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Autistic Pancake

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Everything posted by Autistic Pancake

  1. What you want to see? - I want to see a full blown judicial department/system for checks and balances to manage the criminals of the server and the cops when court does happen to be in session/there should be a seperate judicial branch with members that operate in there own way like pd does there way enforces the law and judicial makes laws. Having just pd and just a president isn't more of what north carolina should be like. That is more along the lines of dictatorship. Why should we add it? - It would give more rp for the police citizens crims and the server in general. What are the advantages of having this? - More court cases/rp interactions/people held more accountable when court is online/takes out the guessing game of the /roll 100 system Who is it mainly for? -the server Links to any content -none, since this is just a post I want comments from staff/players with a + or - and any other ideas or changes that should be made to better suit the server since its better to morph something to the server than vice versa.
  2. What you want to see? - I want to see a Touge Racer job put in. There would be atleast 4 spots so you can race other touge drivers. The touge drivers have to follow the rules of the road while insight of a cop also they have to follow the failrp rules and pull over when a cop flicks there lights on to give them a ticket/arrest them. If the job is getting abused and only used to minge cops and people it should get whitelisted. Why should we add it? - More RP for police in traffic stop situations What are the advantages of having this? -more jobs Who is it mainly for? - the server,police Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2421588101
  3. As ive said and previously stated "yes I would've dropped the money" and i stand by that. I've said im trying to follow the rules and thats what i said in the admin sit too.
  4. backing up is a perfect act of what you would do if someone pointed a negev at you in real life because you would be in so much shock and scared in the situation. I feel as backing up and not taking my eyes off of him and him not taking his drawn gun off of me it is not breaking fear rp. The two steps back only add the the realism the shock of the rp situation. As I was not expecting him to mug me at a gas station. and i genuinely just ask you to let loose a little im trying to be honest and trying to follow the rules ive read over them and i still get hit with some stuff or ill learn about something that might not have been listed in the motd just please be lenient as i dont know all the rules but im truly trying to learn them so i can rp with my family and rp throughout the game
  5. Your In-game: Kyuubi Owner Autistic Pancake The admin's name in-game: Sourg The admin's steam name (If you know it): Sourg What warning did you receive: Breaking Fearp Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):https://medal.tv/clips/64008008/d13377PZ15HT Why do you think this warn was false: I feel like the warn is false because the guy that mugged me said to drop 5k or die comms smashed and he just said it in chat. I said he didn't advert and then remembered that he could use /yell or /advert to mug even though he didnt do either I was still going to comply and drop the money. I never looked away and left the line of sight of the mugger. The mugger didnt give me 20 seconds to drop the 5k. I kind've feel like this is a false warn because I was about to drop the money and was unnarmed and my team beside me also did nothing at the beginning of the mug. Any extra information: 2 min in
  6. i didnt kill you because of the kos sign there was already a kos sign i was putting mine down because I was building the base
  7. the one textscreen said kos all reasons and one said kos on property
  8. Your In-game: Kyuubi Autistic Pancake The admin's name in-game: Corky The admin's steam name (If you know it): Corky What warning did you receive: FailRP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):Pictures Why do you think this warn was false: I feel like the warn was false because the police officer (SWAT TL Nao XZ3) went against the kos sign and I shot him for it. I then got pulled into a sit by Nao and Corky as the admin. He passed the property line which was kos for all reasons. This rule also Every bases' property line stops where the sidewalk/map road/fence starts. You may not extend your base or a KOS sign beyond your property line. I feel that the kos sign there would imply that it is KOS in the bases fenced in area. The base beside us had there own entrance and lot also. We had a seperate lot. The police officer also pulled my guy over in are parking lot. Any extra information:
  9. Steam Name: Autistic Pancake Ingame Name: Autistic Pancake Rubah Setan SteamID:STEAM_0:1:171885204 Ban Length: 1 day Admin that Banned you:Jayden Reason for Ban: 10 warn threshold Dispute: Some warns are in the same sit but are put as different warns adding to 10? At this point i'm just trying to play the game,make money, and avoid most players. Also, while trying to make a family inside the game. I was in the process while I got banned.
  10. Your In-game:Autistic Pancake The admin's name in-game: Apis The admin's steam name (If you know it): Apis? What warning did you receive: LTAP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2590892577 Why do you think this warn was false: I feel that the warn was false because I was being arrested and had to deal with being jailed and my friends had also came over and were wanting to leave to go somewhere IRL. I don't leave my PC on to save power on the bill. I told Apis in chat that my friends were here and that I was going to get off as soon as a I got put into jail and that I would not return for my jail period. I get on this morning and see that I have a warn for LTAP. I gave the admin a reason on why I had to leave and said I wouldn't return for the remainder of my jail time and was nice about saying that. Yes, I have had an admin let me leave for my jail period before. I wasn't trying to leave to avoid punishment especially when the warns I got prior from the same admin(apis) and the ltap are seperate warns but the times are seconds apart which means he probably warned me while I was still on the server and also warned me for ltap when I left. Any extra information:
  11. What you want to see? - There should be a rule made where "you cant steal cars that are fueling up/or are in the process of getting the fuel nozzle to the tank receiver" Due to the car needing to be unlocked for the pump to attach to the car. Why should we add it? - less minges hopping in cars when they get the opportunity. What are the advantages of having this? - general rule for fueling cars Who is it mainly for? -fueling cars/server/players/anyone that owns a car in the server
  12. What you want to see? - I want to see the rule "Murder and hits may only be done in a secluded place" too "Murderers and Hit Men have to be in a secluded area away from others to complete there hit/murder"(the target can be in an open area but the killer needs to be secluded) Why should we add it? - There was a sit I called on somebody and it would save a lot of confusion because I thought that both the hitman/murderer and the target had to be away from everyone else. Thus causing my sit to ensue. What are the advantages of having this? -Less staff power used on useless sits just to explain the rules to someone when the rule can be narrowed down easily. Who is it mainly for? - murderers hitmen and targets and the server benificiary
  13. Yes, what seems to be in that picture is a time log between each shot landed on me, and it seems like the entire interaction happened over maybe a second or two.
