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Posts posted by Mav

  1. On 2/17/2021 at 2:10 AM, 8Dustin said:

    + Support

    • Active
    • Reliable
    • Dedicated
    • Reserved
    • Great FTO
    • Awesome MR test
    • Honest
    • Unbiased 

    Honestly In my opinion, I don't see why he wasn't already in OL staff, because he's amazing at what he does and what he's willing to do for the staff team.


    Agreed..  Good luck on this when they start looking at apps!!

  2. On 3/8/2021 at 9:26 PM, [GL] Dtscalice said:


    -App is very short

    +you are active


    Not your job while on OR, Dont go looking for power in the O5 staff Project please *Not just to you but any who see this app and wish to apply for O5 staff*

    -app just seems very basic in my opinion


    Agreed, when you dont put more into your app it doesn't look like you care in my opinion.

  3. On 4/4/2021 at 1:53 AM, Spud said:


    Coolcaz, you are by far the oldest and most experienced Low Command member in security. You were in the WO group right after my own, and you've been in command for almost 6 months. Throughout that time you have built a strong presence among the Low Command ranks, and have done plenty of promotions, PTs, etc. The only drawback I can see is that you have some problems with activity, but that can always be improved and isn't a major issue in SCMD since we have more of an administrative role than LCMD. Overall, I think you are the most trustworthy member of LCMD and the most deserving of a spot in SCMD. Also, Security Janitors. Good luck ❤️.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. On 4/3/2021 at 12:11 PM, Chief_ said:

    - Support

    + Your a good guy who knows what he is doing

    - Your reason why you think you deserve the job just seems to be filler mostly. 

    As for 100+ of your words are just mentioning people that you found to be great, but that doesn't explain why you deserve the job. It seems as more of a resignation thing you'd do that for. 

    Then if I took out the words that are just mentioning people you met that were good. You'd have 122 words which is below the word count. 

    - Then on the question about rdm. It doesn't seem like you read the staff SOP as it mentions what should happen.

    As in the staff sop it states that mrdm would receive a standard 5 day ban which you failed to mention how you would handle that in the response. 


    Although you are a nice guy who could do a good job. I must - support it as your application is faulty in my eyes. 


    After edit. 

    - I still find the end way to handle the MRDMer to be incorrect. 


    Try to put more effort into your app then maybe you will get staff
    -Support for now.

  5. +/- support

    I don't even remember you so I don't have enough info to Plus support you. 
    Also been hearing that your way too strict which I'm not a fan of so yea

  6. On 2/19/2021 at 11:22 PM, 8Dustin said:

    + Support






    -Great personality

    -Mingie (But who isn't)

    Great guy to work with, since he came back, he has all of my respect,

    he was able to push for more medical activity. Overall, great guy and will make a great OL


    Good luck on this
    +support from me

  7. On 3/10/2021 at 2:49 PM, Snowwx said:

                                                                                                          + Support

    This is a really nice application ! I am sure mark is going to be incredible as a RRH. He is really funnieh and kind ! Really good as Nu7 and working hard. He know when it's the time to have fun and to work ! Take a lot of responsabilities and I see him like an exemple to follow. I hope he/you get accepted because you deserve it a lot 🙂



  8. On 3/10/2021 at 4:19 AM, GL Nerd said:

    -However you didn't put much in your app
    -Still your a good guy
    -Fit for The O5 role (Don't do anything stupid if you get the whitelist)
    -Really good test logs

    Seems like a minge sometimes however that's fine since your allowed to have fun here, I believe you should have this position.  It would be awesome if you got it 

  9. - support
    I don't even know who you are which isn't good.  

    I feel you sure become a little more well known and prove you deserve this position then maybe I will give +support 

  10. On 3/24/2021 at 2:56 PM, recon said:

    - Support

    - Don't get me wrong, you are a great researcher and I defiantly think you are going to do great things in this branch. Unfortunately though, currently you are not even the right rank to apply, you are a Associate Researcher and have to be the rank of Researcher to apply for O5 Research. Also, I believe that it's just a little to soon for you to shoot for O5 Research. From the two test logs you have posted, while they are very well made, it is only two test logs.

    - TLDR; Not the correct rank to apply, its to soon to go for O5 research, you only have 2 test logs posted


    Despite my -support, I do strongly believe that someday you will get this role Heart.


    • Like 1
  11. On 3/22/2021 at 9:11 PM, [GL] Lucifer said:

    + Support 

    - Improved Himself & Worked on His Character for the Position
    - Dedicated Towards Research
    - Would make a great Researcher, with proper guidance & training.
    - Serious RP & knows when to have fun.

    My only advice for you is to remind yourself to be calm & remain professional as sometimes you get a bit excited & impulsive, which some may consider annoying.

    gonna say +support but the 9 warns are kind of a yikes

  12. On 3/30/2021 at 7:50 PM, Echo Romeo said:

    I have a lot of bad experiences with you and not that many good ones
    Isn't the best at PvP
    Needs more experience, is only a PFC
    Has lied to command before
    Went inactive for a bit, then finally filed an LOA, during which he was active on ImpRP(From my Understanding)
    Application is Lack Luster

    No hard Feelings


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