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Everything posted by Corners

  1. Spookie that's all he said for this part I did say I'm making 3 parts with 5 questions in each. That's my critcism No offense
  2. Wundt I can access the video and it looks good to me I love that camera angel it makes it look like it's something from the actual Foundation
  3. https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/39847-scp-682-and-scp-939-breach-and-follows-characters/ 682 and 939 incident
  4. BEGIN LOG Lore Name: Corner Rank: Executive Researcher Clearence Level: 3 List of personnel involved in testing: 3 MTF, a single D Class to hold the mic, Executive Researcher Corner, Medical Staff, and a Janitor for some reason. Level D Personnel involved: 1 SCP: SCP-682 Hypothesis: Find more out about 682's history by doing a interview and possibly 079. Additonal Note: I will make 3 parts about the interview. Observation: 2 MTF lined up on the railing pointing there guns at 682. ( One had a tranq) The other MTF was with me and the Janitor and Medical staff. The D Class was on a lower rail holding the mic. I asked 15 questions. ( 5 will be in each part) 1st question what is your real name, He replied I dont have one my master did not give me one. ( Corner writes this down on a tiny notebook) 2nd question who is your master, He did not replie. ( Audio from recorder) (SCP-682 if you do not complie this will be over and the acid will be turned back on.) 2nd question who is your master. He replied Master. I asked could you be more specific. He replied Grand Master. ( Scribbling can be heard from Corner writing in notebook) 3rd question who was the first human you met, He replied I Do Not know. ( Corner writes in notebook) 4th question if you were to meet another one of you what would you do, ( 7 seconds later) He replied i would kill it. ( Corner writes quickly in notebook) ( He looks back at 682 and says) You would not try and mate with it. He replied no if I did. It would try to kill me. ( Corner writes in notebook) Ok 5th question what is your relationship with 939. He replied nothing we are not related I would kill them if I met them again. ( Corner writes in notebook) Ok 682 I think we are done today we will continue in a short bit of time. ( Footsteps can be heard as personnel walk away) ( and acid begins to fill 682's chamber) ( D Class is given amnestics and sent back to D Block) END LOG BEGIN LOG Visuli stimuli: Picture below and Case File in comments. Errors and/or safety hazards: None that I was aware of but 682 is a tricky fellow. Conclusion: It seems his memory is fading or he is noncomliant. I will post part 2 and 3 in the upcoming future. ( 3 is gonna be fun) Additonal Note: This is what happened before 682 and 939's test failure lore wise. The link to the Incident that happened after these 3 parts is in comments. Here is 682 case file END LOG
  5. You stole END LOG from me or SCP Ilustrated JK it's fine
  6. The researchers with me were Jeff who died and Junior Researcher Toxic who made it.
  7. This a good post. The only problem I saw was that it was kind of stuff we already know but it was still a very good post
  8. I think I promoted him. I dont know but either way Toxic your on fire good work
  9. Here is the link to 682 case file https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fba%2F04%2F4f%2Fba044f4c8b6432441be6189afbba405a.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbr.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F291537775866319953%2F&docid=XQk5Xf_A8YhrHM&tbnid=qv97K5yc2ICUyM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjWoYuRpPHgAhUPpFkKHXkFBygQMwhDKAUwBQ..i&w=830&h=1170&bih=754&biw=1536&q=SCP%20682%20case%20file&ved=0ahUKEwjWoYuRpPHgAhUPpFkKHXkFBygQMwhDKAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
  10. Level 3 Clearence Required ACCESS GRANTED Begin Log Name: Corner Rank: Executive Researcher Clearence Level: 3 Date of Incident: 3/3/2019 Describe the Incident: I was observing what 939s and 682 would do ( With permission from Deputy Head Of Research Quacky) if together they seemed to be communicating but without speaking which was confirmed by audio tracks. To me it seemed they were communicating telepathically which frightens me they could do that. (2 minutes later) 682 smashs the door and all of them breach killing 2 NTF guarding it. In the next six minutes 682 and 939s kill 29 staff of the foundaition and we are set to Defcon 2. Me and the 2 guards with me make our way to the Panic Room but on the way we see SCP-096 come out of nowhere and kill one of the guards who I am guessing looked at him. Me and the other guard put a bag over its head and keep moving. ( 1 minute later) Over the intercom we hear that 106 has breached along with most Euclids and Keters and a full site lockdown is in effect. We both make it to the panic room where we meet with a Medical perssonel and 2 fellow researchers. (9 minutes later) 3 NTF and 5 MTF are escorting us to evacuation helicopter when we are at EZ checkpoint 106 and 049 come out behind us and 106 kill 2 NTF and 1 MTF while 049 kills the other