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Posts posted by LordInsider

  1. I'm here looking back at GL a community I once played everyday, and loved being a member of. From PRP (my home) to MilRP (my life) to Star Wars RP (there was a couple different ones when I was here). Looking back now and seeing GL down to 3 servers, late at night on a Thursday with only a total of 80 players across 3 servers on. It genuinely makes me sad to see. I joined back in 2017, 7 years ago (wow doesn't feel that long), when I was like 11 or 12 (dang no wonder I was so cringe back then). I practically grew up in GL, I officially left all GL rp servers back in 2021 (or start of 22). So that is 4-5 years of my life I spent on GL. Looking back now, at some of my old forums posts seeing some of my old friends that I made on here, seeing that literally all of them have also left now (except for @ColeSoft Grey bro is still a no life) idk it makes me sad. I just in my mind I was kinda naive to think that GL after what 9-10 years would still be as thriving as it was during its peak when I was here, but I never thought I would come to the forums and see only 80 players total across all GL servers. I remember times when having less then 80 players on like PoliceRP or SCPRP was seen as really bad and rare.  

    Anyway enough of my ranting about being sad that GL's pop on a thursday night isn't as large as it was like 3-4 years ago. Now onto thanking a couple people for making GL such an amazing place, and for making it such an amazing memory to have.

    @Zeeptin- You can't go without thanking the big man himself, although I never really had any personal interactions with him he absolutely played a major role in making the community what it was/is. There is a lot more to owning and running a server then just paying a bill and deving it and Zeeptin has done an amazing job at it.

    @ColeSoft Grey- Since I called him out earlier for being a no lifer I think I got to talk about here, man was prob one of the best (if not the best) Deputy Directors of FBI we had when I was in there (and im not saying that bc he was like the only Deputy Director we had, nooooo.......) p.s. I am pretty sure I still have your swat fanfic thing somewhere on my google drive.

    @Richard- The big nosed man himself, by far one of best things that ever happened to MilRP. 

    @gamikzone - Back to PRP, easily the best FBI Director the server ever had and ever will have.

    Honestly I could go on and on listing people but then this forum post would read like a novel. So to everyone that helps or have helped to make GL what it was/is thank you. 
    I'm sure that if you know me, you know if I consider you one of those members (basically as long as you were high up in US on MilRP you are one of those guys #RUOnTop)

    oh also before I end this #BringBackMilRP

  2. After retiring out of GL, I developed for some FiveM servers, then a gmod server or 2, after a while I started my own fivem servers and gmod servers. None ever lasted, mostly due to lack of funding (I was young and without a job). I am currently deving a fivem milsim but don't know if its going to release honestly, can't get anyone to fill my command spots and I don't have as much time as I would like to focus into it.

    I have learned a lot from deving and running servers, main thing never trust your friends you might be chill with them and all but that doesn't mean you should just give them co-owner or management. Often time because you are friends they feel like they can't really be touched bc like you don't want to play a server you just had to ban your friends from or since you are friends they are more comfortable arguing with you then others in a management position would be, so makes the server and management seem unprofessional and disorganized to have the owner and management getting into arguments over nothing or whatever. But doesn't mean that having friends in high positions is always bad, just depends on your friends really, and how much control you have over them to not be stupid.

  3. 4 hours ago, Genbu said:

    +Has the Activity to be Tenn Graneet
    +Is a good leader
    +He has a Love of havoc and havoc loves him 
    +Has been doing many tryouts for Havoc to make their numbers rise (10 tryouts right now)
    +Is Kind and willing to hear out opinions
    +Applications is wonderful

    (Hope you don't try to change the havoc)

    Good luck man, you deserve it

  4. What is your ingame name?: LordInsider

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116216354

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Lieutenant

    What specialty are you applying for?: Chief Medical Officer

     What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral Garrick Versio

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I have lots of experience with leading. I try to do tryouts as much as I can for medical, I am also always available on discord so if anyone ever needed anything they can just pm me and I will respond as soon as I possibly could. As the CMO I would get to show off how amazing medical, and naval, is. I would try to do sims whenever possible for the medical on. I will also be able to assist Keegan, Flanbro, and CatBob with anything they may need with since I have experience with leading different groups, and with creating documents if needed. I will also make sure that my MOs are keeping up with their tryout quota, and attempting to go above  and beyond to help both Medical and Naval. Each week I will check in with my MOs, and medical core in general, to see if there are any problems and what I can do to help fix these issues, as well as helping my MOs with SIM ideas and things to help entertain medical.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: While only being a Lieutenant, I have lots of leadership experience (while I know this doesn't effect this server, I was COS in FBI on PoliceRP, Brigadier General on MilRP). I try to hop on the server as much as I can, and every second I am on the server I am working to improve Medical, by doing tryouts and helping low ranking medical troopers improve. While I can't be as active as some other people might be, I do try to put as much time as I can to this server, and I am always able to help command members with anything they need.

    Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank so I can assist, both Naval and Medical. I want to be able to lead our wonderful Medical Officers and show that Medical, and Nava, are amazing branches.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes, I understand this.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: My purpose within Medical Corps is to make sure that all of the Medical Officers are doing tryouts, sims, following orders, and rules. I also work to make sure that Medical Corps in general is running smoothly and that everyone is following the rules and policies of the SOP. Finally, I am there to make sure that Medical has something to do, and isn't just sitting in medbay all day.

  5. What is your ingame name?

    What is your SteamID: 

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?

    What specialty are you applying for?

     What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?
    I can host sims and tryouts to boost activity and member count within the medical battalion. I will also assist medical in their daily tasks. I will help to by increasing the roleplay within the battalion. On my second life I was in medical (I just resigned so I could apply for MO) so I have the knowledge and know how medical works. 

    Why should you be trusted with this position?
    I believe I should be trusted with this rank because of my current and past experience, on this server and others. For starters, on this server I am currently a Naval Ensign (while not a high rank it shows that I am active and can be trusted). On other GL servers, while I know this doesn't carry much importance for this server it is just to show that I have experience, for example MilRP (rip) I was a Brigadier General in the russian army, and one PoliceRP I used to be the Chief of Staff for FBI. Those command positions that I previously held shows that I know how to lead and that I can be trusted.

    Why do you want this rank?
    I want this rank to further my involvement with naval and ImperialRP in general. I would also like to work with medical as I see their potential and want the branch to grow and succeed.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?
    Yes, I understand.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?
    The purpose of a MO is to work work with Medical to assist in maintaining and improving the battalion. Medical Officers make sure that the ship is healthy and that Medical understands how to treat sick or injured crewmates. MOs also help medical command with managing documents and keeping the battalion running smoothly.

  6. So I was wondering, does anyone watch gaming light videos on YouTube? 

    If so what channels do you watch? 
    (I am a small youtuber that uploads a few GL videos and notice they are the best on my channel so I think there is an audience here)

    I personally dont really watch GL videos, although I do make then from time to time

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  7. In-Game Name: LordInsider 

     SteamID: STEAM_1:1:116216354

    Rank: Support

     Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 3 days (until sunday)

    Reason for LOA (If private that is fine):  Vacation 

  8. 6 hours ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:


    Good application

    Deserves a chance 

    Very active 

    Would really help others in timezones for Europeans 

    Just know you should address your name when helping helping somebody in support!


  9. In-Game Name: LordInsider

    Steam Name: [GL] LordInsider

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116216354

    Are you a Moderator+? Yes

    How often are you on TeamSpeak? Everyday for 4+ hrs

    Do you have a working quality mic?  Yes

    What time zone are you in? EST

    Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) I want to join Support because I loved support when I was in it before and when I was removed it was one of my most inactive times. I really liked assisting people when they needed my help. I think I could really help now that I will be active again. I have a lot of experience so I can help people and other support members that need help with answering questions. I am also very friendly and liked among the community. I'm also on quite early so I can help with people that get on very early in the morning.

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I could help because I was in Support before and already know what to do when it comes to support

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? Hello, How may I help you 

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes

  10. Name: LordInsider


    LOA Time:5/2/19- 5/24/19

    Reason (Private if needed): I have state testing and I want to wait until I get out of school to focus time into FBI

  11. + support

    Crease I have never seen you do anything wrong in-fact you are one of the better players I never expect to see you get banned. I believe your story about your brother and I think SMT should give you a second chance. 

    • Like 1
  12. On 2/23/2019 at 5:40 PM, rhys.smith14 said:

    Name: LordInsider

    Rank: Head Paea

    Why do you think you deserve to stay in the Department?: I deserve to saty because I am good at my job and one of the quickest responders when on (Im grounded now so cant get on)

    Any changes you want in EMS? No


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