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Posts posted by Reznov

  1. What you want to see? -  A completely new crafting system implemented for D class. As I stated previously the resources could set to spawn in random locations in lower d block. These components could then be harvested by d class and used to craft items and weaponry. Not only could you craft items you could set up a vendor and sell the components for in game money. This is killing 2 birds with 1 stone solves the low salary and lack of money issue and its a great new addition for d class. It gives a outlet other then countless riots. Just like mining players can dedicate their time to farming components instead of running into a line of rifles. A system of inventory space could also be added to where the higher the rank you are of VIP the larger your inventory or something in that area. Assuming the same system as the ore bag is used but re named to component satchel or something along those lines. You could even include certain weapon craft-ables in the VIP rank. So the players with the ranks still have access to the job specific perm weapons but can now also farm and get better weapons over time. This system is also more realistic then the old mining system. Finding scraps of plastic or cloth or metal is plausible unlike a rock growing out of the ground. 

    Why should we add it? -  Improve re play ability and keep new players playing. As a person that only plays d class I have the honor of greeting countless new players that join the server and are curious on its rules and what the end goal is. Countless times I have had to explain as d class you either A riot, or B stand in line and wait to be tested on. The most common response is either " im switching to security" or " wow that is boring lets riot ". For those that think this would somehow effect research it would but not negatively. Now the d class that wish to be tested on could attempt to sneak a weapon past security adding another outlet for RP to gen sec. Being able to frisk down d class and see if they have any contraband on them. And if are able to escape custody while being tested on could lead to great RP as in breaches or need of MTF backup. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - Improved re play ability, Less riots, a way to make money other then AFK, a outlet for farming, BRINGS PLAYERS BACK, stops people asking for mining to come back, d class activity, gen sec action.  I know SMT are already swamped with other projects and this one wouldn't be a small task. However with the right balances and tweaks it could be one of the best additions to the server ever in my opinion. 

    Who is it mainly for? - D-Class, Gen sec. 


    Links to any content -  I made this exact post before however it was denied due to the steam content provided. This addon would work great with it if applicablehttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1876135550&searchtext=crafting    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=154769079&searchtext=weapons  The weapon stats could be decreased so that they would yield no unfair balancing. 

  2. What you want to see? - The gate at the bottom of the elevator in d block removed. 

    Why should we add it? - Improves quality of life for those that use the elevator daily. It would also add a sense of danger for those that line the walls of the d block elevator shooting down into it. Now a SO cant fall down and spam the button to go back up he would be faced with a horde of d class.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Greatly hinders the negative effect those that elevator spam cause. Instead of 1 d class or gen sec spamming the button and causing the gate to rise and block anyone from getting on there would still be a small window of time to jump on. 

    Who is it mainly for? - Anyone that is always in d block.

    Links to any content - None.

  3. What you want to see? - A completely new crafting system implemented for D class. I suggested this exact thing before but the addon for it was poorly made. Using this system from dark RP it could be easily setup and balanced for d class to use. As i stated previously the resources could set to spawn in random locations in lower d block. These components could then be harvested by d class and used to craft items and weaponry. Not only could you craft items you could set up a vendor and sell the components for in game money. This is killing 2 birds with 1 stone solves the low salary and lack of money issue and its a great new addition for d class. It gives a outlet other then countless riots. Just like mining players can dedicate their time to farming components instead of running into a line of rifles. A system of inventory space could also be added to where the higher the rank you are of VIP the larger your inventory or something in that area. Assuming the same system as the ore bag is used but re named to component satchel or something along those lines. You could even include certain weapon craft-ables in the VIP rank. So the players with the ranks still have access to the job specific perm weapons but can now also farm and get better weapons over time. This system is also more realistic then the old mining system. Finding scraps of plastic or cloth or metal is plausible likely then a rock growing out of the ground. 

