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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2023 in all areas

  1. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP 912 2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2186790311&searchtext=SCP+912 (Might be a bit too big, but can be compressed) 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: weapon_stunstick (This is not the police baton..) , weapon_cuff_elastic , heavy_shield 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 800/500 5. Why should we add this SCP? I believe that this SCP has great potential for RP. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-912 consists of several items of police-issue body armour, clothing and equipment that together form a discrete entity capable of independent movement and action. 7. Extra information: Has to listen to all uniformed security personnel Only use lethal force against others using lethal force, Arrest when appropiate. Should only enter D-Block for a riot. Cannot assist in raids (MTF Raids) nor SCP Breaches. Must protect itself and security personnel Must listen to Gensec in LCZ (MTF may not issue it orders in LCZ, unless Gensec aren't online) , If in HCZ/EZ has to listen to MTF as well. Due to its nature, it shouldn't be attacking CI unless it sees security personnel getting harmed by CI. I know that this SCP has been removed multiple times, that's because it wasn't done correctly. (Trust me I would know, I was CI when it had the police baton)
    1 point
  2. Name: Core Rank: Nu7 CPT/ D5 MSGT SteamID: STEAM_0:1:9591799 Reason for leaving: Leaving the server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around a year of my life was taken away by GamingLight SCPRP and I regret not even a single second of it, thanks to those who were and those who are still here that gave me a place where I can gain joy from, it surely is one hell of an great adventure. I was once enthusiastic and addicted but now it has come to a down hill where I think it is time for me to leave. GL is out of magic and has now become nothing but only a piece of disgusting flesh that slowly walking toward inevitable decay. I found no motivation to play on it anymore and It is genuinely sad to see myself losing faith and interest on my favority gaming community, maybe there will be miracle one day and I hope I can live to see that happens. I'm not going to complain too much and make this post be filled with my hatred, depression and negative thoughts, making it looks like I'm cursing GL, so let's move onto some mention and end this gibberish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reward of BFF goes to: Tank Tank, you have been a great friend of mine and an instuctor long way back when I was in Security, we go from nobody to close friends that play with each other basically everyday and I cherish this friendship. You're always dedicated to help out your branch as a Command member and never hestitate to lend a hand when someone have difficulty. A noble man deep inside with terrible english grammar and tons of minge, you will always have a place in my heart. Jolt: It is a honor serving under your command although we never had chance to interact with each other but you are a W gamer deep inside my heart, thank you for your dedication toward Nu-7. DerL4sse: Coolest German I've ever met, one of most chilling dude and is always good to be with. Keep in touch and I'll visit you one day if I go to Germany. You still own me 1 match of Among us tho. Pure: Congrats on receiving promotion of VCMDR, well deserved and I'm looking forward what will Nu7 be forged into by your hand. You are the best overseer I've worked with and I believe you can give this branch a bright future. Purp: Likely best PVPer I know, don't know much about you but I wish you a good luck. Yamato: Dude is chill and one of 7 wonders of the ancient world, you probably dislike me idk and I don't really care. Our partnership ends here and will probably never talk again but you have my respect from the buttom of my heart, you've been grinding yourself and your own sub-branches as a respectful player and a Director Head of sub-division. Keep up the good work. Koda/Pixel: Sorry who you? Just kidding. I wish I can have some more chances to get to know you, thank you for coming back and make this branch alive again. Sir. To Pixel: Also mentioned because you're Director Head of Corpsman, it is my favorite sub-branch and it would kill me if COR goes downhill, make it alive and make it strong! Hola: Valentine, you're a bitch for leaving me alone. Hope you well on your medical academic and real life. IITRAKTORII: Probably my next husband since Hola left me a widow. Still in contact and will continue on harassing you until the day I die. Thank you for being my friend, you taught me something important and I cherish that. There's not much to say and we are not departing, I'll see you on the other side and continue the journey we started. We havn't finish the pokenmon smash or pass yet. Zboz/Henderson: Sadly I know nothing much about you, but I believe you are capable of