  14. Steam Name: Autistic Pancake Ingame Name: Autistic Pancake SteamID: STEAM_0:1:171885204 Admin that Warned you: Vader Reason for Warn: Stealing Gov. Vehicles 8/9/21 Dispute: It starts off when I was outside of this base. I'm not sure why the cop was there or what his intentions were, but I was immediately told to leave which I didn't. I walked inside the base and then got shot for being in the bases KOS zone. I ran outside of the base to meet the cop who I had talked to earlier. He greets me and still has his gun trained on the door from which the firing was coming from. I went to get into my car but accidentally got into the cops car. I was riddled with bullets; the cops car sitting in the same spot blown to pieces because the cops attention switched to me for the mistake I made. I get called to a sit for stealing a government vehicle and tried to explain to the Vader that it was an accident and my car was right behind his. Vader sided with the cop on this one and I got warned. I don't feel like this warn is right.
  15. What you want to see? - If one can be found in the gmod workshop; I would suggest adding tow boots to the tow truck driver class. Maybe a specialized tow truck boot lockpick added also. Why should we add it? - It wouldn't be as easy to steal your cars back/more rp situations. What are the advantages of having this? - more rp situations/more like what a real life tow truck drive would do for an impounded car/towed car Who is it mainly for? - the tow truck class Links to any content -
  16. What you want to see? - I envision a police officer not tanking 6 shots of a desert eagle. I would like there guns not to be so OP also. Why should we add it? - it would be a benefit to the whole server What are the advantages of having this? - The police officers armor would be a little more realistic. The way it is now is a little OP as I see it. Many other might see it that way too. The RP would be a little better. The slight downgrade to the body armor and guns would make it atleast somewhat fair to any that choose to oppose the police. Who is it mainly for? - The criminals/civilians that get gunned down by police Links to any content - N/A
  17. All i'm saying is I think that applying for an unban and getting -support for not remembering is a little one sided. If a ban reason wasn't stated and say I did appeal it 3 days later on the dot. Would snar have remembered? Staff members go through so much in a day that they couldn't recall how many or who they came across and exactly what they issued for the reason it was. If I asked you what you had for breakfast three days ago most couldn't recall. Due to the fact that there is so much that you deal with on a daily basis that some of the small instances of your life disappear. Now that Snar being apart of the staff team on the gmod server helping manage all the staff and people on the server thats a small fractions of his day. He most likely has many other things to do. Would he remember what my ban was for even if I appealed a couple days later? I just want my two messages to sit with you for a second and think about it. Is this entire situation necessarily fair for both parties.
  18. To be honest, all staff members should have full capability of putting a report or reason in for the ban so this situation doesn't happen again. I don't know what I was banned for and I suppose Snar doesn't either. If the staff team came up with a log for bans and even if you have one; the server should have someone keep logs of bans and make the banning admins make reports and go into detail about the reports and reasons for bans. I feel like in my situation here I could've easily had a reason stated for my ban, but not to bash Snar. He could've atleast taken a couple seconds to type out my ban reason and this entire mess could've been avoided by just a couple keystrokes.
  19. Steam Name: Autistic Pancake Ingame Name: John Wright(It's been so long I cant remember correctly) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:171885204 Ban Length: Permanent Admin that Banned you: Deputy Chief Snar 1K-44 Reason for Ban: Not Stated In Ban Dispute: I got banned on 02/18/2018. It's been almost over three years since my ban. I can hardly remember what I did all I know is I was banned at the police station but I can't remember what i was doing. I plead for an unban because at the time I got banned I was 15. Now i'm 18 and have matured a lot more. That's all I can say about asking for an unban. I just want a second chance.
  20. @? BrycE ? Don't be so harsh next time say stuff like you stepped out of line acted out of order or something like that. Don't come in here acting like you were all broad and stuff when he's asking for something from the community. He probably deserves the lowered restriction anyways.
  21. +support Hey bryce you might wanna calm down if he's depressed then i can understand where the anger comes from. If someone is depressed then they don't really wanna do anything and they have a pretty short fuse when it comes to annoyance. I honestly think it should be shortened because of that reason alone. No one here knows why he's depressed he could have something going on that he doesn't let anyone know its going on. I think he should get a reduction.
  22. I would've appealed sooner but i got bored of gmod and played rainbow six siege for a few months then just started back up with gmod and then got back into policerp then I realized i was banned from the policerp server.
  23. Also, If i didn't care about the server why would I be trying to get back on i've tried to unban requests and have been on teamspeak for hours trying to dig up information on why i've been banned so i could possibly get unbanned.
  24. You must fill out this form in order to be considered for a unban. Steam Name: Autistic Pancake Ingame Name: OFC Montgomery SteamID: STEAM_0:1:171885204 Ban Length: Permanent Admin that Banned you: Deputy Chief Snar 1K-44 Reason for Ban: None Dispute: I have no warns and I don't understand why I would get a permaban without a reason. I think should be unbanned because there is no reason of why I was permabanned but also because I never cause trouble on servers. Deputy Chief Snar 1K-44 doesn't even know what he banned me for.
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