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Posts posted by Vice

  1. awww shit here we go again

    life has a way of becoming real busy real quick and I'm no exception. i always get free time for the server then it quickly vanishes but anyways. 

    I've been in this community since late 2017 and have enjoyed every single year here. both MilRP (may it rest in piece) then coming here to PoliceRP. I've been in many depts. Even got deputy chief a while back. Started with ARU which became SCO19 and got Co-Commander of that before getting Deputy Chief. when that shut down SWAT welcome me with welcome arms into a TL position. since then i have enjoyed every moment here in SWAT with every member past and present. I still pop in on occasion but i have very little time for Gaming Light as a whole anymore. i love you all

    Mention timeeee

    ChipDail: ah my Russian pal. Thank you Commander for letting me back into SWAT and letting me serve by your side as Co-Commander. you have made radical changes to the Dept every time you have served.  im glad i got to be a small part of it this time. you never gave up on me and helped me so much. you have made SWAT and the server unforgettable for me and so many others   i love yah man ill stay in touch.

    Ducky: Ive got to say ducky you've grown so much. from when we first met ive watched you grow from an OFC to SWAT Commander and then go on to be Deputy Chief of Police. no one in this server has made as much progress as you have. you worked the hardest out of everyone i know and strived to be the best you can and you did it ducky you really did. you will always have my support and i wish you luck on going even further ❤️

    Azrael: My Brother from another mother. one of the BEST commanders to date and did so much for SWAT and Roleplay for the server. Made CRC and did so much with it. 

    Ion: Bucket hat man. your gonna do great with leading SWAT man. i love you and will always be there if you need help or someone to talk to. you do so much for SWAT and will be the driving force for its growth for sure.

    RTMM: Minge man. Naw for real though also a great dedicated member of SWAT and will help the Dept so much and especially CRC 

    Curtis: SWAT stands for (Specials Weapons and Turtles)

    PD HC: You all do a great job and try and do whats best for every dept. keep up the good work!


    Love you all!

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  2. 35 minutes ago, Aaron Faustin said:

    I will not give any + or - Support, as I just want to stick to my side of the story and defend the actions I took.

    THE SIT:
    Firstly I brought Anubis (reporter) to a roof to explain what happened. and get some basic information. Anubis told me that he had stolen Vice's car and was driving when he got shot at by Vice when none of the code red rules were met.
    I quickly verified that an advert had been made for the carjacking and now that we had the claim, I brought up Vice to the roof. I told Vice what was alleged and asked him his side. Vice at the time, sounded annoyed about something and mentioning he wanted to report Anubis and started talking about a separate event that took place. I quickly stopped that discussion and told them that I want to focus on this report first and then we can handle that. My #1 reason for this is I didn't want information that had to do with another report while this was ongoing as not to cause me any confusion or get facts mixed up. At this time I was only looking for information relevant to the allegation of not following code red rules. 1 of 3 scenarios must be true in order for code red to be called on a vehicle. I knew it was a government vehicle so I knew it being a Cybertruck/bus/semi didn't apply here.
    I asked Vice if he had shot at anyone or had been in a pursuit for 10+ minutes. Vice said No to both of those.


    These are the main reasons I chose a formal warning instead of a verbal warning, jail, or some combination of punishments.
    #1) Vice had admitted the code red rules were not met to allow lethal force on the vehicle.

    #2) Vice is a longtime player and someone who has lot's of experience in government command positions.

    #3) It wasn't an accidental shooting or a case of not knowing a rule.

    I don't like warning people but with those things being true, I feel that it would be unfair for me to not give a formal warning in this instance. If this was a new player I almost certainly would have just given a verbal but when it's about someone with this level of experience it makes it really hard for me to justify lessening the punishment.
    I generally reserve verbal warnings to new players, players who may not have known of the rule, or rule infractions made by accident (a misclick or something).

    I strive to be completely unbiased when handling a sit. I believe I stuck to the facts relevant to the report and gave the appropriate punishment.


    I'm not going to mention anything about the Anubis report as I don't feel it's relevant to this appeal but in a jist (in a seperate incident) he RDM'ed Vice and got warned for it.
    I wish a report had been made here immediately and not something only brought up during Anubis's report.

    Lastly, I do just want to mention that almost none of the mitigating factors in this appeal were brought to my attention in the sit. When Vice was asked about his side, pretty much the only thing he said was about the RDM incident that got dealt with after. When asked, he did not claim to have any justifiable reason to code red/shoot the vehicle.

    I was not told that anyone was copbaiting in the car or ramming anyone. If this was mentioned I would have looked for evidence/asked for video and added copbaiting to his warn.

    I was not informed that Mr.Feast RDM'ed anyone. If this was mentioned I would have warned him the same as I did with Anubis.
    And now I can no longer verify if either of these things are true. Unless someone has video but I don't think so.

    This is kinda the point I'm trying to make. Out of like the 3 very basic code red rules yes none of those exact ones were met. 

