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Zero X

Scythes of Paradise
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Posts posted by Zero X

  1. I have added all of these cars so far so I am curious, what car would you guys prefer to see next?

    Custom made but wont be slow garbage like charger this time.

    Vote in the poll above!


  2. 8 minutes ago, large person said:

    This most certainly does affect roleplay as the policeman was driving around on patrol until he planes flying in the sky with players physics gunning them. He could've been doing something else but instead he was distracted by this nonsense. What was done in those videos can easily be done in sandbox without issue.

    That officer chose to stay there he gave the player he pulled over a ticket, and lets not even mention the fact that the random hobo who made the report  is sitting in the back of the police car for no reason, It is not the officers duty to deal with these people, or drive around this hobo, and hey lets warn the officer too for staying and playing while taxying 2 passengers, He was not distracted it was his decision to be there, this whole warn is a fuckfest, The officer ticketed a player he could have left he chose to stay and minge with them all there is to it.

    I would also like to add it seemed like everyone there was enjoying themselves except for this hobo.

  3. I take responsibility I did not know this was a rule to be honest and I was messing around trying to act hard regret saying it I know racism isn’t allowed i wasn’t trying to be racist I’m sure you all know that but if this does hurt anyone I apologize just want to let you all know that I regret it and accept the warm.

    also wanna mea toon this was 5 months ago and I haven’t acted like that since not an excuse just noting 

  4. 1 hour ago, Ecott said:

    + Support

    It makes sense to bring this back, don't know why it got changed in the first place, cuz I've seen Sciernos where a gov official has their gun out on a Crim CC and the Crim CC can just put out their gun (NEGEV) and pop shots first even though the gov have the weapon on them first and turning into a 1vs1 shootout and then legit the Criminal kills the Gov official and gets off scot free like nothing happened etc its silly n stupid tbh, u wouldn't do that shit IRL if someone has a gun on you regardless being a Gov Official or not u just wouldn't, you would want to value your life and not get SHOT at and potentially not DIE etc....


  5. 1 hour ago, T Chicken said:


    Even if it isn't explicitly stated, it's not very realistic for someone to mug an officer in front of four other armed officers, kinda the same with how a murder or hitman cant just publicly start executing people in front of everyone (It's a solid mix of cop bait/failrp, just depends on intent) but either way I think it'd be a warn .


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