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Posts posted by Vizz

  1. Bryce you do realize that if we see someone with 40 warns we are supposed to report it that's what I did first I reported it to Snar but then later relized that some were on Mil rp so then I went to a super admin. and im supposed to according to the staff hand book its not like I hate tommy im just trying to do my job @? BrycE ?

  2. So I did check your warns not on purpose but I saw yours and it was 43 warns me and a friend saw that 6 or 7 (mil rp warns)not 100% sure on that but, I know for a fact you were never minged for 6 hours for reaching 30 warns as instructed to be done in the staff handbook at first I thought you had 40 so I messenger a manager and said you had 43 warns but later figured out that some were on mil rp so I then went to the 30 warn mark and that is a 21,600 Minge issues by SA+ so I went to max who is a super admin on the server and told him that you have 37 Police RP warns. But who minged you for 1 hour after reaching 40 warns @Tommyy

  3. On ‎9‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 9:21 AM, Dane said:


    • Active in-game and in TS.
    • Very active on the forums.
    • Application is really decent.
    • Mature and professional.
    • Attitude has improved.
    • Friendly and nice towards other.
    • Active on staff.
    • Has been a Senior Moderator for a while.

    Overall Munchies is fit for the Admin rank! He has been showing great work to the staff team and I think that he is ready to move up to the Admin rank! Best of luck, Munchies!

    -Senior Moderator Dane


  4. 6 hours ago, ArmyGuy said:


    As a Senior Moderator on Police RP, you transferred to Clone Wars RP and got Super Admin, than you left for 1-2 months, came back to Police RP as a Admin. You need to get way more active and wait more, as well as put more effort in your application. 


  5. Your In-Game Name: Vizz

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98534825

    Staff member's In-Game Name: Mervin

    What did they do? they warned the same guy twice instead of compacting it into one warn

    Evidence (REQUIRED): AE17B1643671AEB6140B5A4ADBE4433A705DCEDB

    What do you think is an acceptable punishment? no clue on this its up to smt maybe just talk to him about it

  6. IG Name: Vizz

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198157335378/

    How many warnings do you have: 4

    What departments are you in and what rank: SRT Rank CPL:PD im a sgt Dispatch in the first rank

    Why do you want to be EMS(150 Words Minimum): I want to be in ems because it will add a whole new thing for me to do on the server since im not in that much departments I would really like to join a new one and since my friend just joined I would love to play this with him and I also want to make this department have more people playing on it and its a very underated class and I would really like to join it because of that. most people dont even thank ems after they revive them they say "took you long enough" and that really makes me mad because its a lot of hard work to be ems. a lot of people just respawn right when you get there and or they are minged by staff because "ems is taking to long." I would really like to try and be a very active and kind ems. im also one of the kindest people on the server

  7. What you want to see? - a selling stand that gun dealers could use to sell guns better and faster with

    Why should we add it? - clean and easy exchanges and no more scamming/failrping

    What are the advantages of having this? - same as above

    Who is it mainly for? - gun dealers/gun buyers

    Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/4148/simple-item-shop-added-craftingmod-support



  8. What you want to see? -  new keys added to the server

    Why should we add it? -  the current ones are invisible and not very good

    What are the advantages of having this? - easier way to know if your car is being stolen and it could lead to more rp and I dont think it would cause anymore lag but I could be wrong this is just a better key then are current one

    Who is it mainly for? - drivers and home owners

    Links to any content -  https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/5537

    I am willing to pay the 5 for it to be added

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