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Posts posted by Fool

  1. 46 minutes ago, Neo said:

    966's are fine where they are at right now.


    1 hour ago, Da da da said:

    its swep has horrible detection

    Also I ain't so sure about that from my experience those zombie claws have pretty good hit reg and range.

  2. 1 hour ago, Nimo said:

    Wow fool the buttom of the page i see you no longer my favourite fool. DIDNT MENTION THAT I ADDED IN THE FUBAR 

    Sorry but I don't know what you're talking about 

  3. So, the time has finally come. I have been playing on this server since March 28th 2019 and I gotta say it has been some of the most fun I have ever had on garry’s mod. Back in good ol april I first started playing on this server as a 049 main known as “The Best Doctor” I would play 049 almost all day every day, and that is what would lead me to making my first friend on the server god damn MTF Nu7 RCT Daedran RC5 (Love you <3) everyday that man would come into my CC and do /me kissy kissy and then leave and that was my only interaction with they guy, soon after by the time he was a A1 CPL I stopped playing for a week come back and this motherfucker is COL of A1 which was pretty epic. Now off the 049 story and onto when I joined Nu7, May 11th 2019 was the day I joined Nu7 got trained by bread (I think) this was the day Blackbeard was made DOC and Bread was made CMDR a great first day where we held a party in blackbeard's office for him getting DOC, while we were setting it up someone accidently prop killed blackbeard which was pretty epic. And not too far into my Nu7 career I met my second favorite A1, MAJ Arium, guy was hella fun to hang out with. Now fast forwarding a bit the day was June 4th and somehow my command app got accepted and I went from SSGT-CPT pretty big jump if you ask me, and this was the start of career in command being a CPT was fun I got to do lots of trainings such as when I trained killaz for RCT and look at him now he’s HOS. Now my time as CPT was average same with MAJ. Now we're getting into the good stuff, it was July 4th 2019 and I had just gotten COL to my very most surprise (Sorry sticks!) and this is where the legend of ‘Foolbar” began, first thing I did with the good ol fubar was run into LCZ and clap a guy who had like 2000 HP for an event, first event I ruined (Sorry for screwing over event team so many times hoovy) after that I had realized how OP that thing was and from that day forward I used that 200 damage op ass melee weapon and made many great achievements with it, ruined countless CI raids everyday (Sorry kraunch), many many events with either the fubar or the Micro (I miss that thing), and all the countless amounts of people who fell victim to it (Sorry not sorry to all the Nu7 who were killed by it) and of course my most significant achievement, when I kicked 682’s ASS in a 1v1 with the fubar, sadly in late July my 200 damage fubar was taken from me due to a certain D-class CC having it, moving on from my COL and VCMDR days we are getting into the final part. On August 4th 2019 I was moved up to CMDR, and the rest is history.

    I had a good run but everything comes to an end at some point, I’m gonna miss playing on the server and hanging out with all you minges (especially you rang damn kiwi) now time for what I’m gonna call “my list of people who I think are cool”. 

    Daedran- You’ve earned my respect and you were my inspriation to join MTF thank you for being my greatest friend throughout my time on the server, you'll always be my favorite A1 XCMDR. We have have a lot of good times together and I’m gonna miss all the fun times we’ve had you get a kissy kissy on the cheek, love you <3. 

    Bread- Ahh my most loyal of Nu7 members I stuck by you as your COL and you stuck by me as my VCMDR you have done great for Nu7 and I hope the best for you in the future. 

    Ranglatte- My favorite kiwi you are the definition of minge and I will never forget DOURS Spite and Director Aktus I have had a lot of good times with you, and you get one Soviet union token, we still need to commit war crimes, that will never end. Here take my favorite rang quote “Acceptable casualties”  

    Dogz- Doggy doggy dogz what a minge you resigned 10 days before I did and you are a minge for I will never forget when I came into your office when you were DSD and I did the entire Cha Cha slide in there, good times.. Thanks for the free token to fubar 682 to death, I used it well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWBLyKB9Ok8 "I'll tell you what Fool, I'll make it up to you. I'll let you eat my ass."

    Hoovy- Hoovymic moment, hoovy you were one of my favorite people to minge with and that one red dead redemption event we did when we raided the site will go down in history, and I thank you and rang for the many times you both gave me the micro hid I used it well and we had some real fun times together, best of luck to you comrade. “Our time has passed john.” 

    Catsro-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYSl_Ngt_gc Boomer "Huh"

    Arium- Three words. You Are Hot. 

    Blackbeard- Wackbeard my favorite DOC my oh my it’s good to have you back, you were one hell of a DOC and I wish you the best of luck for where ever the server takes you next, stay wack you joe looking ass. This really do be a ooga ginga moment. 

    Mystic- If you are reading this mystic, please come back. We all miss you.

    Youtube- Probably no one knows who this is but, I thank for being my VCMDR you were pretty epic. 

    PIXEL- Was a massive minge and you are inactive nice job on resigning, make sure you go bully Novah for me. 

    Novah- You are the future of Nu7 along with bread, lead Nu7 to glory FOR THE SOVIET UNION!! OOORAHHH, also you really gotta work on those fubar skills.

    Rektify- I’m never giving you that 200K for shooting blackbeard. love you!

    Skela- Bro I can’t count how many times I killed you when you used to play on delta command and you are one hell of a CI CMDR. “Wind is the friction of the erf” 

    E11 HCMD- Gio you are minge and mike you are cringe

    Kraunch- Sorry not sorry for bullying you with the fubar. 

