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Posts posted by Bor

  1. 23 hours ago, Munchies said:


    Hello Koala/Blitz,

    While reading your appeal and looking at the reason for the restriction. It's best to leave it and keep improving, I rarely played SCP-RP so I wouldn't know how you act or how you're improving but I suggest for you, to keep improving etc. The reason that was given to you for the restriction, is worth a year and if not more. If you can't follow orders, then you're not doing your job correctly and it also tells us that you don't care about others and staffing, playing mini-games and ignoring staff calls on duty gives you and most importantly the SCP-RP Staff a bad reputation. I'm pretty sure and aware that SCP-RP would want a good reputation and be known for doing a good job by doing their job correctly and handling situations in a professional matter.

    I respect Th3's decision with the 1 year staff restriction, you're pretty lucky it wasn't more. A year for the restriction is honestly good and if not advantage for you, as you can improve and adapt more. Player's and the staff committee need to see improvement and changes from you, remember that reason that was given to you, reflects on everyone else in staffing on SCP. You need to think before you act, staffing on Gaminglight is a great opportunity and honor and should never be taken for granted, being a staff member comes with rules, requirements, and knowledge ... You have read the handbook and have read all the requirements, which means you shouldn't be breaking it.

    When I was growing up, I was a person that would act before thinking and that's what happened in 2018 when I was a staff/non-staff member for Gaminglight, I made wrong decisions, I made wrong approaches, etc... That ended up giving me a bad reputation for myself, and that could be because of the people I'm hanging/around with, people that break rules and don't care, those were the people I was hanging with... But I learnt from my lesson by taking some time off and coming back to the community with a positive attitude and chose the right people that I'm going to hang with. My advice to you is, think before you act, think about the people around you... are these the people that you really want to be around with, that just break rules and don't care about anyone else, think on how others feel, and most importantly... Take your time with your restriction, think positive about yourself, think how you're going to change your ways. There are many ways of changing to become a good person.

    Just think before you act, think and care about others around you, respect everyone as the way you want to be respected. It's not too late to change and fix your ways, you just need to put in the effort and make right decisions for yourself. I'm not going to leave a -support or a +support, I just suggest for you to wait out your restriction and work on make yourself a better person and thinking on how you're going to change your ways! If you need any help or any advice, let me know! I'm always opened to help and get to know people more. I will work with you, if you work with me, just come to me if you ever need help!


    Kind regards




  2. 4 hours ago, Fear said:


    while I think anyone should have a chance at staff I think it’s best to have a month of experience on the server first as staff/gamemaster is a large responsibility and just around a week of playtime isn’t exactly enough time on the server

    He's been on for about 1 month :3

  3. 4 hours ago, Dredgen said:

    - Support
    Responded to their own application. 


    Edit: DMed me on discord asking me to change my opinion to a different opinion. 

    I suggested this, He is in complete respect to DM you and request it changed, he saw his mistake and was aiming too fix it,

    I find this too be disrespect how you replied with "I mind" That's a disrespectful  way of putting something,


    I hope you rethink your judgement especially when he asks to respectfully after deleting his post.

    He was simply suggesting the fact that he fixed a mistake and there is no longer reason for a -Support

    And with no further reason for your  -support, I see unseasoned for it too be a -Support.



    Spyair is active,

    Good Minded.

    Is fully capable of being a trial mod.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BadAim said:

    -Support this is WAAAYYYY too high, that enlisted HP is equal to or higher than most officer jobs. 

    It's death troopers, Also talking about it, purge has a class with 1k health, Also the problem is at hand admirals have more health then DT, Which is a severe problem when trying to protect him, we are easily taken down and defeated with ease.

  5. On 1/29/2020 at 5:34 PM, Gosh2k said:


    - Purge could use a few more jobs.

    - More Players would want to join Purge.

    -Balanced and fair update.


    Purge has alot of ppl, But yes +Support

  6. On 1/27/2020 at 2:28 PM, Jeffe said:


    The rank of Palpatine is MEANT to not be seen every single day. In lore you would rarely see him on an ISD other than his own and even less likely fighting on the ground. The rank is there to have the final say and check High Command, Vader is not "staff only" as you say and he can do essentially everything Palpatine can but has the Manager above them as a power check. In every GL server, this highest rank is held by the Manager and that wont change


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