MTF and NTF. (30 seconds later from secuirty footage and audio from guard watching) (Um sir we got 3 Researchers running through HCZ oh shi (Static) (Sighs)SCP-106 got one of them) (1 minute later) The 2 remaining Researchers run into 096's outer chamber where they hide for the next 11 minutes. (11 minutes later) The 2 Researchers get up and start running towards the elevator that takes you to the bottom level of HCZ. ( From the same guard looking at secuirty footage) ( Yes sir (he motions to another operator) ) ( Start it in 3 minutes) (6 minutes later) Both of the researchers make it down the elevator to see 035 possesing a Janitor. Both Researchers hide behind some boxes. Both researchers go back up the elevator and make it to the other checkpoint which is suprisingly open they run through. (18 seconds later) (Intercom) (We are activating the Alpha warheads in t-minu 90 seconds all personnel make your way to the nearest blast shelter or board the nearest helicopter now) Both Researchers make their way to Gate A where they see 106 going through the gate door. The door then opens and starts corroding when. ( SCP-106 has left the facility do not let him get to the town) (Multiple gunshots are heard) Executive Researcher Corner (One of the guys we are following) calls out on his radio. (Audio from radio) (This is Executive Researcher Corner I am heading to the Helipad with a Junior Researcher have a helicopter on standby please)( 26 seconds later) Both Researchers make it to the helipad and are getting in the helicopter when they hear. ( SCP-682 and 2 939s have left the facility all helicopters and MTF units make your way to (Static as SCP-106 takes announcer) ) ( 13 seconds left til warhead activate) ( 6 seconds later the helicopter takes off with the junior researcher barely holding onto the rail of the Heli) ( 2 seconds later the femur is turned on) ( 5 seconds later the nukes go off severily injuring 682 and 939s) ( 2 hours later 106,682, and 939s are recovered and taken to another site) ( 9 days later Executive Researcher Corner is executed by NTF) Executive Researcher Corner was executed because the 05 Coucil and Research High Command thought he caused the mass breach of Cointainment. ( Junior Researcher Toxic was given amnestics that cause amnesia and sent home) END LOG List classes SCP(s) involved: At first 2 939's and 682 and then most euclids and Keters breached. Imediate Complications due to the incident: Several breaches would occur for unknown reasons. Long-term Complications due to incident: Thousands died and the Site had to be nuked. Type of response towards incident: (Secuirty, MTF,NTF ETC.) All of the above. Resolution towards incident: Nuking the Site. How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: Extremely Dangerous. Possible XK. Extra information: 939 Case File below. 682 Case File Link in comments.
  11. Jonny under list of personnel involved in testing also put the D Class
  12. Lore Name: Corner Rank: Executive Researcher Clearence Level: 2 List of personnel involved in testing: Executive Researcher Corner and 2 secuirty. Level D personnel involved: 1 SCP: SCP-049 Hypothesis: To learn more about 049's history with a 5 question interview. Observation: 1st question that I asked was who was the first person he cured. He replied Deangelo. ( I suspect this is the artist) 2nd question that I asked was who was the first human that was immune to the "Pestilcence". He replied that it was the Greek mask. (I strongly believe that this is 035) 3rd question was what the pestilence was. He replied that it is the end of mankind. 4th question that I asked was when he was born. He replied far too long ago to remember. The last question I asked was how he knew french. He replied (J'ai appris d'Anglo Norman. Ah un de mes sujets de test preferes) Which translates to I learned it from Anglo Norman. Ah he was one of my favorite test subjects. ( Interview Concluded) Visuli Stimuli: Case File below. Errors and/or Safety Hazards: None Conclusion: Further interviews will be needed. It seems 049 is closely related to Ancient France. Additional Notes: The Date was 3/4/2019
  13. Name: Corner Rank: Executive Researcher Clearence Level: 2 Date of Incident: 3/3/2019 Describe the incident: I was observing how 098-1, 098-2, 098-3, and 098-4 kill and if they eat. The 098's cells immediatly opened. The 098's proceded to kill my escort and chase me. I was listening on comms and noticed that all cointainment doors were open and a full site lockdown was initiated and I made my way to the panic room and from there I was evacuated from the facility from NTF. ( It is my thought that it was 079 that opened all cell doors. List Classes of SCP's involved: All SCP's Imediate Complications due to incident: No one noticed that 079 breached cointainment. Long Term Complications due to the incident: 298 staff of the foundation died. Type of response towards incident (MTF, NTF,SECUIRTY) All Resolution towards incident: NTF, MTF recointained all SCP's How dangerous was the entirety of the incident: Facility threatening. Extra Information: Pictures down below.
