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Posts posted by Mav

  1. On 3/29/2021 at 12:21 AM, royalderg said:

    This has been an unspoken "rule" for a while now.. I like the idea of splitting up the lines to be different things.. Though medical check up line might be RARELY used.. and getting the D class to actually follow this idea will be interesting.

    Also if this is accepted then security will have to be retrained so they don't take from the wrong lines. Also Also what is a d class gonna do if they're meant for a medical checkup but they get diverted to say 106's cc for a femur.. is that a staff issue orr? Just some thoughts!


  2. On 3/28/2021 at 2:38 PM, Rektify said:


    I've thought about this idea as well but we also have a built in light thing with garry's mod. I'm guessing that won't really count though so, overall, yea I like the idea. At least I'm willing to try it out :)) 

    +support and same as rektify

  3. In Game Name: MTF Nu7 IRCN IFE IBHM SGT Mav | Security JFTO SM Mav

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147926547

    Job applying for (O5 Logistics - MEDIC +/ADEPT + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | O5 Research - Research/CI RND Researcher+): Red Right Hand 

    If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I would protect any of them, however skela is pretty funny so 05-1 if I had the choice

    How many Warns do you have? 1 From more than a year ago and one from the Mil Rp server

    Why do you want to join the O5 staff team:        Well one reason I would like to join RRH is because it's completely dead right now, and I have a history with A1 when it was a part of the server a while ago, it was a better, and more serious experience than the other MTF and Gensec and I really enjoyed that.  It sort of brought out what I started playing gmod for.  Another reason I would really like to join RRH is because I feel like I'm decent at PvP and being in RRH I think I would get to test myself more, and prove my dedication to the server and MTF.  As soon as I learned that RRH was still part of the server when I came back from my long break from scprp it was my one and only goal to join it and continue guarding and protecting site administration, which I find super fun and interesting.  A long time ago when A1 was still part of the server I got chosen for the SF inside of it and got to the rank of 2LT, so A1 was really the only reason I was playing the server, so I really wanna get back into it.

    Why should we accept you: I feel that I should be accepted because I have experience guarding Site Administration and 05, so I'm used to the strict policies and rules of RRH, which were very hard to get used to at first, so I think I would be able to do my job effectively as soon as I get into RRH, I may need a small refresher on the rules since some things have likely changed but that would be enough for me to do my duties efficiently.  Another reason is I have over 6.5 k hours in Gmod, I know the game well and I like to think I'm good at PvP and am able to use the games mechanics to my advantage in a PvP situation, so I would be very well suited to guarding and protecting Site Administration and the 05.  I also understand that RRH is much different than most branches of the server, like Nu7 you can have more fun and be more relaxed in, however in RRH you are required to be alert and more serious at all times, you must be very good at following orders and not hesitate to follow them, RRH has the strictest policies and the harshest punishments, or it did when I was in it.   I also feel that I should be accepted due to the fact I'm loyal to the foundation and I won't hesitate to protect and make sure the 05's wishes and goals come to fruition to the best of my ability.  I also like to think that I'm and rather old player in SCPRP in gaminglight, as I started playing about 2 years ago so with that experience I feel I would be well suited to being in a position such as RRH.  Another reason is I want nothing but the best for RRH, as I dedicated myself to it when it was part of the server, so I would like to try to make it look good and be as good as it was when I was part of it, so I would like to attempt to get it's name out more by playing as it so people know it's still around and needs people to join. 

    Well that's why I feel I should be allowed to join RRH, Thank you so much for reading my Application.  Please take your time and consider me for this position, I will not disappoint.

    (No there isn't a word requirement BUT write how much you think will be needed to get your app accepted)

  4. +/- support

    + Very good reason 

    - Need to read over the Staff Handbook a few more times before trying again

    + Pretty nice and friendly.

    Try again once you've read over the handbook more then you got this.  Good luck!

