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Posts posted by Reznov

  1. That was a amazing show of skill and organization by any and all D class who were present. If you were there you know what im talking about. We managed to not only display our might through riots and carnage, but we did it with dignity and respect for Gen sec and all foundation staff. We didn't simply continually run at gen sec for 2 hours straight. we formed a wall of freedom, killed a horde of zombies, and helped 5+ people experience escaping as a d class for the first time. Now there was the slight negative of the server crashing which was of course unintentional simply a result of 50+ people all attacking at once. I imagine we all can agree it was a spectacular time for all d class, MTF, gen sec, and even the research team that got involved. If anyone had any issues with the events that transpired please voice your opinion to me on what i can do to improve it. D class FOREVER!!!!

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  2. What we accomplished tonight shows the strength and will power of this community. Not only did we ban together as one but we conquered impossible odds. We as D class, the few, the proud, managed not only to take control over the entire facility but cause TWO count em TWO Defcon 1 scenarios in the span of a single hour. We faced walls of heavy armor and multiple unmounted 300 round light machine guns AND STILL CAME OUT ON TOP.  You all make me so proud and honored to be your commander and you continue to surpass my expectations daily! This is the unofficial D class only discord started as of today, its just starting out and will continue to be improved on as the days go on. We as a people will never show weakness in the eyes of death or defeat, we will continue to come back stronger and stronger every time we are smite down. WE ARE D CLASS!!!!! 


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  3. -Support 

    Speaking as a " D class main" Gen sec has had the best numbers i have ever seen always having at least 5+ not even just in d block there is always around 10-20 on busy days ( Weekends ). If fear RP was used in this way D class would have 0 chance of ever escaping therefore hindering CI recruitment.  A lot  more d class are becoming Gen sec which is furthering the weaken D class I feel no additional rules are needed  

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