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Posts posted by Mav

  1. On 3/11/2021 at 10:07 AM, Right Twix Bar said:

    So, I've found a bit of a conundrum with this Steam ID. The only person trained for Medical using it was a Richee, who was later removed.

    This means, either, my trainer messed up and got the wrong Steam ID, you're using the wrong Steam ID here, or you were trained under a removed alias, which means you would be removed.
    And, since no one else has been trained under this Steam ID, you've never been trained for Medical.
    Now that I think about it, there has been no "Toddical" ever logged, in anything, for being trained for Medical.

    So overall, you're not Medical.

    Also, if you were in Medical, you're more inactive than me.


    Dm me at Right Twix#1418 if you want to try to clear this up.

    Kinda SUS

  2. I see nothing wrong with this application that would make me decide to give a -support, This app looks like it has time put into it as well.  Soul is also a very active MTF Nu7 NCO and is good at it as well, they would do well in RRH in my opinion,

    • Like 1
  3. +Support

    I don't see why you shouldn't be in Nu7, you have a decent app and experience on the server as command which is very useful and shows you are dedicated and willing to put time into the server to achieve a higher rank.

    Good Luck!!

  4. On 4/5/2021 at 5:58 PM, Jack (utility one) said:

    With the recent events security needs some competent senior command who does their job. Raptor is a really good start to this new, upcoming generation of security peeps. But I would say you need to get a little more active on the forums, but in-game and discord activity is off the charts!

    Also not calling any current senior command bad, I was referencing the command who decided to do something stupid

    I really hope you get this, because you deserve it!

  5. On 4/13/2021 at 7:52 PM, gamikzone said:

    +/- Support

    - You have good experience in the server

    - You are active in the server

    - You have a lot of warnings this year

    - I believe you could spend more time on the server


    Those warns worry me a bit if I'm being honest, I'm going to go for +/- support for now until I see how you act in game.

  6. 11 hours ago, Rektify said:

    Overall, -Support

    With some supervision and training, I think you'll be able to do fine as a trial-moderator but we sort of hope we don't have to watch over you. Reading the answers were a little bit difficult with grammatical errors. Nothing against you personally, but I think you just need a bit more time. 


  7. Honestly, the 008 test really intrigued me, it was super interesting and the detail and effort you put into it are astounding, you added in actual scientific and information about other diseases and used information about them in your test which is very interesting.  This shows you have the dedication and drive to bring great test results and logs.  I believe you deserve this position


    Good luck!!

  8. On 3/8/2021 at 9:26 PM, [GL] Dtscalice said:


    -App is very short

    +you are active


    Not your job while on OR, Dont go looking for power in the O5 staff Project please *Not just to you but any who see this app and wish to apply for O5 staff*

    -app just seems very basic in my opinion


    exactly, 05 staff team have a lot of power in the facility and it can be easily abused, -support for me.

  9. I Don't really know appel well so I'm gonna give a +/- support
    I just got back from a LOA so once I see your skill in combat and how you act as command and a Nu7 I will either change to + or - support.

  10. 6 hours ago, Southpaw said:

    +/- Support until there are more responses.

    1. On my side, I dont honestly know you that well. I havent seen you on the server much but that may be on my part.

    2. You dont meet the requirements for Trial Mod - One of them being 25 or more Forum Posts

    3. You seem like a chill dude, so I will stay at +/- until more people respond.


  11. On 3/23/2021 at 8:21 AM, recon said:

    Massive + Support

    - Amazingly well made logs

    - Very mature

    - Was a huge inspiration for my own test logs

    - Dedicated researcher

    - Good application

    - In my opinion, he is defiantly deserving of OR.


  12. On 4/7/2021 at 6:56 AM, ACOG vR4PTOR said:

    + Support

    - Georgie is easily one of the most mature command members on the server

    - Georgie is extremely dedicated to security 

    - Really knows a lot about being a leader and the responsibilities that come with

    -Very strong leader

    You got this dude.  You definitely deserve it!

    • Thanks 1
  13. 5 hours ago, BadTimeInbound said:

    -Support. There have been multiple issues across several branches relating to SCP-294 and the illegal transportation of its products. May I remind you that SCP-294 is capable of dispensing multiple hazardous/fatal liquids including an explosive. Lowering the keycard requirement will only lead to more problems.

    294 can also be used for minging, I've seen times where tons of people use it to become invisible so this is really not a good idea in my opinion.

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