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Posts posted by GLaDOS

  1. 3 hours ago, Hope said:

    + support

    I am not being bias at the slightest, it is just that I have many great experiences with Creamey. Creamey, he is a fun guy to hang around, competent individual, dedicated and motivated person and more. He also have a lot of experiences with event team stuff, with a whopping total of 18 events hosted; to me, that is a lot. Whilst some people have more events hosted than him, what really sets him apart is that he is very creative. Hence, Creamey would be a perfect fit for a senior event team member!

    Agree heavily here +Support!

    • Thanks 1
  2. Im posting this here as well as on the other post.

    Please Note: You can only apply for Command or Field Agent

    Not Both

    Friendly Heads Up!

    7 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    Jay is one my most trustworthy men in E11 and puts his heart into everything he does. This lad has patience and can do a lot for the branch. He had done a lot for my branch and I believe he can do the same for research. His tests are good and and he has my full support


    But Im +Supporting this Application for the reasons of what Zeus said 🙂

    • Thanks 1
  3. In-game name: GLaDOS

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89411271

    Current RP rank in All Divisions (Ex. Senior Medic, Security Officer): Research Administrator

    How long have you been a Event Team Member: 2/21

    Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if you remember): 1 - Didn't Meet Quota

    How much time do you have on the server? (Press F1): 2 weeks 3 days

    How well do you know the SCP lore in general?: 8/10

    Why do you WANT to become a Senior Event Team Member?: Becoming an Senior ET Member will allow me so many open doors to help make more and better events than ever before. Having the restrictions on my abilities have been very hindering towards my capabilites and true potential, I believe that if given the chance I can prove to be nothing but a fully functioning asset to the event team. 

    Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Event Team Member?: Not only am I dedicated to the Event Team, I am dedicated to my Branch and the Server as a whole. Abusing the position given to me here would very detrimental to my stance in the server. I couldn't let that happen to me and have it sodden my reputation on the server.

    Have you mastered ULX?: I've had it mastered before I've joined this server.

    Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?: Semi-Experienced, I've helped host and plan a couple with different ET members, but I've only been able to host one.

    Give an example of a mega event: In this event, foundation personnel recover an artifact that, when activated, can shift every techtonic plate on the world and thus cause an XK Class End of the World Event Scenario. During the recovery, the ancient force sworn to an eternity of protecting the artifact awakens and tracks the Artifact to Site-05. Once there there will be three waves, each harder than the last. It will take some exposition for everyone to understand the purpose and cause for the event but once this happens it will be 10, then 15, then 20 people to play the "Ancient Guardians" Virsus the Entirety of MTF. The time this event happens will be picked later in the day to ensure enough MTF to be able to handle this threat. Should MTF succeed in protecting the Artifact, the Highest Site Admin will decide what's done with it. Should the Guardians recover the Artifact it will be taken to a new location for protection and never seen again.

    What do you consider to be the best event you have ever created: My SCP-44T Event(s), I created an SCP for the Foundation to learn and discover. It was a little gelatinous blob that had a Child-Like personality and could alter the composition of atoms surrounding it. It could also squeaze through any crack or hole that was more than a Milimeter in diameter, however it was easily controlled by playing with it and speaking pig-latin. The Head of Research assigned it the Temporary Designation of SCP-44T.

    What is your Total Amount of Events according to the "Events Hosted" column on the roster?: 20

    How active can you be: Very

  4. 16 minutes ago, Hope said:


    +/- support

    Starstep, as I've mentioned in your staff application, you are good individual who is kind, helpful, dedicated, motivated and active within the research division and that is some characteristics we look for in a person when promoting him/her to the next rank. I've did my do-diligent on some aspects that is also important when choosing a command member, and I've only found out that you've only trained 9 people within 2 weeks. Usually, we do not expect a person to train 20 people within 2 weeks. However, we look for people who have trained a decent amount of people since training people also means you are trustworthy and dedicated on furthering the division.  I've looked into some of your test logs, and have discovered they are great. Hence, I would give you some brownie points for that. However, some other thing I've found is that you came back at 2020/05/23, that is when you were promoted to the rank of "Researcher". Not sure what happen there , but I guess you took a huge break or you were not promoted during that time frame, you rank, and I've seldom seen you on during my time in research (I joined research around April as well, or even March, who knows), not sure what happen there . Anyways, I would like you to demonstrate the qualities that you are able to produce in the next week.