  14. Lore Name: Corner Rank: Senior Researcher Clearence level: 2 List of personnel involved in testing: Dr. Corner and two secuirty. Level D personnel involved: 0 SCP: 035-1 Hypothesis: Just a interview. The aim of the interview was to explore more of 035's history. Observation: The first question I asked was how he was created. He replied that he was made from Zeus. (Zeus is the ancient greeks strongest God) The 2nd question I asked was the name of the First person he possessed. He replied he could not recall his name. The 3rd question I asked was which person was his favorite. He replied you. (SCP-035-1 proceeded to jump a top Dr. Corner and tried to possess him the secuirty restrained him) ( 2 weeks later) Dr. Corner entered 035-1's chamber again, this time 035-1 was tied to the chair. The 4th question I asked was who was his first Female he possessed. He replied Athena. ( Athena was also a ancient greek goddess she was the goddess of Athens) The last question I asked him was what the connection between him and SCP-049 was. He did not replie. Visuli Stimuli: Picture below Errors and/or safety hazard: 035-1 attacked Dr. Corner. Conclusion: 035 clearly has a huge relation in greek history. Additional notes: The Date was 3/2/2019
  15. Lore Name: Corner Rank: Senior Researcher Clearence Level: 2 List of personnel involved in testing: Senior Researcher Corner, Secuirty Officer, and 2 D Class. Level D personnel involved: 2 SCP: 3 instances of SCP-966 Hypotheisis: I had a theory of what 966 would do to one D Class asleep and one not asleep. Observation: We inserted vital sign bracelets onto them both. Both D Class were entered into the chamber. The D Class awake imediatly felt some of the symptoms of 966. (2 hours later) The awake D Class started raging and attacking the other D Class who had just woken up by punching him. They proceded by a huge fistfight. We did not interfere due to the chance of a 966 breach. (30 minutes later) Both D Class were injured, again we did not interfere. (1 hour later) The D Class who was awake entering collapsed mid fight flat to the floor. ( We do not know if it was 966 or the severe wounds he had that made him collapsed) (3 hours later) The second D Class also collapsed to the floor. (5 minutes later) The first D Class's vital sign bracelet went flat suggesting he is dead. (94 minutes later) The second D Class's bracelet flat lined he was dead. Visuli Stimuli N/A (Description down below) Errors and/ or safety hazard: 966 could've possibly escaped during first entry. Conclusion: It seems 966 still functions the same even if a D Class enters his proximity asleep. Additional Notes: The date was 3/1/2019.
  16. Lore Name: Corner Rank: Senior Researcher Clearance Level: Level 2 List of personnel involved in testing: Dr. Corner, Junior Researcher Apple, Security Officer, and D Class Level D Personnel involved: 1 SCP: SCP-049 Hypothesis: To explore more of the affect a D Class covered in lavender would have on SCP-049. Observation: SCP-049 again tried to get as far away from the D Class as possible. This time he started mumbling incoherently in the corner of his containment chamber. He then proceeded to banging on the glass door still mumbling. The D Class was removed, given amnestics, and moved back to D Block. After the D Class was removed I interviewed SCP-049 and he talked and from what I gathered he was saying. (la peste chez I'homme doit guerir, il a la peste). That translates to. (Pestilence in human must cure he has pestilence) I am guessing it is medieval French. Visual Stimuli: N/A Errors and/ or safety hazard: None. Conclusion: It seems that SCP-049 is very much afraid of lavender and I think that lavender might just be the plague he rants about. Additional Notes: When I say again I am referring to a past test I have posted.
  17. Name: Corner Rank: Researcher Clearance Level: 2 List of personnel involved in testing: Researcher Corner and Class D Level D Personnel involved: 1 SCP: 049 Hypothesis: To see how exactly 049 reacts to a D Class covered in Lavender. Observation: SCP-049 reacted much differently than normal. As soon as the D Class entered his chambers SCP-049 immediately tried to get as far away from the D Class as possible in the chamber. The D Class was removed and given amnestics. Visual Stimuli: N/A Conclusion: It seems that I have found a new and strange behavior in SCP-049. After testing all attempts to make SCP-049 speak were unsuccessful. Further testing will be needed.
  18. Name: Corner Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: 1 List of personnel involved in testing: Junior Researcher Corner and Senior Researcher God Level D personnel involved: 0 SCP: Scp-096 and Scp 999 Hypothesis: We were expecting 999 to calm 096 Observation: SCP-999 did no effect in calming SCP-096 but only seemed to enrage him. SCP 096 was able to break the door resulting in the death of both Researchers. Visual Stimuli: not available. How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: Moderate Conclusion: 1 Junior Researcher and 1 Senior Researcher died from viewing SCP-096. Ending in a failure.
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