now.


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