    Why should we add it? - Improve re play ability and keep new players playing. As a person that only plays d class I have the honor of greeting countless new players that join the server and are curious on its rules and whats the goal. Countless times I have had to explain as d class you either A riot, or B stand in line and wait to be tested on. The most common response is either " im switching to security" or " wow that is boring lets riot ". For those that think this would somehow effect research it would but not negatively. Now the d class that wish to be tested on could attempt to sneak a weapon past security adding another outlet for RP to gen sec. Being able to frisk down d class and see if they have any contraband on them. And if are able to escape custody while being tested on could lead to great RP as in breaches or need of MTF backup. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - Improved re play ability, Less riots, a way to make money other then AFK, a outlet for farming, BRINGS PLAYERS BACK, stops people asking for mining to come back, d class activity, gen sec action. 

    Who is it mainly for? - D class but the entire server would benefit from this implementation.  

    Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1902094527&searchtext=crafting+system

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. What you want to see? - The rule that forbids D class from adverting be re worked to they can only advert in specific RP scenarios. A example being having a site staff at gunpoint under fear RP and being able to do /me takes radio and use it accordingly. Now obviously the rule that d class not being able to advert should be still enforced the only way would be able to gain access to the radio advert system is to perform the /me takes radio and or comms device on a site personnel that has a radio. Now of course only the holder of said radio would be able to use it so not all d class in the area start adverting. 

    Why should we add it? -  It would allow a gateway of RP for d class that is impossible at the moment.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Actually be able to RP as d class instead of just run and gun like usual. A example was today I was in a scenario where a AHOT my self and 8 other d class were held up in the armory. The AHOT was at gunpoint by multiple d class and I did /me takes radio. I then went on to broadcast a message on the foundation channel * that it was already on * and create a hostage situation. Sadly I was then told I am not allowed to advert as d class as its a rule even tho I had a RP reason to do so.

    Who is it mainly for? - D class

    Links to any content - none

  5. + Support 

    Melee with its low odds of actually landing a hit needs some sort of balance to allow more opportunities to actually do damage. Guns do have mobility penalties but melee does as well for some reason. I could understand a FOOLBAR would slow you down, but a hatchet and or knife/fists shouldn't make you move any slower if anything faster due to your intent to get up close.

  6. 22 hours ago, Catsro said:



    On 8/31/2019 at 3:06 PM, Official Orange said:


    There's better things to be doing rather than sitting in D Block on a defcon 5 and this really creates a strong suppressive environment for D class, which I think increases rioting as you want to be the D class who "Killed the big guy."


  7. What you want to see? - A new crafting and component system to replace mining and also fix the salary issue. Many players after mining was removed have no way of making any actual in game money. Before you could mine platinum and sell it to the ore buyer for money however now that its gone the only way is to wait for salaries. Many salaries are way to low to provide any usable income. The only jobs that actively use the money they have is D class. Buying weapons from armory obviously. Not many others ( MTF, Gensec ) use the money they have due to them spawning with all the weapons they need. The components that go along with the crafting table could be randomly spawned around the large empty areas of d block and also add a use for the showers. Certain components could only spawn in showers say like Shower heads, pipes, nails. The cafeteria could spawn blades, knife handles, zip ties. Then the large areas around d block could spawn basic things like duct tape, glue. This could include guns however the components would be very rare like springs, metal scrap, cloth.. A few weapons the could be craftable are the cleaver, Molotov, Knife, F U B A R, Fire axe, Machete, Spade, glock, P250, raging bull scoped. Now this may sound broken if the components are not spawned right. The gun components would have to be the rarest obviously, like a 5% drop chance. On top of this new crafting table a component buyer and or dealer should be available next to the table. Like the ore buyer you could sell your components for money. This would let players have another reason to be active to farm components for money. This would of course require some sort of inventory system sorta like on star wars RP when you get the different sabers and crystals. I can link a inventory system to this post as well if needed.  Max of like 5 compents could be dropped at any given time so there arent piles of them clogging up the server. And once one is picked up another is spawned somewhere else.