    I also admit I was annoyed when I was brought because I was trying to enjoy the server and was in an pursuit when I was RDM'D by some guy trying to minge and a player whos been on thr server long enough to know better. Only to have my car immediately car jacked which means I now don't have a car. Only to walk outside and see even more people breaking the rules and just shooting at people with guns strewn along the street. 

    Also Mr.Feast has already been dealt with by other staff so I did not mention about wanting to report him as he has been handled already. 

  3. Your In-game:Vice

    The admin's name in-game: Aaron Faustin 


    The admin's steam name (If you know it):None


    What warning did you receive:FailRP


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):https://tools.gaminglight.com/profile/76561198183056411


    Why do you think this warn was false:
    For Context: i was in a 10-80 with a Charger when my car starts gets destroyed from trying to PIT maneuver the car. so i pull out of the chase and start fixing my car while that chase continues. While fixing my car i get shot from spawn for no reason. i see the guy named Mr.Feast RDM'ing me and pull out my awp to shoot back at this guy who is currently at the bus stop between hospital and Car dealer. i am in the grass patch between car dealer and TAC base that leads up to taco bell. i am crouched behind my car shooting at Mr.Feast aimed down the road of hospital that leads to outskirts. when BOS Anubis(at the time) comes from cinema and shoots me from the side for no reason. about 30 seconds later he changes his name to the be in the same "family" as Mr.Feast who started RDM'ing me for no reason. After chaining his name he steals my government car which was the Mustang GT. Thats fine so i go out the front door of Tac Base where the Mr.Feast has layed down multiple (like probaly 60 in all) famas and SSG's around the block of spawn. Where multiple people have grabbed them and some started shooting them. so while im shooting a guy who was firing one the weapons on the street. Anubis and Mr.Feast start ramming me with my own Mustang while im trying to deal with the tons of weapons around spawn and a guy firing them. so i shoot about 3 bullets into my mustang because im being rammed and pushed by the car. this does not kill Anbuis who is driving my car. Anbuis starts backing up in my car before hopping out and dying to fall damage.  Mr.Feast is also in the car and start firing upon me and i kill him. After that i starting picking up even more guns around spawn before im brought into a Sit from Anbuis Claimed by Aaron.  
    Aaron informs me that Anubis Claims i did not follow procedures for code Red of my car. and i admit that yes i technically did not follow it as there are no set procedures for being rammed and Code Red. However at the time i felt it appropriate as there are guns just strewn along the streets. my Government car is now currently ramming me which in RP would be killing me. 
    I would also Like to Note that Anubis the Person who reported i had reported at the same time and he was warned for RDM. and Claimed i was shooting at him when Aaron was able to confirm though logs i was not and was not even looking in his direction when he shot me. So he was warned for RDM and then proceed to threaten to RDM in the SIT and pulled out a Double barrel.  as he was being warned for RDM 


    Any extra information: This is not anything against Aaron Faustin he did a wonderful job as a staff member and handled everything with a cool level head, was very patient and heard both sides and then looked into the situation before making a decision. even if this gets denied i believe Aaron is a great staff member and good person ❤️

  4. Life comes at you fast. I dont have time for this postion any longer nor much of the server as life has been busy. i work full time and go to school as well. 

    thank you to everyone who ive worked with during my time in SWAT

    and thanks to Azrael for allowing me back into SWAT. love you man

    Ducky: i loved being TL with you and im so proud of you for getting commander 

    David: soon to be Co commander for sureee

    Jack: an amazing command member and deserves everything hes got and is gonna get during his time in SWAT 

    luv u all

  5. i see the point of this but i also dont
    yes the economy is really inflated but that's mainly due to people who own CC's or a part of one and get permeant guns anyway.
    there are also tons of jobs that come with guns as well if you don't wanna or cant buy into a CC. both level jobs and Donator Jobs. one thing that would also help the economy is actually buying guns from gun dealers. 
    i feel like this would take away from level jobs and donator jobs. as well as gun dealer as a job over all.

  6. +support 
    Maybe shorten the time for a money silo down to 20 mins

    but other wise i think this should be put into place. Money silos for me at least have always been difficult. having to run through bases that are either long as hell or hard to get through makes the odds for government way less than people think. we cant just sit in one spot and shoot then its so easy for crims to just gun us down. but running through it just means taking damage and giving none in return. 
    and 9 times out of 10 any criminal who died is gonna came back and wait out their NLR right there and try to slip back inside while gov isn't looking or when they go when gov is trying to push in leading to gov being shot from both sides.
    this has gotten even worse recently with the millions of nerfs Gov have gotten with armor, weapons, and other gear. 

  7. On 1/22/2023 at 9:01 PM, Rex Velvet said:

    This question should in no way imply any disbelief, how was it being exploited?

