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Posts posted by Bor


    What do you want to see? -  More XP For Inquisitors Depending on their rank.

    Why should we add it? -  At the current moment, Grinding XP/Skill points is very difficult, (Due to rules like you cannot attack you should be blocking for the troops) I feel like Ranks Like Lord And Darth should earn more XP from Kills ECT, Due to the amount they payed, I've talked to many people, And the main reason they havn't bought Darth is due to not enough rewards.

    What are the advantages of having this? - More Possible donations towards higher ranks for more rewards on IQ.

    Who is it mainly for? -  Inquisitors

    Links to any content -  N/A

  2. Foot Fungus You didn't add me the only person to Every like your decision to migrate Migrains.


    You were great tho sad too see you leave.

    On 12/25/2019 at 3:41 PM, Jeffe said:

    we need a 21 DT Salute stat

    DT PVT BorisTheNinth SL9 Reporting for Duty.




  3. On 12/22/2019 at 7:50 PM, Tree said:

    + Support The distance at which im hit is also a bit rediculous, amplified by the fact it one shots me unless im on riot control (basically cant leave dblock as riot control btw). Also, you cant outrun the shit when 12 dclass are chasing you and you got to open doors or try to weave your way through 10+ dclass. Half of D-class have this weapon because of how rediculous it is, the fact you can use it as other classes doesnt matter as the main defense to dclass (GENSEC) are wiped after 3 waves and then MTF, unless a adminstration and all of A1 is on, gets demolished as well, its getting to the point where im noticing a severe drop in numbers as soon as D-class begin to outnumber us and newly trained OFC think this is how it always is, im waiting more NLR than playing the game past the time of 7:00 PST


  4. 16 hours ago, Mervin said:


    - Your an old member with a good heart and friendly personality

    - Would make a great addition to the gaminglight staff once again

    - Has been staff for gaminglight before on police rp showed amazing talent


    Killers amazing

    • Like 2
  5. 51 minutes ago, Samm said:


    +Always helping lower ranks, I can confirm this myself.


    +Uses most of his time on the server staffing, doesn't go off duty too much. I would say he has one of the best balances of RP and staffing.

    ^ I haven't experienced this or seen this, so it is still going to be a +support from me.

    All my experiences with Rektify have been positive,  Not sure where this disrespectful part comes from.

    I'm not currently amazingly active but I trust a Superadmins judgement.

  6. I'm in Teamspeak, And because I resigned (I tried to get in contact with HOS/Manager Many times) Like over 10 hours of waiting ina  channel

    I was offline and I guess everythign got removed and rn I'm stuck in the first channel when you join because when He removed my tags, I never got Member or Visitor, So I can't move to requesting tags. Send help please.

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