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Zero X

Scythes of Paradise
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Posts posted by Zero X

  1. 2 hours ago, Freeze said:

    Just dont accidentally hit your binds?

    People could easily abuse this.

    Ive seen it happen that someone tries to kidnap or mug someone and die before they could get the money or kidnap the person. They think "technically I didnt do it" so 1m later you see another advert and so on. 

    The rule is there to prevent stuff like this to happen.

    If your going to do something that will put you on a timer plan it ahead, think ahead so you know you'l succeed.

    - Support


    if you cant do the time don’t do the crine

  2. Omg it’s in teamspeak guys can’t do anything about it! We all know Romero has said stuff like this probably even worse in game he is very rude and acts like an entitled child I think he needs to be put in his place.


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