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Posts posted by CrimzonEmpire

  1. I would like to see the advanced Gun dealer get The Normal menu - dealer guns in the menu to sell

    as I find it sad when I have to turn people  away who want other guns

    and having to switch jobs for someone if they want to buy a shipment of AWP’s or AK’s is annoying 

    simple to me

    It’s logical to have the Advanced Gun dealer to be all around

    this job is paid for and it’s Limited to a few weapons. 

  2. I think it needs to be active! but under strict trust

    because You loose money if you go to jail or if you die anyways 

    you die,  you loose the gun

    same thing

    i see it this way

    you start a shootout you deserve jail


    maybe a simple shootout can be ruled as 5 minutes and a mass murder/shootout can be 10 

    mass shootout involving 3 or more cops and assailants 

    And maybe depending on the reason like a bank robbery 

    you die and cannot be arrest while

    if it’s a shootout in the street or for a traffic stop you can get revived 

    15 minutes ago, John_ said:

    Neither, a republic.


    I think a better compromise would be that normally you can not arrest someone after you revive them. If shootouts happen too often, then you can call martial law and arrest someone after they are killed. Or, you can normally arrest after you killed someone for like just running up to a cop and killing them, but if it is a raid or bank robbery, then you can not arrest after they are revived. Agree?

    For the REPUBLIC?

  3. 1 minute ago, Androntel said:

    I mean if theyre revived, then its the rp version of “I was shot but the doctors at the hospital saved me”. Soo, I think its fine for cops to then arrest them

    that’s pretty much what i want to get at is that hey

    I was shot and I lived

    But maybe workout a Script for headshots = actual death and no revive

    But backing what I said

    it would have to be a fairly complex system

  4. Are we ever gonna get the NLR rule of

    Not allowing people to be arrested after they get revived. Abolished 

    personally i think it’s kinda stupid 

    i understand why it is and the flaws with it

    but if a system was implemented 

    Medically like the advanced medical mod 

    it could allow for more rp

    because right now

     people don’t give A damn about their lives they just run and shoot and live to die

    no value to it

    as you don’t get punished for your crimes

    but at the end of the day there would have to be a big system to enforce RP 

    that idk if the SMT are willing to Try

    because it could be a rough road

  5. + Support 

    driving the President Can be tough and lag makes it worse! Crash into a sign at 33MPH in an armored Limo and You almost Kill everyone in it. This needs to be removed it's a nuisance

    if you like this maybe I suggest a lower scripted Coefficient if anything

    PS if the pres dies he has to be voted in again and some people don't like to give it back


    Update: I just git a Little Street sign at 22 and lost all my health from 100 to 7B130239FB948D51019117D774400D6618FC78D0

  6. I Just want to Say That I got warned partly for this yet I see people break this every day all the time with no warns.

    So if someones gonna be picky to me for it then enforce it for all others too.

    I don't get the point of this rule either when most doors in the game only allow one person through it at a time so why is this a problem with fading doors?

  7. On 9/16/2018 at 12:05 PM, Jason Tucker said:



    I have had many talks with @Kade , Felix, other members of EMS, PD, NSA, staff, and crims about this rule that actually makes me say "Where is the roleplay!?" This has made me and everyone I have talked to upset when they are chasing someone to just get shot and they can't arrest them and finish the Roleplay. It makes me not want to go Government as much and go EMS a lot more. I don't even go crim really because of this, because people just shoot at everyone now. This revive NLR rule ruins roleplay and it frustrates everyone, even crim. Sorry if some crim may not like it because they want to not go to jail. All PoliceRP contains is pursuit, shootouts, major crim (Silo's, Bank Robbery, General Store Robbery, and Jail Breaks). No one really tries to RP nonpriority anything. And if someone does, like I and some others do try to do, they get ignored and/or shot at or something ridiculous. If you really want to consider PoliceRP to be Semi-Serious and have people go by FearRP and not FailRP. Then this should be removed. EMS is actually really important to RP. Getting arrested is also really important to RP. It makes someone not want to break laws. Police should be feard and should run the map, yet crims do. They really do. This one rule will really improve RP by 900%. I hope this is also supported by staff, crim, and SMT. Please please please, for the sake of RP, please remove this rule. 

    ~ Jason Tucker

    - EMS Senior Lieutenant

    - Police Dept. Seargent Major

    - Secret Service Agent

    - FBI Senior Special Agent

    - Citizen of Rockford 

    Honestly Man

  8. Then How could I get this solved? without evidence, I guess I can't?

    It's just the factor to me is I didn't get to say anything to the admin to defend what happened, to me its mainly my guard killed him 

    I don't know the exact reason it broke Fear RP I was never told why, So I guess I don't have to be. but one warning out of 4 isn't bad 

  9. Your In-game: Crimzon

    Your SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:150884472
    The admin's name in-game: King Omega
    The admin's steam name (If you know it): NA
    What warning did you receive:  (Fear RP)
    Why do you think this warn was false:
                 So I guess I'll go into this. Basically, I was doing my business in my gunshop with my guard posted outside when someone came in asking for a shipment of shotguns, I told him I didn't have those in stock. A short minute later He types murder and attempts to Murder me, he missed his first 2 shots then my guard runs in and starts gunning him down when he turned to kill my guard
    I pulled out my pistol as a concealed carrier with my licence being my own dang gunshop why wouldn't I have a gun, I never even shot him nor was the gun on me anymore and he has completely turned around. So my guard killed him. A short story a minute later I was brought to the admin (above) to talk about something else and the guy reported me for Fail RP for what? my guard defended me like his job to do so. So I tried to explain to the admin about my guard and the story above and I was warned, I never even heard the other guy's story. I guess I'm not allowed to defend myself either after the fact my guard was engaged with a said murderer. 
    Any extra information: NA
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