    Why should we add it? - Give the players of the server some other way of making money either then trying to sneak in AFK on SCP jobs. This would also stop people from asking mining to be brought back as its a whole new system. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - Improve quality of life on the server over all. Increases d class happiness. D class would be focused on gathering components instead of constantly charging the elevator. The system isnt high quality or dense so it wouldn't cause mass lag or drop peoples frames. The UI for it is very simple and easy to manage and is customizable. 

    Who is it mainly for? - D class but gives all players a outlet for making money other then AFKing. 

    Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1793133869&searchtext=

  8. On 8/5/2019 at 11:50 PM, Berserkrpups said:


    -D-Block is almost on a constant riot having event team stop it would most likely draw people away through the mustard gas

    -Personally, I don't think giving D-Class or to have D-Class smuggle weapons into D-Block is breaking lore in quite some ways as the foundation would most likely check every crack and corner within their staff and or shipments several times before passing them through.

    -Would innovative although the event team from my past knowledge of event team stopped working in D-Block as it isn't that immersive to have a guy give weapons and gear out to D-Block that could potentially override every bit of GENSEC there is which wouldn't be fun and would thus drive more people away. 

    =The list could go on although from many points D-Block isn't perfect and it will never be, for the most part, giving people things to do is the event teams job and I don't want to see D-Block riots like they use to happen as it was legit an all-out war which got boring real fast. For the most part, D-Class keep things eventful enough for D-Block to sustain itself. People already make "Gangs" within D-Block and some have discords from what I've been told which cause enough problems as is, for the most part, we need to fix balance issues before doing something like this in my eyes. 


  9. 2 hours ago, Slade said:

    Yes we know they spent money on it, but as I explained since the class is basically the most powerful out of all of them right now and is also the most used there needs to be a better way of handling them. My suggestion was if one escaped they should no longer appear in D-Block. To bring up your point about GenSec we are 99% outnumbered so the guns argument is invalid. Strategy is hard to communicate with enlisted who have only been through basic training and that is why Boris and Krafty are introducing more training's for GenSec to get us in a better place with our men having strategy.

    Rarely these days are gen sec outnumbered and if you are you call for MTF support. From my experience 1 MTF = 3 gen sec in terms of fire power and armor/HP so no the gun argument is not invalid. A gun can mow down 10 people if you can land your shots. Now if you miss them and he gets up in your face well now you have a issue. 

  10. - Support 

    D class CCs dont spawn with heavy weaponry, literally only a light SMG and pistol is allowed. We also dont constantly riot, we host D class RP mini games. Like gambling and fight clubs. Even so, D class CCs are not the source of riots, its PLAYER CHOICE to riot. I have received 0 complaints from gen sec about hating riots. Gen sec love riots its their JOB to stop them. Research has plenty of d class willing to be tested on however the vast majority dont want to wait in line for 30+ minutes waiting for one. Maybe if JRs had a bit more freedom with testing it would encourage more of it. 


    Molotov is literally more for RP then damage, The sniper does the least amount of DMG in its class and has a single round mag, and the SMG is the Glock 18 which is just a auto pistol with insane recoil.

    On top of this, there are extremely powerful gen sec and MTF CCs constantly in or around d block which can almost 1 shot us not to mention other d class.

  11. Your In-game: Union Commander Reznov


    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90540687


    The players name in-game: Carpenter 


    The players steam ID : I have no way of getting it at this time of posting but can edit it in later. 