get things done and benifit the branch. Always be cool you handsomes, if there's favoritism then mine will be on you two. Best of luck. Zarl and Alex: Cool old guy like national treasure, it's always fun to stick around with you and I really like you a lot. Take care and I sincerely hope you well. Biggest W for you two. Banna Bred: You're here cause you asked to and you made me have to stay awake until like 3 fucken am (by the time I finish this post it's 3:25 am). I do not appreciate that, but we chill and it's good to know you. Talk later aight bud? Soul/Nydekore/ItzGray/SavagerY/Yato/Daniels/Gyara I inherited this branch from you, starting from a RCT all the way up to CMD. I'm sorry I disaapointted you and failed to make this branch where I call home better and stronger, I failed to achieve what I promised and wished when I apply for command. I knows nothing about you but you set a foretype for me where I want to achieve, bond with the branch and with fellow comrades, hence I put you in my mentions because you are the goal I pushed for and inspired me to work on that. To SavagerY: I'm sorry if I've ever pissed you off, you're a cool guy and I like to be around you. Might go play [SCP:SL] Alpha Warhead SFX outside your house if you would give me a chance. Vuit/Giga/Destroyer You 3 are still alive but not within the branch so I put you here. Vuit: you are a cool guy and I like you a lot, it is fun to talk to you even for just a few sentence. Keep in touch and take care, I might hop on GL just to play with you. Giga: You've been a good friend around, mature and helpful. I appreciate you along the way and I hope you well in the future, whatever you earned in and out of GL, know that you deserved it. Destroyer: You are my teacher when I was a NCO, trained me for sub-divisions and be my company when there is none. It is sad that we are no longer in contact yet still I consider you as my life changer in GL and Nu-7. Thank you for being there when I need you and not being a totally dick. Chineseman: You probably don't like this color but when your name come up to my mind the first related thing I think of is E11 so here's my apologize. You are a real chad with golden pan and the most undying legend I've ever seen. I know that we are not even close but I just think you're cool, keep up the good work and stop making instant noodles for breakfast, it's bad for you. Fruitt/Marcus/Eevee/Locklock: What can I say, you four are goof balls and it's an honor to be by yourside. I left nothing in D5 but I hope you four can continue on loving the branch for me and grind yourself for greater good. Hugs for Eevee and Respect for Lovelock, one of best staff members in the west. RMG/Ardo: We cool, you goofy ball, have a good one on your life either inside or outside GL. You are the best and will continue being one! Ozzie: Australian, the big man. You are the one I respect and appreciate the most, I had a lot of great time becasue of you, especially within the period when Lumberjack union rise. With your creativity on event and hardwork toward gameplay and D5, your dedication for the server makes the rest goes dim upon the moment I know you. I do not know who else that did greater work than you and there's probably one, but I know that it is you who work so hard trying to keep us fresh and have fun on server. You're truly the hero of our time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extra credit to Human, Pikachu, Ven who left the server for good but left a strong memory and taught me something when I'm being an idiot or simply gave me good impression. If you are not mentioned above, I either dislike and think you're not that much important or I just forgot about you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To everyone that include Command members, NCOs and Enlisted of Nu7 and D5: From the past, present and future - I wish you all a good day. Here I represent you the rare moment where Core being a loser and get pissed off because he has skill issue.
    1 point
  3. -Support Dclass have to fight against so much gensec bias man its not fun this will only make it worse
    1 point
  4. Denied Thank you for your interest in the Event Team! Unfortunately, after reviewing, the Event Leadership Team has decided to deny your application. Please do not contact anyone regarding the denial of this application. You may reapply in 2 weeks. - Goat
    0 points
  5. -support this silly goose made a montage to try and get into e4, and got angry when it didn't work. constantly snobby and cocky toward everyone else, bragging about everything ranging from squashing a bug to bringing democracy to china. ridiculous behavior as a major, which got him removed. definitely a no from me
    0 points
  6. Ah yes more petty reports 10 years after they happen. Glad context here doesnt matter as it hasnt anywhere else. My bad, ill just let kids RDM people loading in Im glad it doesnt matter any of the harassments or targeting. Just when people push you to this point. Have a nice night.
    -1 points
  7. -1 points
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