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Posts posted by Bread

  1. I recall Rangiatea specifically stating to me that it won't happen when I tried to add decals with rules and stuff to the SCP cells.

    By the way, decals don't cause lag, as they're only one entity each.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Utter Disc 05 said:

    +support Also CAN WE USE THE THE GERNADE LAUNCHER ON THE AR-15 PLease LET ME jsut wipe the area clean 

    AT Attachments do not work properly as we dont have the AT addon on the server, and I don't believe that it'll ever be added or is compatible with TFA SV2. I don't really see a point in adding it since you cant use attachments. 

    Mainly, we already have weapons extremely similar to the one you guys want to add, and the M4A1 Iron is nearly the exact same thing. If you want special weapons, you need to add something that's unique. 

  3. Gonna put in my cup of tea for this one. Yes, self breaching is long, and yes, some SCPs are pretty weak. Unfortunately, there are so many SCPs, where it gets to the point of a domino effect. When 8+ SCPs are breached, it becomes a huge mess, and just overall chaos for hours on end. If you made self-breaching faster, and SCPs stronger, it'd just make that domino effect even worse. SCPs like 096 and 049 might need some buffs, such as 096 needing to be damaged down to a certain HP to be bagged, or 049 requiring 3 or 4 armed personnel with weapons, instead of 2.

    • Like 1
  4. What are you suggesting? - Additional Materials be added to the server.

    How would this change better the server? - These additional materials can help add more detail to events and builds, they all look really good, with a relatively small filesize for how many it's adding. This pack adds hundreds of extra materials to be used in the material section. They all work fine on my testing server.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - 40MB.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - ET/Toolgun users

    Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2327981986
    Some material examples, only just a few

    Material Selection

    They can also be used as weapon skins! All of them are located under the materials folder at the top. This one is wallpaper7.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Mentally Untouchable said:

    i was just testing rules 

    And... you broke them? I'm not sure what you were expecting, but there is no reason for this to be appealed. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Darkrat said:

    + support : It will be really nice to have news weapons, but if some of those weapons are not expansive, not armory restricted and not donator restricted, it will be a huge mess. I had a server that was always 100 players before but after a weapons update like that, the servers started to be a mess and now today, they closed the server since no one wanted to join a big gun mess game. Other then that I'm soo hype for that update! Can't wait to try some guns!

    No weapons are restricted only to the armory

  7. What are you suggesting? - The Armory gets updated with new weapons, new descriptions, a new utilities section, and more.

    How would this change better the server? - Overall improvement to the quality of life, and new options.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone and everyone. All changes are in the video below, and the code is right under that.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -

    Old Code
    New Code

    New Weapons Code
    UI Changes Code

    If there are any suggestions for changes, or there are any issues, let me know!

    • Like 1
  8. 14 hours ago, APE said:


    Lmao why the XM nerf? It has been the same way since literally forever and if it were really an issue, it would have been nerfed a year ago when it was added to RC. Also Remington doesn't need a nerf, I don't even use it but it is not so good that it deserves a nerf. It is a unique combat style comparatively to the moss. Also there is zero point in subtracting 1 damage from the mp7.

    Actually I'd say there is zero reason to nerf it at all. The weapon itself already is broken within script and at every crash and or server reset its RPM gets fucked and only shoots like 570 RPM versus its normal 950. Why nerf a literal broken weapon lmfao.

    I don't think the Mp5 needs a buff to its DMG either, its accuracy is the biggest issue and its shots are never on target. I'd rather my security have an accurate weapon than a high dmg one so they stop killing one another.

    PSG does not have high dmg compared to the Barret, Awp, and intervention, along with other traditional Snipers. It should be more spammable because it does nearly half of their damage if not less.

    Most of these just seem like busywork changes and not necessary, the meta was just changed and if anything focus on AR's. No hate of course, just my input.

    These are changing weapons that I missed or were missed otherwise. The MP5 damage is supposed to be high, while being inaccurate anywhere further than 10 feet or so. The MP7 will go up to 1000RPM to ensure that the fire rate isn't random, but the kick and small damage nerf will stay. The PSG-1 can output thousands of damage per mag, if you hit your shots properly. Adding a hit of recoil is necessary as it is one of the best snipers on the server at the moment, same goes for the Dragunov.

    -Reduced Dragunov and PSG recoil, for now.
    - Removed the XM1014 nerf, I believe it is unneeded.
    - Increased MP7 RPM to 1000 to avoid firerate inconsistencies 

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