    What did the player do:  Gunned down multiple d class for the reason of having physguns out.At the time of the shooting there was no hands up protocol or lockdown of any kind on d block. It started off by me showing some d class how to better avoid gunfire and i used the physgun line as a example. He started by commanding us to disperse. Once we said we werent going to disperse and didnt have to he started saying to stop with the physguns. I asked what rule we were breaking by using them and got no response. He continued to ask us to stop using physguns which caused multiple d class to take them out, he then gunned us down. Not only did this happen but also player diss. When I asked why do we have to put them away he responded with " no reason your just to ignorant to understand " which was quite rude. A few moments after all of the D class with physguns are dead the Gen sec SGT next to him called us " bunch of retards ". I then say thats player diss and hatefull conduct carpernter responds with " get over it, drop it, drop it" as if not only him self but the ones around him were breaking server rules. There were multiple witness to this as you can see. Many D class and Gen sec. Using physguns is FailRP in many instances but the situation did not call for a mass shooting. Carpenter could have easily explained the rules to those who were breaking them if any. 


    Evidence Video shot is from Leader Zonas POV. The recording started halfway through the shooting so some of it is missed. 


    What do you believe should happen to the admin: Some form of talking to, he seemed upset prior to this so idk I just dislike this kind of toxic behavior especially when its from a previous SMT. 


    Any extra information: During this and after the events he said to report him multiple times as if he was not worried of receiving any consequence. The reason this even started was becuase a single person ( my self ) was joking around about teaching d class how to avoid gunfire when its already common sense. If some how this isnt MRDM then still the player diss. I know if I called any person especially staff a disrespectful name or descriptor I would be on the forums in minutes granted this wasnt in the video sadly notice he didnt deny it in his response. 

  12. What is your in-game name?: Union Commander Reznov

    What is your steam name?: BuckBe

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:90540687

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have been senior moderator on a star wars RP server ( Synergy Roleplay ) I was also on the event team for a short while. 

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around the mid of April

    What date did you make your forums account? May 3rd

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?  No staff rank but Bronze VIP.

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 1 for playing music ( that no one complained about ) 

    Have you donated? yes ( $250+)

    What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator 

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No 

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    ? You will be tested on it: Yes

    Timezone: Central standard time

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I feel as though I have a above average sense of maturity for my age (18) and am really able understand and connect with others. My time among the gaming light community has introduced me to a plethora a new people and friends. I want to be able to improve the their experiences and make sure their time on it is fun and joyful. Being a part of the staff team would allow me to not only enforce the rules but make sure the players will want to come back again and again. Of course without a sizable staff team minges would be able to get away with many things, adding my self to the staff force would decrease those that are able to break the rules and get away with it. I feel as if most if not all members of the gaminglight SCPRP server have come to know me as a person and player. Some may not agree with my opinions or dislike me in some way, but most have formed a lasting friendship with me. 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would politely explain the rules to them and make sure they understand what kind of server they are playing on. If after the explanation of the rules and what the server is the individual continued to swear and show no signs of following the rules I would warn them for NTRP and player diss and call for a higher staff to minge them for MRDM.

    Screenshot (10).png

  13. What you want to see? - New D class supplier system and or additions as well as a some way for d class to receive income. As of now without mining there is no way for any d class to make money other then salaries and many of those salaries are extremely small. In turn the only way for D class to get any form of fire arm ( besides buying a VIP rank ) is to get to the armory. The problem is first getting there then second being able to afford weapons from it. Even with my custom job salary of $500 a hour I still struggle to come up with the funds to purchase weaponry. Many other jobs dont even require using the armory because they spawn with a full arsenal of weapons and armor. As for the current supplier that can drop lead pipes for $400 each that takes many d class extreme amounts of play time to get enough money to afford them. I feel like a balance could be met if the suppliers level requirement was increased along with the weapons they can drop including firearms and price reduced. This would encourage play time and activity to achieve this crucial d class job. I already know this post is gonna get - supports for " Thats not realistic d class would never be able to get a hold of guns "  but people this is a video game, its supposed to be a fun experience not a un paid job. There is no real life connection for SCPRP because SCP doesnt exist. 

    Why should we add it? - Improve d class experience and lessen the posts about re adding mining 

    What are the advantages of having this? - Increases player commitment to the server as well as overall activity. ( at least for d class players )

    Who is it mainly for? - D class players mainly 

    Links to any content - No external content just current server tweaks and changes.

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