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Niko Belic

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Everything posted by Niko Belic

  1. Just saying, I would like to see some actual feedback and not just quotes that have been answered. It doesn't help.
  2. Never crashed my game... But, I would like to see a simple taser that either ragdolls people or freezes them.
  3. Niko Belic


    +/- Support This could cause lag, but it would definitely be nice to have some sort of media player.
  4. Do you know his timezone? I haven't been able to find him in-game.
  5. Is it just me, or does nobody really care about EMS? I try and do my job some days, and people just respawn. Or when I'm loaded with calls, they come to the EMS station and complain until they get themselves demoted.
  6. I would love to see something like this in the server. Unlike everyone else, because they like to combat heal during Police raids and complain when cops do it.
  7. That is actually ridiculous. +Support
  8. I have definitely witnessed some mingey behavior.
  9. -Support To start off, you are responsible for everything that happens on your PC. Two, I would like to see a screenshot of the ban. (When you attempt to join the server). And just a side note, people say this all the time to attempt to get out of punishment. I see it on servers I staff on and on Gaminglight. Therefore, I really don't trust this one bit.
  10. +Support Heh, salty bois back at it again.
  11. +Support Sometimes we joke about offensive things, we regret it later on and usually don't repeat it. You are an awesome player, and I believe you have learned from this. Recommend Push to talk.
  12. +Support If we are banning people that are staff on other servers, I might as well just report myself lmao.
  13. Your In-game: Niko Belic Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98477155 The player's name in-game: Lil Daddy Tyrone The player's steam name (If you know it): I might be able to find it later on today when the user is online. What did the player do: Cop Baiting (Pulled weapon out to bait cop into arresting the player.) Also a huge minge. Evidence (REQUIRED): They're own group posted a youtube video exposing themselves. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl1DchNoHuk) The incident starts at around 1:50. What do you believe should happen to the player: At least a warning point for Cop bait. Just another thing, if I could have Lil my dude also warned for breaking FearRP. That would be great. (He's the one recording the incident.) It is later in the video if you want to see the FearRP infraction ^^^.
  14. -Support -Low effort in application Don't respond to comments in your application. -/+Somewhat Decent answer for Q14. Good Luck!
  15. What is your in-game name?: Niko Belic What is your steam name?: Niko Belic Superiorservers.co What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:0:98477155 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes I do, It is mostly DarkRP. As my name says, I have been with SUP for a while now. I have been staffing for ~3 weeks. What date did you start playing on the community? I believe November of 2017 What date did you make your forums account? 20 Nov 2017Current rank on server: VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 5 (0 Active) Have you donated? Yes, only for VIP. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yes, I have read through the entire thing. Timezone: CST (UTC -6) Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) Time I spend a ton of time staffing rather than RPing, I see way too many staff RPing over staffing constantly. A Super Admin needing to send a message to the whole server to get staff on is disapointing. Now, just adding me to the staff team won't completely fix this issue. But put a dint in it. I don't want to go too far and make it seem like a complaint, so I will continue with the actual Application. It may seem like I am inactive on the departments I am in and other organisations. But I plan to fix that from now on. Discipline I don't take things lightly at all, which has it's positives and negatives. When I see a player massing in spawn or consistantly minging, I deal with it how it should be. Instead of just handing them a warning because they are new. I look at it as if they only joined to make the server have a bad model / ruin the RP. Therefor treating it like they have been part of the community. Not like I see staff doing this at all, but I would like to keep people's information and punishment private. There is no need to publicly shame someone on a minor mistake of any sort. And I really don't take disrespect for these things lightly, It is as if someone was making fun of someone's flaws. I understand being part of staff is completely about patience and listening, and not swiftly giving minges and warns without any sort of contact with the player. The Community I'm not talking about the whole community, but those who come back to minge and break the rules. I see too many people breaking and bending the rules. In almost every situation I wind up in, someone bends a rule into something completly different and gets away clean, almost like the Law Abiding Citizen. Not saying I would go Rogue and take my own sits and dish out punishment, in fact not at all. I would just like to be able to be trusted in what I say and not have to provide evidence. Which sounds stupid, but a staff's word is staff, not a normal VIP or User. 15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Freeze them and bring them to a secluded location away from roleplay. Ask the player to see if the person will give any reasoning to the Mass RDM. Check logs for kill count / damage done. Give warning point for Mass RDM, NITRP. And minge* the player for the appropriate time, refer to higher staff for further action / punishment. (I would not handle this completely by myself, at least as a Moderator. I would have another Moderator with experience or an Admin to help out.) *Give a 12,000 (3 1/3 hour(s)) -15,000(4 1/10 hour(s)) second minge. Thank you for your time and consideraton! - Niko Belic
  16. What you want to see? - I would like to have the EMS rule changed or have a new one added. (You cannot Mug/Rob anyone recieving treatment from EMS inside the Hospital.) Why should we add it? - It is actually retarded to see some guy with a shotgun run into the Trauma Center and rob / kill the person I am treating. It ruins the RP and causes EMS to be injured or killed. What are the advantages of having this? - Having better RP during these situations and reducing the amount of EMS and Civilian casualties. Who is it mainly for? - EMS and their patients. Links to any content - N/A
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