    Mutombo- Damn drip the clown, sorry not sorry for traumatizing you with the fubar 

    Blanke- Biggest minge from CI of all time. 

    Starr- I can’t forget you man you are one my favorite people to talk to, stay cool man.

    Camo- Here you get a spot at the bottom but hey at least you are above nimo, you were a cringe Home depot loving DOC and I commerate you for it.

    Rainbow and Ritz- The janitors behind the slaughter, you are both minges. “Doing your mom doing doing you mom” 

    Gensec HCMD- Killaz you are a minge who only plays Wehrmacht, Alpha beat up cryo for me, Cryolast I will never forget when you left me mid way through my Gesnec training shame on you.

    Utility HCMD- Cookie NO CHICKEN POT PIE, Inaccurate wait you are DDOU now, nice. 

    Research HCMD- Weiss stop bullying people with the scythe, Kuma one word weeaboo.

    Honorable mentions- Tony,Orange,Boozle,Kiddo,Pixel,Igneous,th3,Beanz,Infected,Lucky,Krug,Blackstone,Gh0pit,Emoonk,Moundmaker,Jesus,October,Dang,Silver,Hang,Steppy,Jakub,Baguette,Mickey,Sticks,Watkin,Cornbread,Hugo,Zeus.

    Nimo- You get the bottom of the list for being the biggest minge from Nu7, you were a really cringe CMDR and I can’t believe you left us for Imperial RP. “I like penis” 

    Well that took me awhile to write god damn to everyone I didn’t mention stay epic and keep my memory of the “Foolbar” going I’m gonna miss you all and I'll still be around, now ending this off strong here is a song to remember me by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMDXl36gypw 

    You're on your own, Nu-7... Fool out.


    “There'll be another time..." 


    • Sad 2
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  4. 3 hours ago, Jack II said:

    YESTERDAY I WAS 682 AND U FUBARED ME INTO ACID WITH 1 HIT, ITS TOO OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you thought that was bad you should have been around when it used to do 200 damage a hit

  5. I said I would do it and here it is

    What you want to see? - A buff to the Fubar's damage either back to 200 or to 175 from the current 115, also if this gets accepted ban D-class CC's from getting it

    Why should we add it? - So the Nu7 HCMD boys get the thing they need 

    What are the advantages of having this? - Nu7 HCMD will have a counter to all the custom classes and CS:GO knifes

    Who is it mainly for? - Nu-7 HCMD

    Links to any content -  None

    • Dislike 2
  6. Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit
    Job Models: models/halo2/spartan_blue.mdl models/halo2/spartan_cobalt.mdl models/halo2/spartan_red.mdl models/halo2/spartan_steel.mdl models/halo2/spartan_white.mdl

    Job Description: MTF Nu-7 “Hammer and Sickle '' is a division comprised of enhanced super soldiers made to be the pinnacle of human biology and along with it, a nice suit of highly advanced power armor to enhance their abilities further, this division is the predecessor to a highly REDACTED E11 program. HSD (Hammer and Sickle Division) was developed to be a counter for Keter Class SCPs contained in Site-05 while having a side objective of handling interrogations of GOI members. The Nu-7 Commander and Vice Commander oversee the division while the Colonel and LT-Colonel manage and command it. This division has a Security Clearance level of 4.

    Job Weapons: tfa_mp5sd, tfa_ithacam37, tfa_aw50, cross_arms_infront_swep, cross_arms_swep, fas2_ifak, tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_flash , tfa_csgo_smoke, weapon_cuff_elastic, dradio, weapon_keycard_level4

    Job Salary: 175

    Job HP: 200

    Job Armor: 200

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=432965445
    This is the special forces for Nu7. Field Experts will become SSGT+ to be trained for, and this class will be handpicked.
    This class will specialize in interrogations and dealing with Keter-Class SCPs. and working closely with Coldsilver and Omni-9 specialists
    Access to all /comms that E11 Coldsilver has

    Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Officer

    Job Model: Staying the same

    Job Description: Staying the same

    Job Weapons: Remove tfa_acr Add tfa_famas

    Job Salary: Staying the same

    Job HP: Staying the same

    Job Armor: Staying the same

    Extra Info: N/A

    Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Recontainment Specialist

    Job Model: Staying the same

    Job Description: Staying the same

    Job Weapons: Remove tfa_honeybadger Add tfa_m416, tfa_csgo_frag, tfa_csgo_flash, tfa_csgo_smoke

    Job Salary: Staying the same

    Job HP: Staying the same

    Job Armor: Staying the same

    Extra Info: N/A

    Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Field Expert

    Job Model: Staying the same

    Job Description: Staying the same

    Job Weapons: Remove tfa_mossberg590 Add tfa_csgo_p90

    Job Salary: Staying the same

    Job HP: Staying the same

    Job Armor: Staying the same

    Extra Info: Increase job slots to 6 as it is not a special forces

    Name of Job: MTF Nu-7 Close Range Specialist

    Job Model: Staying the same

    Job Description: The MTF Nu-7 Close Range Specialist (CRS) is armed with a Nova, a high powered, decently ranged shotgun, that when used properly, can be deadly. The CRS should be in the front lines along with Special Forces/Heavy Classes. They have a Security Clearance of Level 2.

    Job Weapons: Remove tfa_csgo_ump45 Add tfa_mp5

    Job Salary: Staying the same

    Job HP: Staying the same

    Job Armor: Staying the same

    Extra Info: Staying the same

    Made by Nu-7 Commander Fool S117 and Nu-7 Vice Commander Bread SRX6

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