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Everything posted by Zakaruba

  1. + Support It's pretty whack that there are raids adjacent to government spawns. An NLR timer for those government would definitely make things fairer and more enjoyable. Either that or just move the raids to somewhere else that is neutral.
  2. - Support Dragging a person in real life is never an easy task and the reduced speed we have in-game reflects that appropriately in my opinion.
  3. Congratulations and keep climbing the ladder!
  4. + Support This is clearly abuse. Soup and Wolf are roleplaying as police and are not involved in a staff sit nor do they have any pending reports. Vanguardd, while on staff and not engaged in any reports or sits, let alone one with Soup or Wolf, talks to them while cloaked, grabs two other role-players who are not staff, not in a sit or engaged in any reports and physguns them over to Soup and Wolf for no legitimate reason. I don't know what is going on with his voice, but it is definitely not a good look for a staff member who is in the process of abusing their powers. There is absolutely no reason a staff member of their rank should be flinging role-players over to other role-players in this fashion. It is akin to cheating in my opinion. These people could have easily walked over to Soup and Wolf, like everyone else would have to, in order to conduct their business. Instead, for reasons beyond my comprehension, a staff member abuses their powers by doing what we have seen in the video. It is my genuine opinion that Vanguardd should be removed from staff due to their blatant abuse and obvious inability to control themselves with the powers they have been granted.
  5. + Support I think this would be a great addition! Those of us who only use the dark pots would now be able to benefit from the pothead skill. It makes perfect sense to apply the perks of the pothead skill to all of the weed we can grow and not just the orange pots. As an avid pot grower (in-game of course), I would be very excited to see this added. I hope this gets accepted and implemented in the future.
  6. - Support Just do your time and take this as a learning experience. Never share your passwords with anyone!
  7. - Support It looks as if very little thought went into this application due to the unsatisfactory answers provided along with the excess material included. It is my belief that if one is not able to properly apply by following the guidelines clearly stated in the application post, then they have no business holding a staff rank let alone wielding the powers that are included with such a position.
  8. Zack Ruby FBI Special Agent
  9. Rockford is my favorite but Great Lakeside is a great map too. Rockford was the first map I played on when I originally joined PoliceRP and most of my cherished memories are of that map. Great Lakeside was when I first joined government and finally got serious about my playing though, so it also holds a special place in my heart as well.
  10. Thanks for the shoutout! No fun to see someone leave but that's the way she goes sometimes. Best wishes and good luck in your coming endeavors. Adios!
  11. Hello everyone. After my recent ban appeal's approval, I can now consider myself a returning player. I started my GamingLight PoliceRP adventure in the summer of 2017 during the days of Mr. Valkyri3 and was active from then until late 2020. My first memory of the server is when I joined and started as a bus driver. Long story short, within 5 minutes someone robbed me, kidnapped me and then got in an absolutely insane police pursuit which I managed to barely escape with my life. The man was killed by the police I believe, so I decided to take his car with which he used to kidnap me. I then promptly received a warning for stealing a car as a bus driver. While this cherished memory is essentially my first punishment on the server, I still hold it close as it is what got me hooked on PoliceRP and GMod in general. I am hoping to create more experiences like this (minus the rule infractions) for not only myself but others as well. See you on the server!
  12. Steam Name: Zakaruba Ingame Name: Zakaruba SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25297801 Ban Length: Permanent Admin that Banned you: Jimmy James 1K-4 (STEAM_0:0:86323167), Site list shows Yoshihino Reason for Ban: Mass RDM in spawn Dispute: Hello and good day. I am here to appeal my permanent ban that was issued to me some time ago for an incident that I am deeply remorseful of. I regret what I have done in order to receive this punishment and would like to throw myself on the mercy of the staff and greater community in order to have this banishment lifted. I am not here to dispute my actions. I think that my punishment was necessary and appropriate for what occurred. At this time though, I believe I have learned from my mistakes and that my status should be reconsidered by staff. I also suspect my permanent banishment may have been issued in error. This incident occurred some time ago on 9 November 2020. To be brief, I logged in to the server in the early hours of the morning and made the incredibly poor decision of making spawn my personal target range. I was bored, tired, not in the best mood to be playing, nobody was active and I didn't think much of it at the time. These are not excuses, just explanations for my regrettable actions. Upon attempting to connect the next day, I saw that I had been banned for a few days. After that though, I realized there was another ban running concurrent with the 5-day ban: a permanent one. After realizing this, I simply dropped Garry's Mod as this is the only server I every really, seriously played on. Having spent over 200 dollars for upgrades and packages, I was especially distraught that these were now all gone along with my in-game wealth and government whitelists. This was the first server I joined that really got me hooked in the game, so you can see why being permanently banned could have such an effect. Attached are pictures of my ban message and the punishments I was issued for the incident. You can see that I was warned shortly after the incident by ScruffyPlays. A few hours later, Yoshihino banned me twice at the same exact time for the same reason but with different expirations. One you can see is only for about 5 days while the other is permanent. This is the only reason I believe the permanent banishment may have been done in error, because they are at the exact same time but with different listings. I can also understand if this is just a normal occurrence for some bans. I am very sorry for what I have done to receive this punishment and for all infractions I have committed in the past. Having the opportunity to play on this server again would be a great gift, as it would be the revival of my Garry's Mod experience I had when I first joined the server and started playing Garry's Mod in general. Thank you for your time and consideration. Edit: spelling, grammar
  13. Your In-game: Mister Rando Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25297801 The admin's name in-game: Cornthecanadian The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Cornthecanadian What warning did you receive: Player diss Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Attached picture. In the text box it shows me being warned. Why do you think this warn was false: I was role playing as a prisoner and he warned me for player diss. Everything I said was in role play and not intended towards the individual behind the microphone but towards the character in game. There was no sit and the admin didn't even tell me anything. I was just warned with no warning or explanation whatsoever. Any extra information: I think the admin may have made a mistake or flew in at the wrong time, which I understand. My dialogue is always in role play and while I admit it may get a bit racy at times, it is all from my real life experience as a person who had been in similar situations. I never meant any personal disrespect. The times I have been in jail, we haze fresh meat if they complain or act above us. I was simply role playing the part of a prisoner.
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