    In conclusion, I would definitely +support you if you are able to improve the following:

    More dedication to the research division.

    That is it for me, and that is the only flaws I've seen in the few weeks I've observed of you.


  5. Grade: (90%) A-

    Test Quality: Quality

    Lore: 20/20
    This fit the lore of SCP- 966 well.

    Creativity: 20/20
    A fairly creative Idea that I've only heard talk about, never seen done before.

    Presentation: 20/20
    Nice use of google docs, well made!

    Writing: 30/40
    Grammarly (writing correction software) picked up 11 writing errors of all different sorts, this is a number I cannot go un-recognised.

  6. +/-Support

    +Trusted Researcher

    +Active Player

    - "I am going to convince the CI that I will unleash the SCP on them killing them instantly" Yeah, threatening Chaos Insurgents isn't exactly the best way to go.

    Good Luck Jack II!


  7. +Support
    I am not apposed, I just wanted to point out you forgot a couple things when labelling the map.

    • The extra SCP area above Utility Bunks
    • SCP- 457 Containment Chamber
    • SCP Objects Containment Area (Below Research Bunks)
    • Safe Class Spawn Room

    I brought these up because as Gensec escorts researchers, these areas will be good to know as new players.

  8. Grade: (95%) A

    Test Quality: Quality

    Lore: 20/20
    This followed lore as expected.

    Creativity: 15/20
    I've seen a lot of these kinds of tests before.

    Presentation: 20/20
    I really love the theme and overall presentation of this test log!

    Writing: 40/40
    There really wasn't any errors I could notice here. Good job!

  9. While there is evidence of the STARS class being able to use that exploit, it was never seen with Weiss in the video (Yes I did see that weiss was the only one on the STARS job in the video). Not once is Weiss seen in the video clearly, I cant make a definite opinion with this evidence. Yes in one of the videos provided you see a shadow move on the ground but its not clear that it is Weiss. So I'm going to go +/- Support until Weiss responds here.

  10. Grade: (93%) A-

    Test Quality: Quality

    Lore: 18/20
    This followed the lore for the most part, however, SCP- 527 isnt rude in nature like the way he cursed at you here.

    Creativity: 20/20
    I haven't seen an SCP- 527 test done in a while, or an interview done in... ever.

    Presentation: 20/20
    I like the format you used, and the fonts and bolding makes the text stand out.

    Writing: 35/40
    There are a couple spelling errors I cant ignore, other than that well done!

  11. Grade: (100%) A+

    Test Quality: Quality

    Lore: 20/20
    This followed the lore of both SCPs very well!

    Creativity: 20/20
    As far as creativity goes, this has been done before many many times. However, this is one of the few I've seen actually take it this far. Very well done!

    Presentation: 20/20
    I absolutely loved the way you made the test log look like a file straight out of Containment Breach!

    Writing: 40/40
    I couldn't spot any errors of any kind, truely very well done!

  12. Grade: (98%) A+

    Test Quality: Quality

    Lore: 20/20
    This followed lore very well!

    Creativity: 20/20
    Most of this credit is going to hope, however, this was an amazing idea and credit is given where it's due. Everyone who had a hand in this test gets good credit in my book!

    Presentation: 18/20
    This was presented very well, I loved the bounties of detail added. It was well redacted as well, in some places there was too much redacting, ex: If the file was Level 2 restricted, it would not be locked with a memetic kill agent, however I did like the addition of the memetic kill agent.

    Writing: 40/40
    I couldn't spot any writing/grammar/punctuation errors, even with Grammarly. This was overall very well done!

  13. Name: GLaDOS

    Rank: Member

    Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 5/28/20 -> 6/11/20

    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): I currently cannot connect to the server due to the structure of our interior and the location of the router in our house. We purchased a signal extender to properly get a connection to my room, however the company is taking a LOT longer than expected to ship it to us.

  14. Grade: (90%) A-

    Test Quality: Quality

    Lore: 20/20
    This follows the existing lore well, it creates its own equally followable lore.

    Creativity: 20/20
    I like this little series you have going for you, this is a very interesting and creative test. Props to you for thinking of it!

    Presentation: 15/20
    I feel like this test log had a lot of unused potential, there could've been a lot more detail, just remember a little more detail goes a long way.

    Writing: 35/40
    There's a couple of minor writing errors I saw, but nothing major.

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