    People would gift things to another person and then charge back for it 
    another way was the discount of ranks in game. since if you buy a rank the next one is discounted but if you have the max rank you can buy another person that rank for a massive discount so GL would loose money 

  8. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :



    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Imperial Commandos VCMDR Sev


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    I want to become a Vice Commander of this branch to help lead it and help it grow. Throughout my time on this server in the only battalion I've been in and I've loved every moment of it. I've meet so many new people who have helped me and guided me on this server. I want to be that person for incoming and current members of IC! 

    I would also say im liked among my fellow members of IC and want to be able to help them progress in this branch as well so they to can become command members someday. I also love training new members, members need sub-branch training and other forms of training. As i am also current the Lead of Scout Sniper and Sev is the Overseer of Scout Sniper. I was also a member of omega for a time so i know what it means to be in a black ops squad as Sev is also the Overseer Of Crimson Squad. 

    Also the branch is down to only VCMDR at this current time and thats alot for one person to lead a branch of this size and objective on the ISD. i believe it has what it takes to help out IC command in leading this battalion to its full potential.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    3 weeks


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    The main purpose of a commander is to lead and uplift its members of their respective branch. This is to secure the future of the battalion by producing quality members so that when the time comes they can also lead members of this branch. However as a commander you must also make sure your members have a memorable experience that they can come back to. You can do this by holding missions together as brothers, Holding SIMS to train with another to become a more effective unit, or any activity that can bring members together in a memorable way.

    Another purpose of a commander is one which we all dread in some way. Making sure members of our branch are following Battalion,Ship and server rules. And giving out punishments to those who are not. This is needed to ensure quality members and a high quality battalion. I believe that punishments should be learning experiences, not just shame a person. Help them learn from it so that they can be a better member. 


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

     I believe i can be trusted as a commander due to my many years as a command member within GL across many servers. When MilitaryRP was a server that GL offered, I reached VCMDR of the main branch of the Army, as well as Commander of the Branches Drill Instructors and Military Police. So i have previous VCMDR and CMDR experience as well as through Ability to Train from Drill Instructors!

    I was also a High Command Member for PoliceRP as the Deputy Chief of Police for quite some time in which i had to accept new members into the Police Low Command team and train them on how to be command members and assist them through their daily tasks. As well as HC for two Tac Depts on the server leading members in high risk situations.

    Ive been CPT for about 2 weeks now in IC and have been apart of Omega Squad which is a highly redacted Black ops Squad within Imperial Commandos. 

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    It varys but i can be on 3-4 times a week on average. Usually for about 3-4 hours at a time or more on weekends.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    I have 1 Warning from PoliceRP from 2017 for RDM. since them i have never been warned

  9. - support

    this is so Minor and the small act of grabing him and moving him doesn’t affect rp or anyone in a major way. He was blocking the door way plain and simple 

    also Barth no offense to you but come on. Your an admin and per the staff book “Tasked with mentoring new staff members and assisting as needed. “ that’s for Adminds. Teach her don’t do this 

  10. -support. 

    i appreciate the time you put into the dispute but you had 40 chances to put that into effect you never did.

    as well as you were mingeing quite hard when I gave you that final warning. It states in the MOTD that you have to be Protected by government officials. As well as it’s quite obviously corruption for you to arm two bloods and tell them to shoot somebody as you did 

  11. 1 hour ago, Joven said:

    This is just incorrect, but I wouldn't expect anything less coming from the most corrupt mod! Good luck on your trial moderation bud, hope to hard work pays off

    wow this looks great on you!

    - support its a week ban i feel that's fair for what you did 

  12. - support 

    the only reason i minus support is while yes Mini is a JMT member and should uphold the MOTD at all times. were all human and just want to relax and have fun and like mini had said if someone had said something or reported it he would have stopped 

    I dont think mini meant anything foul or ill by this and just wanted to have some fun and relax. its a game not a job. 

  13. Well didn’t think I’d be doing this but it’s time really. I’ll be leaving all government positions within 48 

    I’m extremely burnt out and have a lot more going on in life right now to focus on that I have very little free time to do anything with my positions. 

    I would like to thank everyone I’ve interacted with on gov and especially the people who have gotten me to where I am today 


    PD HC: all of you are great individual that have pushed me to be the best I can be 


    Chipy: thank you for allowing me into swat. I know I wasn’t there for long but I really did enjoy it. 


    Cammy: ah it’s been a time. You and carrots got me started in command here in PoliceRP. Thank you for the opportunity 


    Those are just a few people I’m mentioning. I had tons of other support along the way. So thank you all. I’ll still be on UMC and staff 

  14. Let me just state that I’m disappointed in near everyone in this thread. You guys always fucking claim bias and attack one another over this shit it’s sad 


    + support

    there is a reason for the traffic stop- you were sitting there and immediately took off in front of trumpo it’s clear as DAY

    you having a spaz on you doesn’t not meet the criteria for priority rules. 

    I don’t think a warm is needed but you need to be talked to

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