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Posts posted by Mav


    Steam Name:   Nyx

    Ingame Name:   Mav

    SteamID:   STEAM_0:0:147926547

    Date You Were Restricted:   Around 2 or more years ago.

    Staff Restriction Length:   Unknown

    Staff Member that Staff Restricted you:   Unknown, it was a very long time ago

     Reason for Staff Restriction:   Inactive without notice

    Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better):   In the past when I was staff I was staff restricted due to going inactive without notice, due to it being so long ago I do not remember everything however I do remember that it was a combination of IRL issues such as my grandma getting sick and later passing, as well as in game issues with my branch that drove me away from the game.  I do believe I was a good staff and met my quota weekly as well as just being decent at staffing in general (I think)   But I do not remember everything so there Isn't a whole lot I can say besides that I believe I should have my staff restriction removed.   The reason I'd like it removed is rather selfish, it's mostly because I think it looks bad on me and I'm not a fan of that.  Anyway I appreciate you reading this appeal, thank you for your time.

  2. Name - Mav

    Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:147926547

    Discord Name - Nyx#3535

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  - OFC in Gensec

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - one warn for ARDM

    Why do you want to join Delta-5?  I'd like to prove my worth and move into a active branch on the server that I feel like I can advance in, plus in all of my time on this server I have been every MTF besides D5.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words)  Firstly I'd like to state that I have tons of experience in SCP RP and this servers SCP RP in general, at my start I was in A1 in 2018 and 2019 as one of the special forces as a 2LT.  Then after I came back once again I joined RRH in the guardian squadron and held the title Zulu - 1,  at the time when you held 1 in your name it meant you led that squad.  I have also been inside of Nu - 7 as a SM and E-11 as a CPL.   Secondly I'd like to state how dedicated I am, During my time as MTF on any server I have been the most active on, as well as playing at later times and early times, If I have a goal in mind I'm willing to do just about anything to get to my goal, I can promise activity as well as performance inside of D5.  I apologize for my current low rank but I can promise you it will be worth having me in your ranks.

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?  Of course !

    If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!

  3. Name: Mav

    Rank: SM

    SteamID(Ex: ST EAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:147926547

    Current Sub-Branches your in:  Wardens. FTO, Juggernaut if that counts?

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: 

  4. 2 hours ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:


    Been funny console banned before. Know the feel. Also I'm 100% sure Mitchell wouldn't just say it without a very good reason.

    In this case, explaining the sit



  5. I disagree personally, I believe calling a KOS on a whole branch is fine as long as it's a valid reason like a mass info breach and they manage to get gas masks on.  But calling it because of one sleuth is ridiculous and is not allowed, if that happens you need to send proof to either me or the overseers of RRH.  I'm gonna say -Support though, mostly because they are SF and should be allowed to with a valid reason

    Zulu 1 ~

    {This is mostly for the foundation SF side if you couldn't tell.} 

  6. I've been noticing this a little more lately since I've been back.  Basically the problem is D-Class CC's run into a corner after being shot at and switch outfits to avoid being shot at anymore, this is always super annoying and should be changed in mu opinion.  If we add a wardrobe to lower D-Block we could have a rule similar to CI Sleuth where they can't change outfits unless they are next to a wardrobe or it's failrp.  Please feel free to change this and edit it however you want.

  7. I would say +Support however our roster is full currently, you must wait for someone to be removed or more slots to be created which is unlikely

    Zulu 1~

  8. On 4/27/2021 at 6:43 AM, Dano said:

    + Support

    - Active
    - Decent at PVP
    ~ kind of new but shows great potential
    - Seems like a great guy to work with

    ~ RRH Engineer Alpha 3


  9. On 4/27/2021 at 7:23 PM, Jummy said:


    You seem like a cool dude and all but I genuinely haven't seen you on at all.

    Those ranks are a bit low, not saying it's bad to apply at those ranks but maybe try and get more experience first.

    Research escorting isn't everything, yes escorting is a decent chunk of guardian, but you will also be doing other stuff.


  10. On 4/23/2021 at 6:32 PM, Echo Romeo said:

    Cool Command Member
    Has a lot of time and experience
    Good at PvP
    Pretty good application (although a wee bit short but it's not *that* short)

    -Red Right Hand 'Guardian Squadron' Member Echo


  11. On 4/23/2021 at 4:14 PM, Rats said:


    LTCOL in CI, and well trusted

    Very active in CI as well, and good at combat 


    I've actually seen you in raids and your decent at PvP so you being a guardian doesn't sound too bad.       

    RRH Guardian Zulu 9~

  12. On 4/24/2021 at 11:43 PM, Loaff said:


    You seem like a good dude, but I personally have not seen you on the server nor do I know you. 

    You need to make yourself a bit more known and move up a bit in Medical to have a good chance at the RRH Program, rank affects applications greatly, and being normal enlisted does not help your case.

    I do not mean to sound rude or disrespectful to your rank, but you must understand that this is an elite branch, and regular enlisted will have a very hard time getting in. 

    ~RRH Engineer Sierra 7


    • Like 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Loaff said:

    Big -Support 

    -Application is very slim compared to others

    -You're low ranking in both branches you're in 

    -Google doc with your warns is locked, no in-game name listed in your app

    -Almost no effort put into this 

    -I have no idea who you are, never seen you 

    You need to make yourself known and put much more effort into this to have a chance at being accepted.

    ~RRH Engineer Sierra 7


  14. 1 hour ago, [GL] Deez said:

    -Support for now

    You are a great CI member don't get me wrong here but

    I believe you need a bit more time on the server before applying for RRH.


    Overall Don't take this personally please this is just my Opinion but Good luck!

    Agreed, I've seen you around and know who you are, but I'd like to see more from you before giving +Support

  15. 2 hours ago, GarGar said:

    Why should we accept you: After coming back to the server after a year I'm having a lot of fun with it and see myself being fully committed to it. I was banned last year for being homophobic and a minge and have now changed my ways. I was really immature and irresponsible when I first joined the server.

    Your app makes you sound like you would be a great part of the team however, being banned because of homophobia and being a minge are two things I can't look past, being a minge is one thing however being homophobic is toxic and not something I would want in RRH, and changing yourself in only 1 year doesn't seem realistic to me at all.  Also another thing that is preventing me from giving +Support is that I have no idea who you are at all, which is not a good sign, I have no opinion of you except what you have said in this app which is Homophobic and mingey, the fact that I don't know you is also a sign that if I did see you, you made little to no impression on me with either PvP skills, teamwork, or being able to listen to higher ups.  For all of this I will be giving.

  16. 8 hours ago, Loaff said:


    -Application is very slim compared to others 

    -Low ranks in both branches 

    -I have seen you only 2-3 times 

    Make yourself known and prove you've changed.

    ~RRH Engineer Sierra 7


  17. 1 hour ago, Georgie_ said:

    I would like to join Alpha-1 because I believe that my skills and experience as a command member can benefit the group. I would like to try something new, as Security has been the thing I have been invested in during my time here. I believe I perform great in PvP, have done well in my position of Security, and want to incorporate those skills that I have learned into Alpha-1. As well as interpersonal skills and coordination in squad based elements can prove me valuable to the team.

    This mostly feels like why you should join RRH instead of why you want to, or why you find it interesting.  I will admit your decent at PvP and are good at commanding and dealing with the problems in the facility.  However this seems like you really don't want to join, so I honestly don't know how to feel about this app. 

    +/- Support


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