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Posts posted by Bor

  1. On 1/5/2020 at 9:03 AM, Gunther said:

    Wait, so you're saying its been 5 months already since the time between the staff restriction and now? Honestly, just wait it out, its one more month or less.

    Also, you haven't played SCPRP at all throughout this time, so what difference would it make if you had this lifted or not, you don't even play on the server, and being staff restricted in no way is a reason you couldn't play.

    +Support He doesn't want the staff restriction appealed to rejoin SCP-RP.

    Tulaks a great guy.

    This + Is for a shortened one maybe towards the 1 month ranges.

  2. On 1/4/2020 at 8:46 AM, Icarus said:

    The reason IQ can afk on the IQ Class is because we are allowed to afk meditate. I think rather than just make it for IQ, it should be that depending on your donor rank, you have an increased rate of gaining experience. Gives a little more incentive to buy a rank and makes the ranks more worth it. In reality ranks on the store such a lord, really don’t add much extra. Giving an increased exp rate would make more people want to buy the ranks

    People pay for a rank, and then have to get like 7 skill points which takes a huge amount of time.

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