  5. 1. What is your in-game name?:Mav

    2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147926547

    3. Current Rank in Security: SFC

    4. Time on the server: 2 weeks 

    5. Current level: 55

    6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 8 or 9 lately 

    7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: no

    8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: Kenzo, Georgie

    9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes I have

    10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?:  Of course

    10. Why do you think you deserve access to the  Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): I feel like I should have juggernaut because it's very good at maintaining order in D-Block and LCZ, and can do so more efficiently thanks to it's higher health and heavy weapons, plus the incendiary grenade and frag grenade it gets with it's loadout, they are good for clearing rooms out and go well with breaching and clearing out D-block when its captured by D-class, and with all of this equipment and my PvP skills I feel I would be well suited in the juggernaut role.  I also wish to have more variety because it's somewhat easy to get bored of the same jobs, so having more to choose from will give me that.  I know that I have been doing well as gensec lately as well so I feel like I can be trusted with this class and to use it properly and efficiently.

    11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: Pkm instead of the nova, Or maybe the CZ-75 because of the Pkm's high recoil.

  6. In Game Name: Mav
    Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:0:147926547
    Discord Name (Bread#0001): Nyx#3535
    If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): I have some really old ones from like years ago
    When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): I think about 2 years, although I took a very long break

    Why do you want to join Nu-7? (125 word minimum):  To be honest, being Gensec can get boring so I want more to to on the server, also being in MTF brings more opportunities to join more stuff, like RRH.  You also get to participate in events more unlike gensec and have the chance to counter CI and any GOI.  Also you get to see more of the facility, like EZ and get to go in HCZ more often which is a lot more fun then D-Block.  Also MTF has a more serious feeling and has a little more responsibility than Gensec.  Containing SCP's is also super fun and appealing in my mind because it requires more skill and teamwork than just shooting D-class.  You also get more freedom and space to do things as MTF which is a lot more fun and keeps you occupied instead of sitting in one spot shooting D-class.  So that's the reason I would like to join Nu - 7

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.):  I'm a SFC in Gensec right now.

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time:  Yeah, I plan to be playing a bunch, as long as it stays fun.  however I do have times where I will take a loa for a while to deal with personal issues.

  7. In Game Name: Mavrik

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147926547

    Discord name / Tag Nyx#3535

    How Many Warns do Have?:0

    Why do you want to join Omi - 9? What will you bring to the regiment? (150 word minimum): Because i dearly miss GL and this type of branch is all I know, plus I've been looking to get back into this branch as I've been told by a few people I should join back as I'm very efficient as MTF, I'm also from a long time ago, back when A1 was a thing and Krug was leading it, which is why i miss this server and the people in it so badly.
    also I'm very interested in how this branch works and what it does.  I've also read up on this branch and it seems very fun to work in it, I also miss protecting people and the facility, defending against CI and gunning them down, i also wish to join the SF branch as i was in that in A1, and I earned it very quickly at SPC, I will also be able to very active as I do online school now so I could potentially be the most active in the branch, or the server.

    Imagine you are supervisor in Omi - 9, you have a Private who is minging and disobeying all rules stated within the SOP. Briefly explain the actions you would take and who you would talk to about this situation?: Demote them, or recommend them for a demotion as they are a private and have been told all the rules and trained recently, if they seriously don't remember and aren't being a minge on purpose, go over what they did with them, and give them a verbal warning and report it to higher ups, if they continue doing it, get them demoted/ removed.

    Have you ever received a strike from any department? If so, answer below when you received it and the reason for the strike. If not, please enter N/A: Nah

    What Departments are/ Have Been in?: A1, CI, Gensec, Nu - 7.

    Do you agree to be active and put forth dedication into the department?: Of course

    Did anyone refer you to Omi - 9? Put N/A if none.: Crabbo, Capfm.

  8. Starr, im gonna miss you, you were the one who brought me into A1, you taught me so much in the time you were here, you showed me that you must be determined, dedicated, and willing to do whatever it takes to get what you believe in, Starr, im sure im not the only one that will miss you, in fact. im 100% sure that many more people will miss you, I wish you the best of luck in the rest of your life, I will miss you, My influence, My Idol, My Inspiration...  And don't just leave me all together, keep in contact and stay in touch with me... Okay?

  9. Name:Mavrik


    Will you try to be active through the school year:Yes

    Do you believe that you deserve your position in A1:SGT at most

    What is your current Activity on the Roster, and if not active will you try to improve it: I believe i am active, but if not putting more time into the server and doing my school work at scbool.

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